12 Letter Words for Decipherable
11 Letter Words for Decipherable
10 Letter Words for Decipherable
cipherable, deprecable, pierceable, precedable, predicable
9 Letter Words for Decipherable
bepearled, bridelace, calibered, calipered, cheerlead, childbear, headpiece, heracleid, perceable, perchable, perhalide, pieceable, priceable
8 Letter Words for Decipherable
adelphic, alberich, beachier, bearhide, bedchair, bediaper, beechier, beheader, beleaped, bepierce, bepreach, berdache, bleached, bleacher, breached, breeched, calibred, chairbed, chapeled, cheepier, cheerled, cheliped, ciphered, cleridae, credible, decipher, deeplier, earpiece, ephebeia, heraldic, hireable, leachier, lechered, parceled, parhelic, peachier, pedalier, percidae, perleche, perliche, pierhead, pilchard, pilcherd, placider, pleached, pleacher, preached, predable, rebleach, recabled, repealed, replaced, rideable
7 Letter Words for Decipherable
baldier, baldric, beached, beacher, beachie, beadier, beardie, bechirp, becreep, bederal, bedrail, bedrape, beecher, beehead, beeherd, beheira, belaced, belched, belcher, beleper, beparch, bepearl, bepiece, bepride, bipedal, biplace, birched, bleared, bleeder, bleeped, bleeper, brailed, brephic, bridale, caliber, calipee, caliper, capered, carbide, caribed, cebidae, cedrela, celebre, cepheid, chaired, chaldee, chalder, charlie, charpie, cheaper, cheapie, cheeped, cheeper, cheered, chelide, childer, chirled, chirped, cleared, cleeped, creedal, creeled, creeped, creepie, criblee, debacle, deciare, decibar, decibel, declare, decrial, deliber, delphic, depeach, depeche, deplace, dibrach, earclip, edaphic, eldrich, epacrid, ephebea, ephebic, ephedra, epicede, epicele, erliche, halberd, harelip, headier, healder, heapier, hebraic, hederal, hederic, heelcap, heliced, helipad, heredia, hidable, hirable, hirpled, laceier, leached, leacher, leadier, leeched, leecher, lepered, lipread, parched, peabird, peached, peacher, pearced, pearled, pedaler, pedicab, pedicel, pedicle, pedrail, peladic, peracid, percale, perched, periled, phialed, picarel, piebald, pierced, piercel, pilcher, pleader, preaced, prebade, precede, precide, predial, preheal, preidea, radicel, radicle, railbed, ralphed, raphide, reached, rebaled, reblade, recable, reeched, reechie, relaced, relache, repiece, replace, replead, replica, replied, rheidae, ridable
6 Letter Words for Decipherable
abider, abreed, abreid, acerli, acheer, achier, achree, acider, adelie, adhere, aedile, aeried, airbed, alerce, aliped, aperch, apiece, arched, archei, archie, archil, areche, ariled, bached, bachel, bacile, bailed, bailee, bailer, balche, balder, barche, bardee, bardel, bardic, bardie, barile, beader, beadle, beared, becard, becher, beclad, beclap, beclip, bedare, bedcap, bedlar, bedral, bedrel, bedrip, beeped, beeper, behale, behead, behear, beheld, behelp, belace, belaid, belard, belder, beleap, beleed, belied, belier, bepaid, bepale, bepile, berede, beride, bidree, bildar, bilder, birled, blader, blahed, blared, bleach, braced, brache, braide, breach, brecia, breech, bridal, bridle, cabled, cabler, cabree, cabrie, cadere, cahier, caliph, caprid, cardel, cardie, caribe, caried, carlie, carped, carpel, carpid, ceiled, ceiler, celebe, cephid, cereal, ceride, ceriph, chaber, chadri, chaped, chapel, chared, charie, cheare, chebel, chedar, cheder, chelae, cherie, chider, chidra, chield, childe, chiral, cieled, cipher, claire, cleped, clerid, cliped, cradle, craped, craple, credal, creped, cribla, crible, dealer, debcle, debile, deblai, decarb, decare, decerp, decile, decree, deeper, deepie, dehair, dehire, deicer, delace, delice, delire, delphi, depair, derail, diable, diacle, dialer, diaper, diarch, dielec, dreche, dreich, driech, echard, eclair, edible, eeched, eelier, elaphe, elapid, elchee, elechi, eparch, epeira, ephebe, ephebi, epical, eriach, ericad, erical, habere, habile, hailed, hailer, haired, halebi, halide, halier, halper, hardie, hareld, harled, harped, header, headle, healed, healer, heaped, heaper, hearie, hedera, heeder, heeled, heeler, heiled, heired, helder, heliac, helide, helped, helper, herald, herbal, herbed, herbid, herdic, heried, herile, hieder, hirple, labrid, lacier, laired, leader, leaped, leaper, leared, leched, lecher, leeped, leered, leired, lepric, leprid, libard, libera, librae, lieder, pacier, paiche, paidle, paired, pairle, palier, parcel, pardee, pardie, pareil, parled, peaced, pealed, pealer, pearce, pearch, peched, pedial, pedler, peeled, peeler, peered, peerie, peirce, pelade, perced, percha, perche, percid, perdie, pereia, perlid, phaeic, pheeal, pheere, phiale, piache, piacle, picard, pieced, piecer, piedra, pierce, placed, placer, placid, plaice, pleach, pleaed, pleiad, plicae, preace, preach, prebid, precel, priced, railed, rapide, reable, reaped, rebale, recede, rechal, rechie, rechip, recide, recipe, redcap, redeal, rediae, redial, reeled, rehale, rehead, reheal, reheap, reheel, rehide, reiced, relace, relade, relaid, relead, releap, relide, relied, repace, repaid, repale, repeal, repile, rhedae, ribald, richea, riched
5 Letter Words for Decipherable
abcee, abede, abele, abide, abied, abled, abler, acerb, ached, acher, acier, acred, acrid, adeep, adrip, aeric, aerie, aider, ailed, aired, albee, alcid, alder, aleph, alice, aphid, april, arced, archd, arche, ardeb, arede, areel, ariel, arled, bache, baile, baldr, baled, balei, baler, barde, bared, baric, barid, barie, barih, beach, beard, beare, becap, beche, bedel, bedip, beech, beedi, beele, behap, beice, beild, beira, belah, belap, belar, belch, belee, belie, bicep, bidar, bider, bield, bihar, bilch, biped, birch, birde, birle, blade, blaer, blair, blare, blear, bleed, bleep, blere, blier, brace, brach, braid, brail, bread, brede, bredi, breed, bride, caber, cable, cabre, cadee, cader, cadie, cadre, caird, calid, calpe, caped, capel, caper, caple, capri, cardi, cared, carib, carid, carle, carli, carpe, carpi, cebid, cebil, cedar, ceder, cedre, ceiba, ceile, celeb, ceral, cered, ceria, chair, chape, chard, chare, cheap, cheep, cheer, cheir, chela, chelp, chere, chiba, chide, chiel, child, chirl, chirp, chria, cider, clade, clair, clape, clare, clead, clear, cleep, clepe, clied, clipe, craie, crape, cread, creda, creed, creel, creep, crepe, cried, crile, cripe, daler, daric, deair, deare, debar, debel, decal, decap, decil, deere, deice, delhi, delph, depel, derah, derib, deric, dheri, dicer, diple, dirca, dphil, drail, drape, dreep, drice, eared, echar, echea, eched, eeler, eerie, eider, elaic, elchi, elder, eliad, elide, elpee, erade, erbia, erica, hable, haire, haled, haler, halid, harbi, hared, harle, heald, heard, heare, heder, heild, heled, hepar, herba, hibla, hidel, hider, hield, hiera, hilar, hiper, hired, hiree, iched, ideal, idler, ileac, irade, laced, lacer, lache, lader, laich, laird, larch, laree, larid, leach, leare, leche, leear, leech, leper, lepid, lepra, lepre, lered, liard, liber, libra, libre, lidar, pabir, paced, pacer, padle, padre, padri, paire, palch, paled, paler, parch, parde, pardi, pared, parel, parle, parli, peace, peach, peare, pearl, pedal, pedee, peece, peele, perai, perca, perce, perch, perea, peril, perle, phare, pheal, pheer, phial, pibal, pical, picea, picra, piece, pilar, pilch, pilea, piled, piler, place, plaid, plead, plebe, plica, plied, plier, preed, prela, prial, price, prich, pride, pried, rabic, rabid, raced, rache, rahed, raile, ralph, raped, raphe, rapic, rapid, reach, readl, rebec, rebed, rebel, rebid, recal, recap, recip, redia, redip, reech, reede, rehab, rehid, reice, reich, relap, relic, relie, repad, repel, repic, repla, rheda, rheic, rhila, riced, riche, riled, ripal, riped
4 Letter Words for Decipherable
abed, abel, abid, abir, able, abri, aced, acer, ache, acid, acle, acre, ahed, aide, aiel, aile, aire, albe, alce, alec, alee, alep, aped, aper, arch, ared, arid, aril, arle, bach, bade, baic, bail, bald, bale, bali, balr, bard, bare, bari, barp, bdle, bead, beal, bear, bede, beep, beer, bela, beld, bere, bhel, bice, bida, bide, bier, bile, bird, birl, blad, blae, blah, bldr, blea, bled, blee, blip, brad, brae, bred, bree, brei, brid, brie, cade, cadi, caid, cair, calp, cape, caph, capi, carb, card, care, carl, carp, cede, cedi, ceil, cele, cepa, cepe, cera, cere, chab, chad, chai, chal, chap, char, chee, cher, chia, chil, chip, cide, ciel, cira, cire, cirl, clad, clap, clar, cled, clee, clep, clip, crab, crap, cred, crib, crip, crpe, dace, daer, dahl, dail, dale, dali, darb, dare, dari, deal, dear, debe, decl, deep, deer, deia, deil, dele, deli, depa, depe, depr, dere, dhai, dhal, dial, dice, dich, dieb, diel, dier, dipl, dire, dirl, drab, drap, drch, dree, drib, drie, drip, each, eadi, eale, eard, earl, ebcd, ecad, eche, edea, eech, ehed, eide, eila, eild, eira, eire, elbe, elec, elhi, epee, epha, epic, epil, eral, ered, eria, eric, erie, hade, haec, hail, hair, hale, halp, hard, hare, harl, harp, hdlc, head, heal, heap, hear, hebe, hede, heed, heel, heep, heer, heid, heil, heir, hela, held, hele, heli, help, hera, herb, herd, here, herl, herp, hide, hied, hila, hild, hile, hipe, hire, iare, ibrd, iced, icer, idea, idee, idle, ieee, ilea, ired, irpe, lace, lade, laer, laic, laid, lair, lapb, lard, lare, lari, lead, leap, lear, lech, leda, lede, leed, leep, leer, lehr, leir, lepa, lere, lerp, liar, libr, lice, lich, lied, lier, lipa, lipe, lira, lire, pace, padi, pahi, paid, pail, pair, pale, pali, parc, pard, pare, pari, parl, peai, peal, pear, peba, pech, peda, peed, peel, peer, pela, pele, pere, perh, peri, phar, phil, pial, pica, pice, pich, pied, pier, pila, pile, pirl, plea, pleb, plia, plie, prad, prec, pred, pree, prie, rabi, race, rach, rade, raid, rail, rale, rape, read, real, reap, recd, rede, reed, reel, repl, rhea, rial, ribe, rice, rich, ride, riel, rile, ripa, ripe
3 Letter Words for Decipherable
abc, abd, abl, abp, abr, ace, ach, adc, ade, adh, adp, aer, ahi, aid, ail, air, alb, alc, ald, ale, alp, apc, ape, aph, apl, apr, arb, arc, ard, are, bac, bad, bae, bah, bai, bal, bap, bar, bcd, bch, bde, bdl, bec, bed, bee, bel, ber, bhd, bhp, bid, bld, bpi, bra, brl, cab, cad, cai, cal, cap, car, cdr, cee, cel, cep, cer, cha, che, chi, cia, cid, cie, cir, cli, clr, cpa, cpd, cpi, cpl, cpr, crl, dab, dae, dah, dal, dap, dar, dbl, dca, dcb, dea, deb, dec, dee, dei, del, dep, der, dha, dia, dib, die, dil, dip, dir, dle, dlr, dph, dpi, ead, ear, ecb, ech, edh, edp, eec, eel, eer, eir, ela, elb, eld, eli, epa, epi, era, erd, ere, hab, had, hae, hap, hcb, hcl, hdl, hed, hee, hei, hel, hep, her, hia, hic, hid, hie, hip, hir, hld, iba, ice, ich, ida, ide, idp, ihp, ile, iph, ipl, ipr, ira, ire, lab, lac, lad, lah, lai, lap, lar, lca, lcd, lea, led, lee, lei, lep, ler, lhb, lhd, lib, lid, lie, lip, lir, pac, pad, pah, pal, par, pci, pdl, pea, pec, ped, pee, peh, pel, per, phd, phi, phr, pia, pic, pid, pie, pil, pir, pli, prc, pre, rab, rad, rah, rai, rap, rbi, rcd, rea, reb, rec, red, ree, reh, rei, rel, rep, rha, rhb, rhd, rhe, ria, rib, rid, rie, rip, rld, rle
Definitions for Decipherable
[1] to make out the meaning of (poor or partially obliterated writing, etc.): to decipher a hastily scribbled note.
[2] to discover the meaning of (anything obscure or difficult to trace or understand): to decipher hieroglyphics.
[3] to interpret by the use of a key, as something written in cipher: to decipher a secret message.
[4] Obsolete . to depict; portray.
[5] to determine the meaning of (something obscure or illegible)
[6] to convert from code into plain text; decode
Words related to Decipherable
decipherclear, comprehensible, explicable, interpretable, legible, readable, understandable
Words nearby Decipherable
decipherdecimate, decimeter, decimetre, decimus, decinormal, decipher, decision, decision procedure, decision support system, decision table, decision theory
Origin of Decipherable
1520–30; translation of Middle French déchiffrer. See de-, cipher
Other words from Decipherable
de·ci·pher·a·ble , adjective
de·ci·pher·a·bil·i·ty , noun
de·ci·pher·er , noun
de·ci·pher·ment , noun
un·de·ci·pher·a·ble , adjective
un·de·ci·pher·a·bly , adverb
un·de·ci·phered , adjective
Synonyms for Decipherable
clear, comprehensible, explicable, illustratable, interpretable, legible, readable, understandable