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Showing words for CUSTODY using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Custody
6 Letter Words for Custody
5 Letter Words for Custody
4 Letter Words for Custody
3 Letter Words for Custody
Definitions for Custody
[1] keeping; guardianship; care.
[2] the keeping or charge of officers of the law: The car was held in the custody of the police.
[3] imprisonment; legal restraint: He was taken into custody.
[4] Also called child custody. Law . the right of determining the residence, protection, care, and education of a minor child or children, especially in a divorce or separation. Compare joint custody, sole custody.
[5] the act of keeping safe or guarding, esp the right of guardianship of a minor
[6] the state of being held by the police; arrest (esp in the phrases in custody, take into custody )
Words related to Custody
guardianship, protection, care, arrest, imprisonment, jail, detention, incarceration, keeping, management, observation, watch, preservation, safekeeping, aegis, conservation, ward, salvation, superintendence, auspices
Words nearby Custody
custer's last stand, custodes, custodial, custodian, custodianship, custody, custom, custom house, custom-build, custom-built, custom-made
Origin of Custody
1400–50; late Middle English custodye < Latin custōdia “a watching, watchman,” equivalent to custōd- (stem of custōs ) “keeper” + -ia -y3
Word origin for Custody
C15: from Latin custōdia, from custōs guard, defender
Synonyms for Custody
care, guardianship, protection, aegis, auspices, conservation, custodianship, keeping, management, observation, preservation, safekeeping, salvation, superintendence, trusteeship, ward, watch, tute-lage, wardship