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Showing words for DEFECTIVE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Defective
7 Letter Words for Defective
6 Letter Words for Defective
5 Letter Words for Defective
4 Letter Words for Defective
3 Letter Words for Defective
Definitions for Defective
[1] having a defect or flaw; faulty; imperfect: a defective machine.
[2] Psychology . characterized by subnormal intelligence or behavior.
[3] Grammar . (of an inflected word or its inflection) lacking one or more of the inflected forms proper to most words of the same class in the language, as English must, which occurs only in the present tense.
[4] a defective person or thing.
[5] having a defect or flaw; imperfect; faulty
[6] (of a person) below the usual standard or level, esp in intelligence
[7] grammar (of a word) lacking the full range of inflections characteristic of its form class, as for example must, which has no past tense
Words related to Defective
damaged, unhealthy, deficient, inadequate, abnormal, unsound, insufficient, faulty, flawed, amiss, impaired, imperfect, incomplete, injured, lacking, poor, sick, unfinished, wanting, blemished
Words nearby Defective
defeature, defecate, defect, defectible, defection, defective, defective bacteriophage, defective virus, defective year, defector, defederalize
Origin of Defective
1375–1425; < Late Latin dēfectīvus, equivalent to dēfectus (see defect) + -īvus -ive; replacing Middle English defectif < Middle French < Late Latin, as above
Other words from Defective
de·fec·tive·ly , adverb
de·fec·tive·ness , noun
non·de·fec·tive , adjective
non·de·fec·tive·ly , adverb
non·de·fec·tive·ness , noun
pre·de·fec·tive , adjective
un·de·fec·tive , adjective
un·de·fec·tive·ly , adverb
un·de·fec·tive·ness , noun
Synonyms for Defective
abnormal, damaged, deficient, faulty, flawed, inadequate, insufficient, unhealthy, unsound, amiss, blemished, impaired, imperfect, incomplete, injured, lacking, on the bum, out of order, poor, seconds, sick, subnormal, unfinished, wanting