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Showing words for CURRENTLY using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Currently
7 Letter Words for Currently
century, clunter, cruelty, current, cutlery, lecturn, turnery
6 Letter Words for Currently
centry, cruent, cruety, culter, curler, curney, curter, curtly, cutely, cutler, encurl, lucent, lucern, recurl, reluct, return, runlet, tenury, turnel, turner, turney, turrel, ulcery
5 Letter Words for Currently
centu, certy, ceryl, cetyl, clyer, cruel, cruet, crunt, culet, cunye, curer, curet, curly, curny, curry, cuter, cutey, enrut, entry, eruct, lucet, lucre, lunet, lurer, lurry, luter, nurly, nurry, recur, recut, rerun, retry, ruely, ruler, runer, runty, rutyl, telyn, terry, truce, truer, truly, tryer, tuner, tuyer, tyler, ulcer, uncle, unlet, urent, yrent
4 Letter Words for Currently
celt, cent, cern, cert, clue, crue, crut, ctrl, cult, cunt, cure, curl, curn, curr, curt, cury, cute, cyte, cyul, ecru, encl, ency, entr, eruc, lect, lent, luce, lucy, lune, lunt, luny, lure, lute, lyne, lyre, lyte, neut, nurl, nurr, nyet, rect, rely, rent, reny, ruen, ruer, rule, ruly, rune, runt, ryen, rynt, tern, terr, trey, true, trun, trye, tule, tune, tuny, turn, turr, tyer, tyne, tyrr, unce, unct, yelt, yern, yule, yurt
3 Letter Words for Currently
cel, cen, cer, clr, cly, crl, crt, cru, cry, cte, ctn, ctr, cue, cul, cun, cur, cut, cyl, ect, ecu, elt, enc, enl, ern, err, ert, etc, ety, eyl, eyn, eyr, ler, let, leu, ley, lnr, ltr, lue, lur, lut, lyc, lye, lyn, net, nul, nur, nut, nye, rct, rec, rel, rle, rly, rte, ruc, rue, run, rut, rye, tec, tel, ten, ter, tlc, tln, tlr, try, tue, tun, tur, tuy, tye, tyr, uey, ule, ult, unc, unl, ure, urn, utc, ute, yen, yer, yet, yue
Definitions for Currently
[1] at the presenttime; now: She is currently working as a lab technician.
Words related to Currently
presently, directly, forthwith, pronto, straightaway
Words nearby Currently
current limiter, current ratio, current yield, current, electric, current-cost accounting, currently, currentness, curricle, curriculum, curriculum vitae, currie
Origin of Currently
First recorded in 1570–80; current + -ly
Words that may be confused with Currently
currently, immediately, momentarily, now, presently, soon, (see, synonym, study, at, immediately), (see, usage, note, at, presently)
Synonyms for Currently
directly, presently, at present, forthwith, pronto, right away, right now, straightaway