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Showing words for DARLING using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Darling
6 Letter Words for Darling
5 Letter Words for Darling
4 Letter Words for Darling
3 Letter Words for Darling
Definitions for Darling
[1] a person very dear to another; one dearly loved.
[2] (sometimes initial capital letter ) an affectionate or familiar term of address.
[3] a person or thing in great favor; a favorite: She was the darling of café society.
[4] very dear; dearly loved: my darling child.
[5] favorite; cherished.
[6] Informal . charming; cute; lovable: What a darling baby!
[7] Jay Nor·wood [nawr -woo d] /ˈnɔr wʊd/ , Ding , 1876–1962, U.S. political cartoonist.
[8] a person very much loved: often used as a term of address
[9] a favourite the teacher's darling
[10] beloved
[11] much admired; pleasing a darling hat
[12] Grace. 1815–42, English national heroine, famous for her rescue (1838) of some shipwrecked sailors with her father, a lighthouse keeper
Words related to Darling
baby, lamb, love, sweetie, angel, pet, treasure, sugar, truelove, girlfriend, beloved, lover, dear, flame, friend, boyfriend, dearest, dearie, precious, honeybunch
Words nearby Darling
darksome, darktown, darky, darlan, darlene, darling, darling downs, darling range, darling river, darling's disease, darlington
Origin of Darling
before 900; Middle English derling, Old English dēorling. See dear1, -ling1
Other words from Darling
dar·ling·ly , adverb
dar·ling·ness , noun
Word origin for Darling
Old English dēorling; see dear , -ling 1
Synonyms for Darling
angel, baby, beloved, boyfriend, dear, dearest, dearie, flame, friend, girlfriend, lamb, love, lover, pet, sugar, sweetie, treasure, truelove, apple of one's eye, dear one, fair-haired boy, heart's desire, honeybunch, light of my life, one and only, precious