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Showing words for CURSORY using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Cursory
6 Letter Words for Cursory
5 Letter Words for Cursory
4 Letter Words for Cursory
3 Letter Words for Cursory
Definitions for Cursory
[1] going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty; superficial: a cursory glance at a newspaper article.
[2] hasty and usually superficial; quick a cursory check
Words related to Cursory
superficial, offhand, random, perfunctory, sketchy, desultory, brief, careless, fast, half-baked, haphazard, hurried, passing, quick, rapid, shallow, short, slapdash, slight, sloppy
Words nearby Cursory
cursed, curses, cursive, cursor, cursorial, cursory, curst, curt, curtail, curtail step, curtain
Origin of Cursory
1595–1605; < Late Latin cursōrius running, equivalent to Latin cur(rere ) to run + -sōrius, for -tōrius -tory1; cf. course
Other words from Cursory
cur·so·ri·ly , adverb
cur·so·ri·ness , noun
Word origin for Cursory
C17: from Late Latin cursōrius of running, from Latin cursus a course, from currere to run
Synonyms for Cursory
desultory, offhand, perfunctory, random, sketchy, superficial, brief, careless, depthless, fast, half-assed, half-baked, haphazard, hit or miss, hurried, passing, quick, rapid, shallow, short, slapdash, slight, sloppy, speedy, summary, swift, uncritical