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Showing words for CUSTOMS using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Customs


6 Letter Words for Customs

costus, custom, custos, mousts, muscot, scouts, smouts

5 Letter Words for Customs

comus, costs, cusso, mosts, motus, moust, musos, musts, ousts, scots, scout, scums, scuts, smous, smout, smuts, souct, soums, souts, stums, sumos

4 Letter Words for Customs

coms, coss, cost, cots, cums, cuss, cust, cuts, mocs, moss, most, mots, motu, mous, mout, muso, muss, must, muts, otus, oust, outs, scot, scum, scut, smut, socs, soms, sots, soum, sous, sout, stum, sumo, sums, tocs, toms, toss, tums

3 Letter Words for Customs

com, cos, cot, cst, cto, cts, cum, cut, moc, mos, mot, mou, mss, mst, mts, mus, mut, oct, oms, otc, ous, out, sct, soc, som, sot, sou, ssu, stm, sum, sus, toc, tom, tos, tou, tss, tum, ums, ust, utc, uts

Definitions for Customs

[1] a habitual practice; the usual way of acting in given circumstances.
[2] habits or usages collectively; convention.
[3] a practice so long established that it has the force of law.
[4] such practices collectively.
[5] Sociology . a group pattern of habitual activity usually transmitted from one generation to another.
[6] toll; duty.
[7] customs, (used with a singular or plural verb ) duties imposed by law on imported or, less commonly, exported goods. (used with a singular verb ) the government department that collects these duties. (used with a singular verb ) the section of an airport, station, etc., where baggage is checked for contraband and for goods subject to duty.
[8] regular patronage of a particular shop, restaurant, etc.
[9] the customers or patrons of a business firm, collectively.
[10] the aggregate of customers.
[11] (in medieval Europe) a customary tax, tribute, or service owed by peasants to their lord.
[12] made specially for individual customers: custom shoes.
[13] dealing in things so made, or doing work to order: a custom tailor.
[14] duty on imports or exports
[15] the government department responsible for the collection of these duties
[16] the part of a port, airport, frontier station, etc, where baggage and freight are examined for dutiable goods and contraband
[17] the procedure for examining baggage and freight, paying duty, etc
[18] (as modifier ) customs officer
[19] a usual or habitual practice; typical mode of behaviour
[20] the long-established habits or traditions of a society collectively; convention custom dictates good manners
[21] a practice which by long-established usage has come to have the force of law such practices collectively (esp in the phrase custom and practice )
[22] habitual patronage, esp of a shop or business
[23] the customers of a shop or business collectively
[24] (in feudal Europe) a tribute paid by a vassal to his lord
[25] made to the specifications of an individual customer (often in the combinations custom-built , custom-made )
[26] specializing in goods so made

Words related to Customs


Words nearby Customs

customcustodes, custodial, custodian, custodianship, custody, custom, custom house, custom-build, custom-built, custom-made, custom-make

Origin of Customs

1150–1200; Middle English custume < Anglo-French; Old French costume < Vulgar Latin *co(n)s(uē)tūmin-, replacing Latin consuētūdin- (stem of consuētūdō ), equivalent to consuēt(us ) accustomed, past participle of consuēscere (con- con- + suē- (akin to suus one's own) + -tus past participle suffix) + -ūdin- noun suffix; cf. costume

Word origin for Customs

C12: from Old French costume, from Latin consuētūdō, from consuēscere to grow accustomed to, from suēscere to be used to

Synonyms for Customs

imposts, tariffs, tax