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Showing words for DECIPHER using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Decipher
7 Letter Words for Decipher
6 Letter Words for Decipher
5 Letter Words for Decipher
4 Letter Words for Decipher
3 Letter Words for Decipher
Definitions for Decipher
[1] to make out the meaning of (poor or partially obliterated writing, etc.): to decipher a hastily scribbled note.
[2] to discover the meaning of (anything obscure or difficult to trace or understand): to decipher hieroglyphics.
[3] to interpret by the use of a key, as something written in cipher: to decipher a secret message.
[4] Obsolete . to depict; portray.
[5] to determine the meaning of (something obscure or illegible)
[6] to convert from code into plain text; decode
Words related to Decipher
analyze, elucidate, decode, deduce, unravel, solve, translate, interpret, expound, render, disentangle, read, explain, spell, reveal, break, cipher, unfold, crack, construe
Words nearby Decipher
decimate, decimeter, decimetre, decimus, decinormal, decipher, decision, decision procedure, decision support system, decision table, decision theory
Origin of Decipher
1520–30; translation of Middle French déchiffrer. See de-, cipher
Other words from Decipher
de·ci·pher·a·ble , adjective
de·ci·pher·a·bil·i·ty , noun
de·ci·pher·er , noun
de·ci·pher·ment , noun
un·de·ci·pher·a·ble , adjective
un·de·ci·pher·a·bly , adverb
un·de·ci·phered , adjective
Synonyms for Decipher
analyze, break down, decode, deduce, elucidate, interpret, solve, translate, unravel, break, cipher, construe, crack, disentangle, encipher, explain, expound, read, render, reveal, spell, unfold, bring out, dope out, find the key, make clear, make out, puzzle out, unriddle