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Showing words for DELICATELY using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Delicately


9 Letter Words for Delicately

acetylide, dicellate, edictally

8 Letter Words for Delicately

acetylid, alleyite, cellated, delicate, diacetyl, elatedly

7 Letter Words for Delicately

adelite, alleyed, cadelle, cedilla, citadel, cleated, dactyli, decatyl, deicate, delicat, deltaic, dialect, dicetyl, eclated, ectally, edacity, edictal, eleatic, electly, eyeliad, ideally, lactide, tallied, teecall, telical, tidally

6 Letter Words for Delicately

aceite, acetyl, acidly, acidyl, adelie, aedile, aleyed, allect, allice, allied, allyic, atelic, ayield, caille, called, callet, callid, cateye, ceiled, celite, cellae, celled, cieled, clayed, dacite, dactyl, decate, deceit, decile, delace, delate, delice, delict, deltal, deltic, detail, diacle, dielec, dietal, dilate, edital, elated, eyalet, eyelid, eyliad, idealy, ideate, idlety, illect, lacily, lactid, lactyl, laetic, laidly, laldie, lately, lealty, lilted, lyceal, lyctid, lydite, tailed, taille, tailye, tecali, telial, tidely, tidley, tilled, tilley, yelled

5 Letter Words for Delicately

acedy, acidy, acted, adlet, ailed, aillt, alcid, aleye, alice, aliet, alite, ality, allee, alley, ately, atlee, aylet, cadee, cadet, cadie, calid, calli, catel, ceile, cella, cetyl, cital, cited, citee, clade, claye, clead, cleat, clied, clite, daily, dalet, dalle, dally, datil, dealt, decal, decay, decil, decyl, deice, deity, delay, delit, della, delta, diact, dicey, dicta, dicty, diety, dilly, dital, eclat, ectad, ectal, edict, edite, elaic, elate, elayl, elect, eliad, elide, elite, ictal, ideal, ideta, idyll, ileac, ileal, italy, laced, lacet, lacey, ladle, laeti, laity, laldy, lated, layed, leady, leyte, licet, lilac, lilty, lited, lycae, lycea, lycee, lycid, lyted, lytic, taily, talcy, taled, talli, tally, teade, teaed, teaey, telia, telic, telly, tical, ticed, tidal, tilde, tiled, tilly, tydie, yclad, ycled, yield

4 Letter Words for Delicately

aced, acid, acle, acyl, adet, adit, aide, aiel, aile, alce, alec, alee, ally, ated, atle, atli, cade, cadi, cady, caid, call, cate, cede, cedi, ceil, cele, cell, celt, cete, ceti, cide, ciel, cill, cite, city, clad, clat, clay, cled, clee, clit, cyte, dace, dail, dale, dali, dalt, date, deal, decl, deet, deia, deil, dele, deli, dell, delt, dely, deti, dial, dice, dict, dicy, diel, diet, dill, dita, dite, dyce, eadi, eale, ecad, edea, edit, eely, eide, eila, eild, elec, elle, elli, etic, eyed, iced, idea, idee, idle, idly, ilea, illy, ital, itel, itll, lace, lacy, lade, lady, laet, laic, laid, lait, late, lati, lead, leal, leat, lect, leda, lede, leed, leet, lete, lice, lied, lila, lile, lilt, lily, lite, lyte, tace, tade, taed, tael, tail, talc, tald, tale, tali, tall, tead, teal, teca, tedy, teed, teel, teil, tela, teld, tele, teli, tell, tice, tide, tidy, tied, tile, till, tyde, tyed, tyee, yade, yald, yale, yali, yate, yati, ycie, yead, yeat, yede, yeed, yeel, yeld, yell, yelt, yeta, yeti, yill, yilt, yite

3 Letter Words for Delicately

ace, act, acy, adc, ade, ady, aid, ail, ait, alc, ald, ale, all, alt, aly, ate, aye, cad, cai, cal, cat, cay, cee, cel, cia, cid, cie, cit, cli, cly, cte, cyl, dae, dal, dat, day, dca, dea, dec, dee, dei, del, det, dey, dia, die, dil, dit, dle, dye, ead, eat, ect, eec, eel, ela, eld, eli, ell, elt, eta, etc, ety, eye, eyl, ice, icy, ida, ide, ile, ill, ita, itd, lac, lad, lai, lat, lay, lca, lcd, ldl, lea, led, lee, lei, let, ley, lid, lie, lit, lld, ltd, lyc, lye, tad, tai, tal, tay, tea, tec, ted, tee, tel, tic, tid, tie, til, tlc, tye, yad, yat, yea, yed, yee, yet, yid

Definitions for Delicately

[1] fine in texture, quality, construction, etc.: a delicate lace collar.
[2] fragile; easily damaged; frail: delicate porcelain; a delicate child.
[3] so fine as to be scarcely perceptible; subtle: a delicate flavor.
[4] soft or faint, as color: a delicate shade of pink.
[5] fine or precise in action or execution; capable of responding to the slightest influence: a delicate instrument.
[6] requiring great care, caution, or tact: a delicate international situation.
[7] distinguishing subtle differences: a delicate eye; a delicate sense of smell.
[8] exquisite or refined in perception or feeling; sensitive.
[9] regardful of what is becoming, proper, etc.: a delicate sense of propriety.
[10] mindful of or sensitive to the feelings of others: a delicate refusal.
[11] dainty or choice, as food: delicate tidbits.
[12] primly fastidious; squeamish: not a movie for the delicate viewer.
[13] Obsolete . sensuous; voluptuous.
[14] Archaic . a choice food; delicacy.
[15] Obsolete . a source of pleasure; luxury.
[16] exquisite, fine, or subtle in quality, character, construction, etc
[17] having a soft or fragile beauty
[18] (of colour, tone, taste, etc) pleasantly subtle, soft, or faint
[19] easily damaged or injured; lacking robustness, esp in health; fragile
[20] precise, skilled, or sensitive in action or operation a delicate mechanism
[21] requiring tact and diplomacy
[22] sensitive in feeling or manner; showing regard for the feelings of others
[23] excessively refined; squeamish
[24] archaic a delicacy; dainty

Words related to Delicately

delicatesoftly, lightly, beautifully, gracefully, cautiously, subtly, exquisitely, deftly, finely, skillfully, elegantly, tactfully, sensitively, precisely, daintily, fastidiously

Words nearby Delicately

delicatedeliberate, deliberation, deliberative, delibes, delicacy, delicate, delicatessen, delicia, delicious, delict, delight

Origin of Delicately

1325–75; Middle English delicat < Latin dēlicātus delightful, dainty; akin to delicious

Other words from Delicately

del·i·cate·ly , adverb
del·i·cate·ness , noun
hy·per·del·i·cate , adjective
hy·per·del·i·cate·ly , adverb
hy·per·del·i·cate·ness , noun
non·del·i·cate , adjective
non·del·i·cate·ly , adverb
non·del·i·cate·ness , noun
qua·si-del·i·cate , adjective
qua·si-del·i·cate·ly , adverb
su·per·del·i·cate , adjective
su·per·del·i·cate·ly , adverb
su·per·del·i·cate·ness , noun

Word origin for Delicately

C14: from Latin dēlicātus affording pleasure, from dēliciae (pl) delight, pleasure; see delicious

Synonyms for Delicately

beautifully, cautiously, deftly, elegantly, exquisitely, finely, gracefully, lightly, sensitively, skillfully, softly, subtly, tactfully, daintily, fastidiously, precisely