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Showing words for DAP using the English dictionary

3 Letter Words for Dap

adp, dap, pad

Definitions for Dap

[1] to fish by letting the bait fall lightly on the water.
[2] to dip lightly or suddenly into water: The bird dapped for the fish.
[3] to bounce or skip, as on the surface of a body of water: The stone dapped along the surface of the pond.
[4] to cause to dip in and out of water: to dap one's bait.
[5] to cause to skip along the surface of water: to dap stones across the river.
[6] Carpentry . to notch (a timber) to receive part of another timber.
[7] Carpentry . a notch in a timber for receiving part of another timber.
[8] angling to fish with a natural or artificial fly on a floss silk line so that the wind makes the fly bob on and off the surface of the water
[9] (intr) (as of a bird) to dip lightly into water
[10] to bounce or cause to bounce
[11] Southwest English dialect another word for plimsoll
[12] distributed array processor

Words related to Dap

skim, skip

Words nearby Dap

danubian, danvers, danville, danzi, danzig, dap, daphne, daphnephoria, daphnia, daphnis, daphnis and chloe

Origin of Dap

First recorded in 1575–85; probably variant of dab1

Word origin for Dap

C20: probably special use of dap 1 (in the sense: to bounce, skip)

Synonyms for Dap

skim, skip