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Showing words for DEMANDS using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Demands

demands, maddens

6 Letter Words for Demands

amends, damned, ddname, dedans, demand, demans, desand, desman, dsname, madden, sadden, sanded

5 Letter Words for Demands

admen, amend, amens, anded, andes, dames, damns, danes, deads, deans, deman, denda, desma, mande, mands, maned, manes, manse, mased, meads, means, mends, mensa, mesad, named, names, nemas, samen, saned, sedan, senam, snead

4 Letter Words for Demands

addn, adds, aden, amen, ands, anes, asem, dade, dads, daes, dame, damn, dams, dand, dane, dans, dase, dead, dean, deas, deda, dens, eans, edam, edda, emda, enam, ends, made, mads, maed, maes, mand, mane, mans, mase, mdse, mead, mean, meas, meds, mend, mens, mesa, mnas, name, nams, neds, nema, sade, same, sand, sane, seam, sean, sena, send, sned

3 Letter Words for Demands

add, ade, adm, ads, aes, ame, and, ane, ans, ase, dad, dae, dam, dan, das, dds, dea, ded, dem, den, des, dmd, dna, ead, eam, ean, eas, edd, eds, ems, end, ens, esd, esm, mad, mae, man, mas, mea, med, men, mes, mna, nad, nae, nam, nas, nea, ned, sad, sam, san, sea, sed, sem, sen, sma

Definitions for Demands

[1] to ask for with proper authority; claim as a right: He demanded payment of the debt.
[2] to ask for peremptorily or urgently: He demanded sanctuary. She demanded that we let her in.
[3] to call for or require as just, proper, or necessary: This task demands patience. Justice demands objectivity.
[4] Law . to lay formal legal claim to. to summon, as to court.
[5] to make a demand; inquire; ask.
[6] the act of demanding.
[7] something that is demanded.
[8] an urgent or pressing requirement: demands upon one's time.
[9] Economics . the desire to purchase, coupled with the power to do so. the quantity of goods that buyers will take at a particular price.
[10] a requisition; a legal claim: The demands of the client could not be met.
[11] the state of being wanted or sought for purchase or use: an article in great demand.
[12] Archaic . inquiry; question.
[13] on demand , upon presentation or request for payment: The fee is payable on demand.
[14] to request peremptorily or urgently
[15] to require or need as just, urgent, etc the situation demands attention
[16] to claim as a right; exact his parents demanded obedience of him
[17] law to make a formal legal claim to (property, esp realty)
[18] an urgent or peremptory requirement or request
[19] something that requires special effort or sacrifice a demand on one's time
[20] the act of demanding something or the thing demanded the kidnappers' demand was a million pounds
[21] an insistent question or query
[22] economics willingness and ability to purchase goods and services the amount of a commodity that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a specified price Compare supply 1 (def. 9)
[23] law a formal legal claim, esp to real property
[24] in demand sought after; popular
[25] on demand as soon as requested a draft payable on demand

Words nearby Demands

demanddemagogic, demagogue, demagoguery, demagoguism, demagogy, demand, demand bid, demand bill, demand curve, demand deposit, demand feeding

Origin of Demands

1250–1300; Middle English demaunden < Anglo-French demaunder < Medieval Latin dēmandāre to demand, L to entrust, equivalent to dē- de- + mandāre to commission, order; see mandate

Other words from Demands

de·mand·a·ble , adjective
de·mand·er , noun
coun·ter·de·mand , noun
o·ver·de·mand , verb, noun
pre·de·mand , verb (used with object)
su·per·de·mand , noun
un·de·mand·ed , adjective

Word origin for Demands

C13: from Anglo-French demaunder, from Medieval Latin dēmandāre, from Latin: to commit to, from de- + mandāre to command, entrust; see mandate

Synonyms for Demands

appeal, application, call, claim, insistence, interest, need, order, requirement, sale, trade, use, arrogation, bid, bidding, charge, clamor, command, counterclaim, entreaty, exaction, importunity, imposition, inquiry, interrogation, lien, necessity, occasion, petition, plea, prayer, pursuit, requisition, rush, search, solicitation, stipulation, suit, supplication, ultimatum, vogue, want, call for, entreatment, impetration, imploration