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Showing words for DAUB using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Daub
3 Letter Words for Daub
Definitions for Daub
[1] to cover or coat with soft, adhesive matter, as plaster or mud: to daub a canvas with paint; to daub stone walls with mud.
[2] to spread (plaster, mud, etc.) on or over something: to daub plaster on a brick wall.
[3] to smear, soil, or defile.
[4] to apply, as paint or colors, unskillfully.
[5] to daub something.
[6] to paint unskillfully.
[7] material, especially of an inferior kind, for daubing walls.
[8] something daubed on.
[9] an act of daubing.
[10] a crude, inartistic painting.
[11] (tr) to smear or spread (paint, mud, etc), esp carelessly
[12] (tr) to cover or coat (with paint, plaster, etc) carelessly
[13] to paint (a picture) clumsily or badly
[14] an unskilful or crude painting
[15] something daubed on, esp as a wall covering See also wattle and daub
[16] a smear (of paint, mud, etc)
[17] the act of daubing
Words related to Daub
deface, smear, spatter, smudge, dab, sully, smirch, speckle, besmear, spot, plaster, grime, cover, varnish, splatter, paint, spread, fleck, dirty, variegate
Words nearby Daub
datum plane, datura, datv, dau, dau., daub, daube, daubery, daubigny, daud, daudet
Origin of Daub
1275–1325; (v.) Middle English dauben < Anglo-French, Old French dauber to whiten, paint < Latin dealbāre, equivalent to de-, prevocalic variant of dē- de- + albāre to whiten, derivative of albus white; (noun) late Middle English, derivative of the v.
Other words from Daub
daub·er , noun
daub·ing·ly , adverb
daub·y , adjective
un·daubed , adjective
Word origin for Daub
C14: from Old French dauber to paint, whitewash, from Latin dealbāre, from albāre to whiten, from albus white
Synonyms for Daub
dab, deface, smear, smudge, spatter, begrime, besmear, blur, cover, dirty, fleck, grime, paint, plaster, smirch, speckle, splatter, spot, spread, stain, sully, variegate, varnish, bespray, slap on