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Showing words for DEMOTHBALL using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Demothball

demothball, mothballed

8 Letter Words for Demothball

balloted, bolthead, hallmote, holdable, moldable, mothball, thallome

7 Letter Words for Demothball

aldehol, aldomet, alloted, balldom, ballote, bellota, bloated, botella, domable, hadbote, hambled, hollaed, loathed, lobated, oblated

6 Letter Words for Demothball

albedo, ambled, athold, balled, ballet, ballot, balmed, bamoth, batell, bathed, bedlam, bedolt, behold, beldam, beloam, bemoat, bemolt, blahed, blamed, boated, boatel, bolled, bolted, boltel, dablet, daleth, deltal, doable, emball, hadbot, hallot, haloed, halted, hamble, hamelt, hamlet, heloma, hotbed, lambed, lamedh, lathed, lethal, loamed, loathe, lobate, malled, mallet, malted, maltol, mellah, metall, method, methol, moated, mobled, mollah, molted, mothed, oathed, oblate, ollamh, tabled, tholed, tolled, tombal, tombed

5 Letter Words for Demothball

abdom, abled, ablet, abmho, abode, abohm, abote, adlet, adobe, ahold, aholt, aldol, alhet, allod, allot, almeh, aloed, amble, amlet, amole, atelo, athel, atole, atoll, bahoe, baled, ballo, bated, batel, bathe, beath, bedot, belah, belam, belat, bello, bemad, bemat, bemol, blade, blame, blate, bleat, bloat, blote, bodle, boehm, bohea, bohme, boled, botel, dalet, dalle, dealt, death, debat, della, delta, demal, demob, demot, deota, dhole, dholl, dobla, doeth, dolma, domal, domba, dotal, ethal, habet, hable, haled, halte, hamed, hamel, haole, hated, hatel, heald, hello, helot, hemad, hemal, hemol, hoaed, holed, holla, holme, homed, hotel, label, ladle, lamed, lamel, lated, lathe, leath, ledol, loath, lobal, lobed, lomed, lomta, lotah, mahoe, maleo, malto, mated, mathe, matlo, meath, medal, melba, metad, metal, metho, metol, mobed, moble, modal, model, mohel, molal, molet, molla, molle, moted, motel, obeah, oblat, odell, omlah, tabel, table, taled, tambo, tamed, thema, theol, thole, todea, toled, tombe

4 Letter Words for Demothball

abed, abel, abet, able, adet, ahed, ahem, albe, aldm, alem, allo, alme, alod, aloe, alto, ambe, ambo, amdt, amel, ated, atle, atmo, atom, bade, baho, baht, bald, bale, ball, balm, bate, bath, bdle, bead, beal, beam, beat, bela, beld, bell, belt, bema, beta, beth, bhat, bhel, blad, blae, blah, blam, blat, blea, bled, bleo, blet, blot, boat, bode, bola, bold, bole, boll, bolt, boma, bota, bote, both, dahl, dale, dalo, dalt, dame, date, dato, deal, debt, dell, delt, demo, dhal, dhol, doab, doat, dobe, dobl, doha, dola, dole, doll, dolt, dome, dote, doth, eath, edam, elod, emda, hade, hale, hall, halm, halo, halt, hame, hate, head, heal, heat, hela, held, hell, helm, helo, heml, hoed, hola, hold, hole, holl, holm, holt, home, hote, htel, html, lade, laet, lalo, lamb, lame, late, lath, lead, leal, leam, leat, leda, leto, load, loam, lobe, lode, loed, loma, lome, lota, lote, mabe, made, mado, maed, male, mall, malo, malt, mate, math, mead, meal, meat, mela, meld, mell, melt, meta, meth, moat, mode, moed, moet, moha, mola, mold, mole, moll, molt, mota, mote, moth, oath, obdt, odah, odal, odea, odel, ohed, olam, olea, olla, tade, taed, tael, tald, tale, tall, tame, tead, teal, team, tela, teld, tell, thae, thea, theb, thed, them, thob, toad, tobe, toda, tode, toea, toed, tola, told, tole, toll, tomb, tome

3 Letter Words for Demothball

abd, abl, abm, abo, abt, ade, adh, adm, ado, aho, alb, ald, ale, all, alo, alt, amb, ame, amt, aob, ate, atm, bad, bae, bah, bal, bam, bat, bde, bdl, bed, bel, bet, bhd, bld, blo, blt, boa, bod, boe, boh, bol, bom, bot, btl, dab, dae, dah, dal, dam, dao, dat, dbl, dea, deb, del, dem, det, dha, dle, doa, dob, doe, dol, dom, dot, ead, eam, eat, edh, edo, ela, elb, eld, ell, elm, elt, emo, eom, eta, eth, hab, had, hae, ham, hao, hat, hdl, hed, hel, hem, heo, het, hld, hmo, hoa, hob, hod, hoe, hol, hom, hot, lab, lad, lah, lam, lao, lat, ldl, lea, led, lem, leo, let, lhb, lhd, llb, lld, llm, loa, lob, lod, loe, lot, ltd, ltm, mab, mad, mae, mal, mao, mat, mba, mbd, mea, med, meh, mel, met, mho, moa, mob, mod, moe, mol, mot, mtd, oad, oam, oat, oba, obe, obl, oda, ode, ohm, ola, old, ole, olm, omb, tab, tad, tal, tam, tao, tea, ted, tel, tem, tha, thb, thd, the, thm, tho, tlo, tmh, toa, tob, tod, toe, tol, tom

Definitions for Demothball

[1] to remove (naval or military equipment) from storage or reserve, usually for active duty; reactivate.

Words nearby Demothball

demoralize, demos, demoscene, demosthenes, demote, demothball, demotic, demount, dempsey, dempster, demucosation

Origin of Demothball

de- + mothball