11 Letter Words for Deification
deification, edification
10 Letter Words for Deification
9 Letter Words for Deification
dianoetic, edificant, iconified, identific
8 Letter Words for Deification
actinide, actinoid, actioned, catenoid, citified, confated, ctenidia, diacetin, diactine, diatonic, dioecian, enfatico, fidation, ideation, indicate, inodiate, iodinate, naticoid, notified
7 Letter Words for Deification
acetoin, acidite, aconite, actifed, adonite, antoeci, candite, cetonia, codeina, condite, confide, conidia, ctenoid, defacto, defiant, deficit, deontic, diactin, dianite, diction, dinetic, dioecia, edition, faciend, facient, faconde, faction, factoid, fainted, fancied, fatidic, fianced, fiction, fodient, identic, idiotic, incited, indicia, inedita, nicotia, noticed, oceanid, odinite, oficina, otidine, tacnode, tenioid, tineoid
6 Letter Words for Deification
acetin, acnode, acoine, actine, action, adient, aditio, adonic, aeonic, aition, anetic, anodic, antido, atoned, atonic, cadent, caitif, candie, canoed, canted, caoine, cation, ceftin, centai, citied, cnidae, coated, coatie, codeia, coedit, coined, condie, confit, conite, ctenii, dacite, dacoit, daftie, daoine, dation, deacon, decani, decant, decoat, deific, detain, dietic, diotic, dition, ditone, docent, donate, enatic, endict, fadein, fained, fantod, fiance, fiated, ficoid, fidate, finite, foined, fonted, idaein, incide, incite, indice, indico, indict, indite, inface, infect, initio, intice, intoed, iodate, iodine, iodite, ionate, nidate, nidiot, noetic, notice, octane, octine, ointed, oneida, otidia, teioid, ticino, tidife, tienda, tineid
5 Letter Words for Deification
acini, acned, acoin, acone, acted, actin, acton, adcon, adion, aditi, ainoi, anode, anted, antic, atone, cadet, cadie, caned, canid, canoe, canto, ceint, centi, cento, cetin, cited, cnida, coaid, coate, coati, coden, coned, conia, conta, contd, conte, cotan, coted, daine, daint, dance, danic, danio, dante, decaf, decan, decon, defat, denat, deota, detin, diact, diane, dicot, dicta, dinic, diota, dioti, doina, donat, donec, donet, ecoid, ectad, edict, enact, encia, endia, eniac, entad, entia, faced, facet, facie, facit, facto, faden, faine, faint, fanit, fated, fecit, feint, fetid, fiant, ficin, fiend, fient, finca, fined, foeti, fonda, iceni, idant, ident, ideta, idion, idiot, idite, ifint, inact, indef, india, indic, indie, indii, infit, iodic, iodin, ionia, ionic, necia, nicad, nific, niota, nitid, noted, oaten, ocean, octad, octan, often, oidia, oncet, oncia, ontic, taino, tecon, teiid, teind, tenai, tendo, tenia, tenio, ticed, tinca, tinea, tined, todea, tondi, toned, tonic
4 Letter Words for Deification
aced, acid, acne, aden, adet, adit, adon, aide, aine, aint, aion, ance, anet, ante, anti, ated, atef, atoc, cade, cadi, cafe, caid, cain, cand, cane, cant, caon, cate, cedi, cent, ceti, ciao, cide, cine, cion, cite, cito, coat, coda, code, coed, coef, coft, coif, coin, coit, cond, cone, conf, coni, cont, cote, dace, daft, dain, dane, dant, date, dato, deaf, dean, deco, defi, deft, deia, deni, dent, deti, detn, dian, dice, dict, diet, dine, dino, dint, dioc, dita, dite, doat, doen, doit, dona, done, doni, dont, dote, eadi, ecad, ecod, econ, ecto, edit, endo, ento, eoan, etic, etna, eton, face, fact, fade, fado, fain, fait, fand, fane, fano, fant, faon, fate, fdic, feat, fedn, fend, feni, fent, feod, feta, fiat, fica, fice, fico, fict, fide, fido, fied, find, fine, fini, fino, foen, foid, foin, fond, fone, font, icao, iced, icod, icon, idea, ideo, idic, inca, inde, info, inia, init, inta, inti, into, iode, iota, itai, nace, naid, naif, naio, naoi, nato, neaf, neat, neif, neti, nice, nide, nidi, nied, nief, nife, nito, node, nodi, nota, note, octa, odea, odic, odin, oeci, oint, onca, once, otic, tace, taco, tade, taed, taen, tain, tane, tead, tean, teca, tend, tiao, tice, tide, tidi, tied, tien, tinc, tind, tine, toad, toda, tode, toea, toed, tone
3 Letter Words for Deification
ace, act, adc, ade, ado, afd, aft, aid, ain, ait, anc, and, ane, ant, ate, cad, caf, cai, can, cat, cdf, cen, ceo, cfd, cfi, cia, cid, cie, cif, cit, cod, con, cot, cte, ctf, ctn, cto, dae, dan, dao, dat, dca, dea, dec, def, dei, den, det, dft, dia, die, dif, din, dit, dna, doa, doc, doe, don, dot, ead, ean, eat, eco, ect, edo, eft, enc, end, eof, eon, eta, etc, fac, fad, fan, fao, fat, fec, fed, fei, fen, fet, fid, fie, fin, fit, fod, foe, fon, fot, iao, ice, ida, ide, ido, ifc, ife, iii, inc, ind, inf, int, iof, ion, ita, itd, nad, nae, naf, nat, nco, nea, ned, nef, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nit, noa, nod, not, oad, oaf, oat, oca, oct, oda, ode, oft, oie, oii, ona, one, oni, ont, otc, tad, tai, tan, tao, tea, tec, ted, tef, ten, tic, tid, tie, tin, toa, toc, tod, toe, toi, ton
Definitions for Deification
[1] the act of deifying.
[2] the state of being deified.
[3] the result of deifying: Their gods were deifications of their ancient kings.
[4] the act or process of exalting to the position of a god
[5] the state or condition of being deified
Words related to Deification
admiration, veneration, piety, adoration, loyalty, esteem, deference, respect, awe, devotion, ritual, prayer, rite, dignity, confidence, trust, glory, faith, attention, credit
Words nearby Deification
deicide, deictic, deid, deif, deific, deification, deiform, deify, deighton, deign, deil
Origin of Deification
1350–1400; Middle English deificacion < Late Latin deificātiōn- (stem of deificātiō ), equivalent to deificāt(us ) (past participle of deificāre; deific(us ) deific + -ātus -ate1) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Deification
hy·per·de·i·fi·ca·tion , noun
Synonyms for Deification
admiration, adoration, awe, deference, devotion, esteem, loyalty, piety, respect, veneration, apotheosis, approbation, approval, bow, devoutness, fealty, fear, genuflection, homage, honor, love, obeisance, obsequiousness, praise, prostration, religiousness, worship, high esteem