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Showing words for CUCKOO using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Cuckoo
[1] a common European bird, Cuculus canorus, of the family Cuculidae, noted for its characteristic call and its brood parasitism.
[2] any of several other birds of the family Cuculidae.
[3] the call of the cuckoo, or an imitation of it.
[4] Slang . a crazy, silly, or foolish person; simpleton.
[5] to utter the call of the cuckoo or an imitation of it.
[6] to repeat monotonously.
[7] Slang . crazy; silly; foolish.
[8] of, relating to, or like a cuckoo.
[9] any bird of the family Cuculidae, having pointed wings, a long tail, and zygodactyl feet: order Cuculiformes. Many species, including the European cuckoo (Cuculus canorus ), lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and have a two-note call
[10] informal an insane or foolish person
[11] informal insane or foolish
[12] an imitation or representation of the call of a cuckoo
[13] (tr) to repeat over and over
[14] (intr) to make the sound imitated by the word cuckoo
Words related to Cuckoo
fool, nuts, screwball, silly, clock, batty, daffy, insane, wacky
Words nearby Cuckoo
cuchulainn, cucking stool, cuckold, cuckold's knot, cuckoldry, cuckoo, cuckoo bee, cuckoo clock, cuckoo shrike, cuckoo spit, cuckoo wasp
Origin of Cuckoo
1200–50; Middle English cuc(c)u, cuccuk(e ) (imitative); compare Latin cucūlus, French coucou, German Kuckuk, Dutch koekoek, Modern Greek koûko
Word origin for Cuckoo
C13: from Old French cucu, of imitative origin; related to German kuckuck, Latin cucūlus, Greek kokkux
Synonyms for Cuckoo
clock, fool, nuts, screwball, silly, batty, daffy, insane, wacky