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Showing words for DEDUCIBLE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Deducible
8 Letter Words for Deducible
7 Letter Words for Deducible
6 Letter Words for Deducible
5 Letter Words for Deducible
4 Letter Words for Deducible
3 Letter Words for Deducible
Definitions for Deducible
[1] to derive as a conclusion from something known or assumed; infer: From the evidence the detective deduced that the gardener had done it.
[2] to trace the derivation of; trace the course of: to deduce one's lineage.
[3] (may take a clause as object) to reach (a conclusion about something) by reasoning; conclude (that); infer
[4] archaic to trace the origin, course, or derivation of
Words related to Deducible
deduceconsequent, derivable, dogmatic, following, inferential, provable, traceable, deductive, inferable, reasoned
Words nearby Deducible
deducededicatory, dedifferentiate, dedifferentiation, dedolomitization, dedolomitize, deduce, deduct, deductible, deductible clause, deduction, deduction theorem
Origin of Deducible
e1520–30; < Latin dēdūcere to lead down, derive, equivalent to dē- de- + dūcere to lead, bring
Words that may be confused with Deducible
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, deduceadduce, deduce, induce, deduce, deduct, deducible, deductible
Other words from Deducible
de·duc·i·ble , adjective
de·duc·i·bil·i·ty , de·duc·i·ble·ness , noun
de·duc·i·bly , adverb
non·de·duc·i·ble , adjective
sub·de·duc·i·ble , adjective
un·de·duced , adjective
un·de·duc·i·ble , adjective
Word origin for Deducible
eC15: from Latin dēdūcere to lead away, derive, from de- + dūcere to lead
Synonyms for Deducible
a priori, consequent, deductive, derivable, dogmatic, following, inferable, inferential, provable, reasoned, traceable