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Showing words for DEFEAT using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Defeat
5 Letter Words for Defeat
4 Letter Words for Defeat
3 Letter Words for Defeat
Definitions for Defeat
[1] to overcome in a contest, election, battle, etc.; prevail over; vanquish: They defeated the enemy. She defeated her brother at tennis.
[2] to frustrate; thwart.
[3] to eliminate or deprive of something expected: The early returns defeated his hopes of election.
[4] Law . to annul.
[5] the act of overcoming in a contest: an overwhelming defeat of all opposition.
[6] an instance of defeat; setback: He considered his defeat a personal affront.
[7] an overthrow or overturning; vanquishment: the defeat of a government.
[8] a bringing to naught; frustration: the defeat of all his hopes and dreams.
[9] the act or event of being bested; losing: Defeat is not something she abides easily.
[10] Archaic . undoing; destruction; ruin.
[11] to overcome in a contest or competition; win a victory over
[12] to thwart or frustrate this accident has defeated all his hopes of winning
[13] law to render null and void; annul
[14] the act of defeating or state of being defeated
[15] an instance of defeat
[16] overthrow or destruction
[17] law an annulment
Words related to Defeat
blow, loss, massacre, collapse, embarrassment, drubbing, rout, thrashing, setback, killing, failure, debacle, breakdown, beating, triumph, destruction, downfall, disappointment, reversal, crush
Words nearby Defeat
defaulter, defcon, defeasance, defease, defeasible, defeat, defeatism, defeatist, defeature, defecate, defect
Origin of Defeat
1325–75; Middle English defeten (v.) < Anglo-French, Old French desfait, past participle of desfaire to undo, destroy < Medieval Latin disfacere, equivalent to Latin dis- dis-1 + facere to do
Other words from Defeat
de·feat·er , noun
non·de·feat , noun
pre·de·feat , noun, verb
qua·si-de·feat·ed , adjective
re·de·feat , verb, noun
un·de·feat·ed , adjective
un·de·feat·ed·ly , adverb
un·de·feat·ed·ness , noun
Word origin for Defeat
C14: from Old French desfait, from desfaire to undo, ruin, from des- dis- 1 + faire to do, from Latin facere
Synonyms for Defeat
beating, blow, breakdown, collapse, debacle, destruction, drubbing, embarrassment, failure, killing, loss, massacre, rout, setback, thrashing, triumph, KO, ambush, annihilation, break, check, conquest, count, discomfiture, extermination, fall, lacing, licking, mastery, paddling, rebuff, repulse, reverse, ruin, scalping, shellacking, slaughter, subjugation, trap, trashing, trimming, trouncing, waxing, whaling, whipping, whitewashing, defeasance, downthrow, insuccess, nonsuccess, vanquishment