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Showing words for CUSTOMER using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Customer

costumer, customer

7 Letter Words for Customer

cestrum, costume, couters, croutes, mouters, msource, rectums, rosetum, scouter, scrotum, secutor

6 Letter Words for Customer

cerous, cestum, comers, comets, comtes, cormus, corset, cortes, coster, coures, course, courts, couter, cromes, croset, crouse, croute, crouts, cruets, cruset, curets, custom, cutose, eructs, escort, escout, estrum, metros, moeurs, motser, mouser, mouter, mucors, mucose, mucros, muscot, muster, oremus, ouster, outers, recost, rectos, rectum, rectus, recuts, routes, scoter, scrout, scruto, sector, sercom, sertum, source, souter, stoure, strome, stumer, stumor, touser, trouse, truces, tumors, turmes

5 Letter Words for Customer

ceros, certs, cetus, comer, comes, comet, comte, comus, cores, corms, corse, coset, coste, cotes, coure, cours, court, crest, crome, crose, crost, crout, crues, cruet, cruse, crust, cures, curet, curse, cuter, cutes, ecrus, eruct, escot, estoc, estro, euros, mercs, meros, mesto, metro, metus, mores, morse, morts, morus, moste, moter, motes, motus, moues, mouse, moust, mster, mucor, mucro, mures, muser, muset, muter, mutes, omers, orcus, outer, outre, recto, recut, remus, roset, rotes, roues, roums, rouse, roust, route, routs, rumes, rusot, score, scote, scour, scout, scrum, scute, sermo, serum, serut, smore, smote, smout, somet, souce, souct, stero, store, storm, strom, strue, strum, sture, sucre, sumer, sutor, tecum, terms, tomes, torcs, tores, torse, torus, tours, touse, troue, truce, trues, tumor, turco, turme, turms, turse, umest, umset, uster, utero

4 Letter Words for Customer

cero, cert, cest, coes, come, comr, coms, core, corm, cors, cort, cose, cost, cote, cots, coue, cour, cres, crts, crue, crum, crus, crut, cues, cums, cure, curs, curt, cust, cute, cuts, ecru, ecto, ecus, emos, emus, eros, erst, eruc, euro, merc, mero, meso, mest, mets, meus, mocs, moes, moet, more, mors, mort, mose, most, mote, mots, motu, moue, mous, mout, msec, mure, muse, muso, must, mute, muts, omer, orcs, ores, orts, otus, ours, oust, outr, outs, recs, rect, rems, rest, rets, rocs, roes, rome, roms, rose, rost, rotc, rote, rots, roue, roum, rous, rout, rsum, rucs, rues, rume, rums, ruse, rust, ruts, scet, scot, scum, scur, scut, seco, sect, seor, sero, sert, smur, smut, soce, some, sore, sort, soum, sour, sout, stem, ster, stor, stre, stue, stum, suer, suet, sumo, sure, tems, term, tocs, toes, tome, toms, torc, tore, tors, toru, tose, tour, tres, true, tues, tume, tums, turm, ures, user, utes

3 Letter Words for Customer

ceo, cer, com, cor, cos, cot, cro, crs, crt, cru, cst, cte, cto, ctr, cts, cue, cum, cur, cut, ecm, eco, ect, ecu, emo, ems, emu, eom, eos, ers, ert, esc, esm, esr, est, esu, etc, mer, mes, met, meu, moc, moe, mor, mos, mot, mou, mrs, mst, mts, mus, mut, oct, oer, oes, oms, orc, ore, ors, ort, ose, otc, our, ous, out, rct, rec, rem, res, rms, roc, roe, rom, ros, rot, rte, ruc, rue, rum, rut, scr, sct, sec, sem, ser, set, soc, som, sot, sou, stm, str, sue, sum, sur, tec, tem, ter, tes, toc, toe, tom, tor, tos, tou, trm, trs, tue, tum, tur, ume, ums, ure, urs, use, ust, utc, ute, uts

Definitions for Customer

[1] a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron.
[2] Informal . a person one has to deal with: a tough customer; a cool customer.
[3] a person who buys
[4] informal a person with whom one has dealings a cool customer

Words related to Customer

client, consumer, patron, purchaser, prospect, clientele

Words nearby Customer

custom-make, custom-order, custom-tailor, customable, customary, customer, customer relationship management, customer's man, customer-facing, customize, customs

Origin of Customer

1400–50; late Middle English; see custom, -er1; compare Middle English customer collector of customs < Anglo-French; Old French costumier, cognate with Medieval Latin custumārius; see customary

Synonyms for Customer

client, consumer, patron, purchaser, clientele, prospect, habitué, regular shopper