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Showing words for CUSP using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Cusp
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Definitions for Cusp
[1] a point or pointed end.
[2] Anatomy , Zoology , Botany . a point, projection, or elevation, as on the crown of a tooth.
[3] Also called spinode. Geometry . a point where two branches of a curve meet, end, and are tangent.
[4] Architecture . a decorative device, used especially in Gothic architecture to vary the outlines of intradoses or to form architectural foils, consisting of a pair of curves tangent to the real or imaginary line defining the area decorated and meeting at a point within the area.
[5] Astronomy . a point of a crescent, especially of the moon.
[6] Astrology . the zodiacal degree that marks the beginning of a house or a sign. Informal . a person born on the first day of a sign.
[7] a point that marks the beginning of a change: on the cusp of a new era.
[8] any of the small elevations on the grinding or chewing surface of a tooth
[9] any of the triangular flaps of a heart valve
[10] a point or pointed end
[11] Also called: spinode geometry a point at which two arcs of a curve intersect and at which the two tangents are coincident
[12] architect a carving at the meeting place of two arcs
[13] astronomy either of the points of a crescent moon or of a satellite or inferior planet in a similar phase
[14] astrology any division between houses or signs of the zodiac
Words related to Cusp
end, flap, point, apex, tip, tooth, fold, peak, corner, angle, horn
Words nearby Cusp
cushty, cushy, cusk, cusk-eel, cuso, cusp, cusp height, cuspal, cuspate, cusped, cuspid
Origin of Cusp
First recorded in 1575–85, cusp is from the Latin word cuspis a point
Other words from Cusp
cusp·al , adjective
Word origin for Cusp
C16: from Latin cuspis point, pointed end
Synonyms for Cusp
angle, apex, corner, end, flap, fold, horn, peak, point, tip, tooth