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Showing words for DECREASE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Decrease
7 Letter Words for Decrease
6 Letter Words for Decrease
5 Letter Words for Decrease
4 Letter Words for Decrease
3 Letter Words for Decrease
Definitions for Decrease
[1] to diminish or lessen in extent, quantity, strength, power, etc.: During the ten-day march across the desert their supply of water decreased rapidly.
[2] to make less; cause to diminish: to decrease one's work load.
[3] the act or process of decreasing; condition of being decreased; gradual reduction: a decrease in sales; a decrease in intensity.
[4] the amount by which a thing is lessened: The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.
[5] to diminish or cause to diminish in size, number, strength, etc
[6] the act or process of diminishing; reduction
[7] the amount by which something has been diminished
Words related to Decrease
decline, loss, shrinkage, cutback, discount, reduction, downturn, contraction, ebb, wane, dwindle, reduce, soften, curb, weaken, ease, subside, slash, curtail, shrink
Words nearby Decrease
decorum, decoupage, decouple, decoupling, decoy, decrease, decreasing, decreasing term insurance, decree, decree absolute, decree nisi
Origin of Decrease
1350–1400; Middle English decres (noun), decresen (v.) < Old French decreiss-, long stem of decreistre < Latin dēcrēscere (dē- de- + crēscere to grow); see crescent
Other words from Decrease
un·de·creased , adjective
Word origin for Decrease
C14: from Old French descreistre, from Latin dēcrescere to grow less, from de- + crescere to grow
Synonyms for Decrease
contraction, cutback, decline, discount, downturn, loss, reduction, shrinkage, abatement, compression, condensation, constriction, declining, depression, diminution, dwindling, ebb, subsidence, waning, decrescence, falling off, striction