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Showing words for DEFUNCT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Defunct
6 Letter Words for Defunct
5 Letter Words for Defunct
4 Letter Words for Defunct
3 Letter Words for Defunct
Definitions for Defunct
[1] no longer in effect or use; not operating or functioning: a defunct law; a defunct organization.
[2] no longer in existence; dead; extinct: a defunct person; a defunct tribe of Indians.
[3] the defunct, the dead person referred to: the survivors of the defunct.
[4] no longer living; dead or extinct
[5] no longer operative or valid
Words related to Defunct
vanished, obsolete, nonexistent, asleep, bygone, cold, dead, deceased, departed, gone, inanimate, inoperative, invalid, kaput, late, lifeless, lost, exanimate, expired
Words nearby Defunct
defrock, defrost, defroster, defs., deft, defunct, defunctive, defund, defuse, defusion, defuze
Origin of Defunct
1540–50; < Latin dēfunctus discharged, dead (past participle of dēfungī ), equivalent to dē- de- + functus performed; see function
Other words from Defunct
de·funct·ness , noun
non·de·funct , adjective
Word origin for Defunct
C16: from Latin dēfungī to discharge (one's obligations), die; see de- , function
Synonyms for Defunct
nonexistent, obsolete, vanished, asleep, bygone, cold, dead, deceased, departed, done for, down the drain, exanimate, expired, gone, had it, inanimate, inoperative, invalid, kaput, late, lifeless, lost, out of commission