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Showing words for DENOUNCING using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Denouncing


9 Letter Words for Denouncing

deconning, enouncing

8 Letter Words for Denouncing

encoding, inconnue, innuendo, uncoined, unconned, unending, unginned

7 Letter Words for Denouncing

coigned, condign, conning, cunning, denning, deucing, donning, doucine, dungeon, dunning, ecgonin, educing, enduing, eugonic, inconnu, indogen, nundine, ounding, undigne, undoing, unioned

6 Letter Words for Denouncing

ceding, coding, coigne, coigue, coined, condie, condue, conged, conine, coning, conned, connie, doning, doucin, dungon, ending, ennoic, euodic, genion, geodic, gideon, ginned, guenon, guidon, guinde, gundie, gunned, gunnen, incend, indone, induce, ingenu, ingnue, inguen, inogen, nuncio, nunned, ondine, onding, onning, uncoin, undine, undone, ungone, uniced, unnice

5 Letter Words for Denouncing

coden, cogie, cogue, coign, coing, coned, conge, conin, conne, connu, coude, cuing, cunei, cunni, decon, deign, diego, digne, digue, dinge, dingo, dogie, doing, donec, donne, douce, duing, dunce, dunne, dunno, ecoid, engin, ennui, genic, genin, genio, geoid, gnide, gondi, gonid, gonne, guide, gundi, gunne, idcue, incog, induc, inned, inone, nguni, nidge, ninon, nonce, nonic, nucin, nudge, nudie, nunce, nunni, oenin, oncin, onned, ounce, unden, undig, undog, undon, ungod, unice, uninn, union, unode

4 Letter Words for Denouncing

cedi, cide, cine, cion, code, coed, coin, cond, cone, cong, coni, conn, coud, coue, cued, cund, cuon, deco, degu, deni, dice, dine, ding, dino, dioc, doen, doge, done, dong, doni, douc, duce, duci, dune, dung, ecod, econ, educ, endo, euoi, geic, gein, genu, geod, gied, gien, ginn, gneu, gode, goen, gond, gone, gude, guid, iced, icod, icon, ideo, idun, inde, indn, ingo, inne, iode, nein, neon, nice, nide, nied, nine, niog, node, nodi, none, nong, noun, nude, nunc, nung, odic, odin, oeci, once, udon, unce, unci, unco, unde, undo, unie, unio

3 Letter Words for Denouncing

cdg, cen, ceo, cid, cie, cig, cod, cog, con, cud, cue, cun, dec, deg, dei, den, die, dig, din, doc, doe, dog, don, duc, due, dug, dui, dun, duo, ecg, eco, ecu, edo, ego, enc, end, eng, eon, gcd, ged, gen, geo, gid, gie, gin, gio, gnu, god, goi, gon, gou, gud, gue, gui, gun, ice, ide, ido, ign, inc, ind, ing, inn, ion, iou, iud, nco, ned, neg, nei, neo, nid, nie, nig, nne, nod, nog, non, nun, ode, oie, one, oni, oud, oui, udo, unc, ung, uni, unn

Definitions for Denouncing

[1] to condemn or censure openly or publicly: to denounce a politician as morally corrupt.
[2] to make a formal accusation against, as to the police or in a court.
[3] to give formal notice of the termination or denial of (a treaty, pact, agreement, or the like).
[4] Archaic . to announce or proclaim, especially as something evil or calamitous.
[5] Obsolete . to portend.
[6] to deplore or condemn openly or vehemently
[7] to give information against; accuse
[8] to announce formally the termination of (a treaty, etc)
[9] obsolete to announce (something evil) to portend

Words related to Denouncing

denounceprosecute, criticize, rebuke, brand, excoriate, scold, castigate, boycott, blame, decry, revile, censure, accuse, threaten, vilify, stigmatize, impeach, vituperate, incriminate, rat

Words nearby Denouncing

denouncedenotation, denotative, denote, denotive, denouement, denounce, denpasar, dens, dens in dente, dense, densify

Origin of Denouncing

e1250–1300; Middle English denouncen < Old French denoncier to speak out < Latin dēnuntiāre to threaten (dē- de- + nuntiāre to announce, derivative of nuntius messenger)

Words that may be confused with Denouncing

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, denouncedenounce, renounce

Other words from Denouncing

de·nounce·ment , noun
de·nounc·er , noun
un·de·nounced , adjective

Word origin for Denouncing

eC13: from Old French denoncier to proclaim, from Latin dēnuntiāre to make an official proclamation, threaten, from de- + nuntiāre to announce

Synonyms for Denouncing

accuse, blame, boycott, brand, castigate, censure, criticize, decry, excoriate, prosecute, rebuke, revile, scold, threaten, vilify, adjudicate, arraign, blacklist, charge, damn, declaim, derogate, expose, finger, impeach, implicate, impugn, incriminate, indict, knock, ostracize, proscribe, rap, rat, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove, skin, smear, stigmatize, upbraid, vituperate, charge with, denunciate, dress down, hang something on, inveigh against, show up, take to task