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Showing words for CULTIVATE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Cultivate
7 Letter Words for Cultivate
6 Letter Words for Cultivate
5 Letter Words for Cultivate
4 Letter Words for Cultivate
3 Letter Words for Cultivate
Definitions for Cultivate
[1] to prepare and work on (land) in order to raise crops; till.
[2] to use a cultivator on.
[3] to promote or improve the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention.
[4] to produce by culture: to cultivate a strain of bacteria.
[5] to develop or improve by education or training; train; refine: to cultivate a singing voice.
[6] to promote the growth or development of (an art, science, etc.); foster.
[7] to devote oneself to (an art, science, etc.).
[8] to seek to promote or foster (friendship, love, etc.).
[9] to seek the acquaintance or friendship of (a person).
[10] to till and prepare (land or soil) for the growth of crops
[11] to plant, tend, harvest, or improve (plants) by labour and skill
[12] to break up (land or soil) with a cultivator or hoe
[13] to improve or foster (the mind, body, etc) as by study, education, or labour
[14] to give special attention to to cultivate a friendship ; to cultivate a hobby
[15] to give or bring culture to (a person, society, etc); civilize
Words related to Cultivate
plant, manage, raise, prepare, fertilize, breed, tend, propagate, harvest, bolster, nourish, develop, enrich, encourage, refine, cherish, promote, improve, educate, pursue
Words nearby Cultivate
cultigen, cultish, cultism, cultivable, cultivar, cultivate, cultivate one's own garden, cultivated, cultivation, cultivator, cultrate
Origin of Cultivate
1610–20; < Medieval Latin cultīvātus (past participle of cultīvāre to till), equivalent to cultīv(us ) (Latin cult(us ), past participle of colere to care for, till (cf. cult) + -īvus -ive) + -ātus -ate1
Other words from Cultivate
o·ver·cul·ti·vate , verb (used with object), o·ver·cul·ti·vat·ed, o·ver·cul·ti·vat·ing.
pre·cul·ti·vate , verb (used with object), pre·cul·ti·vat·ed, pre·cul·ti·vat·ing.
re·cul·ti·vate , verb (used with object), re·cul·ti·vat·ed, re·cul·ti·vat·ing.
Word origin for Cultivate
C17: from Medieval Latin cultivāre to till, from Old French cultiver, from Medieval Latin cultīvus cultivable, from Latin cultus cultivated, from colere to till, toil over
Synonyms for Cultivate
breed, fertilize, harvest, manage, plant, prepare, propagate, raise, tend, crop, dress, farm, garden, labor, mature, plow, ripen, seed, till, work