10 Letter Words for Deductible
9 Letter Words for Deductible
deducible, deductile
8 Letter Words for Deductible
ductible, educible
7 Letter Words for Deductible
betided, bielded, builded, cubelet, cubited, cuitled, debited, debuted, decibel, diluted, dilutee, ductile, dulcite, edicule, eucleid, leucite, luddite, tebeldi
6 Letter Words for Deductible
bedide, belied, belite, belted, beltie, belute, betide, bietle, bluded, bludie, buddie, buddle, budlet, butled, cedule, ceiled, celite, cieled, cledde, cuddie, cuddle, cuitle, culdee, debcle, debile, debite, debted, deceit, decide, decile, deduce, deduct, deduit, deiced, delice, delict, deltic, deluce, delude, deuced, dicted, diduce, dielec, dieted, dilute, ducted, dueled, dulcet, dulcid, dultie, dutied, edible, edited, educed, elided, elucid, eluded, eluted, euclid, lucite, luetic, luteic, teddie, teledu, tiddle, uletic, utible
5 Letter Words for Deductible
becut, bedel, beedi, beice, beild, belie, belue, beted, betel, betid, bidet, bield, bited, bleed, blite, blude, blued, bluet, bluid, build, built, butic, butle, cebid, cebil, ceded, ceile, celeb, cided, cited, citee, clied, clite, clued, cubed, cubit, cubti, culet, culti, cutie, debel, debit, debud, debut, decil, dedit, deice, deled, delit, deuce, diced, didle, dited, dulce, eddic, edict, edite, educe, educt, elect, elide, elite, elude, elute, etude, eucti, idcue, idled, licet, lieue, lieut, lited, lubed, lucet, lucid, ludic, luted, telic, ticed, ticul, tided, tilde, tiled, tubed, tudel, utile
4 Letter Words for Deductible
bdle, bede, bedu, beet, beld, belt, bete, bice, bide, bile, bite, bled, blee, blet, bleu, blit, blue, bude, bult, bute, cebu, cede, cedi, ceil, cele, celt, cete, ceti, cide, ciel, cite, cled, clee, clit, club, clue, cube, cubi, cued, cuit, cult, cute, debe, debt, decd, decl, deed, deet, deid, deil, dele, deli, delt, detd, deti, deul, dice, dict, dieb, died, diel, diet, dite, duce, duci, duct, dude, dued, duel, duet, duit, dulc, dule, dult, ebcd, edit, educ, eide, eild, elbe, elec, etic, etui, iced, idee, idle, itel, lect, lede, leed, leet, lete, leud, lice, lied, lieu, lite, litu, lube, luce, lude, luit, lute, teed, teel, teil, teld, tele, teli, tice, tide, tied, tile, tube, tule, util
3 Letter Words for Deductible
bcd, bde, bdl, bec, bed, bee, bel, bet, bid, bit, bld, blt, btl, btu, bud, bul, but, cee, cel, cid, cie, cit, cli, cte, cub, cud, cue, cul, cut, dbl, dcb, ddt, deb, dec, ded, dee, dei, del, det, dib, did, die, dil, dit, dle, dtd, dub, duc, dud, due, dui, ecb, ect, ecu, edd, eec, eel, elb, eld, eli, elt, etc, ice, ide, ile, itd, iud, lcd, led, lee, lei, let, leu, lib, lid, lie, lit, ltd, lub, lud, lue, lut, tec, ted, tee, tel, tib, tic, tid, tie, til, tiu, tlc, tub, tue, tui, ubc, ubi, uit, ule, ult, utc, ute, uti
Definitions for Deductible
[1] capable of being deducted.
[2] allowable as a tax deduction: Charitable contributions are deductible expenses.
[3] the amount for which the insured is liable on each loss, injury, etc., before an insurance company will make payment: The deductible on our medical coverage has been raised from $50 to $100 per illness.
[4] capable of being deducted
[5] US and Canadian short for tax-deductible
[6] insurance , US and Canadian a specified contribution towards the cost of a claim, stipulated on certain insurance policies as being payable by the policyholder Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): excess
Words related to Deductible
certain, conclusive, demonstrable, verifiable, testable, undoubtable
Words nearby Deductible
dedifferentiation, dedolomitization, dedolomitize, deduce, deduct, deductible, deductible clause, deduction, deduction theorem, deductive, deduplicate
Origin of Deductible
First recorded in 1855–60; deduct + -ible
Words that may be confused with Deductible
deducible, deductible
Other words from Deductible
de·duct·i·bil·i·ty , noun
non·de·duct·i·bil·i·ty , noun
non·de·duct·i·ble , adjective, noun
un·de·duct·i·ble , adjective
Synonyms for Deductible
certain, conclusive, confirmable, demonstrable, testable, undoubtable, verifiable