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Showing words for DECANT using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Decant
5 Letter Words for Decant
4 Letter Words for Decant
3 Letter Words for Decant
Definitions for Decant
[1] to pour (wine or other liquid) gently so as not to disturb the sediment.
[2] to pour (a liquid) from one container to another.
[3] to pour (a liquid, such as wine) from one container to another, esp without disturbing any sediment
[4] (tr) to rehouse (people) while their homes are being rebuilt or refurbished
Words related to Decant
Words nearby Decant
decanedioic acid, decani, decanoic acid, decanol, decanormal, decant, decanter, decapacitation, decapitalize, decapitate, decapitation
Origin of Decant
1625–35; < Medieval Latin dēcanthāre, equivalent to Latin dē- de- + Medieval Latin canth(us ) spout, rim of a vessel (Latin: iron band round a wheel < Greek kánthos corner of the eye, tire) + -āre infinitive suffix
Other words from Decant
de·can·ta·tion [dee-kan-tey -shuh n] /ˌdi kænˈteɪ ʃən/ , noun
Word origin for Decant
C17: from Medieval Latin dēcanthāre, from canthus spout, rim; see canthus