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Showing words for DECOUPAGE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Decoupage
7 Letter Words for Decoupage
6 Letter Words for Decoupage
5 Letter Words for Decoupage
4 Letter Words for Decoupage
3 Letter Words for Decoupage
Definitions for Decoupage
[1] the art or technique of decorating something with cut-outs of paper, linoleum, plastic, or other flat material over which varnish or lacquer is applied.
[2] work produced by the art or technique of decoupage.
[3] to decorate by decoupage: walls decoupaged with photographs of movie stars.
[4] to apply or use as decoupage or by decoupage technique: Let's decoupage these maps onto the tabletops.
[5] the art or process of decorating a surface with shapes or illustrations cut from paper, card, etc
[6] anything produced by this technique
Words nearby Decoupage
decorator, decorous, decorticate, decortication, decorum, decoupage, decouple, decoupling, decoy, decrease, decreasing
Origin of Decoupage
1955–60; < French découpage a cutting out, equivalent to Middle French decoup(er ) to cut out (de- de- + couper to cut; see coupé, coup1) + -age -age
Word origin for Decoupage
C20: from French, from découper to cut out, from de- + couper to cut