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Showing words for DENUNCIATE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Denunciate

denunciate, enunciated

9 Letter Words for Denunciate

enunciate, uncinated, unenacted, unenticed

8 Letter Words for Denunciate

audience, cadinene, cuneated, decennia, enneadic, enneatic, incanted, incented, incudate, indecent, inductee, inundate, nunciate, tendance, uncinate, undecane, undecent

7 Letter Words for Denunciate

acetine, adenine, adience, ancient, aniente, annicut, audient, auditee, candent, candite, canteen, centena, cundite, cuneate, cunenei, datenue, deicate, detinue, dunnite, educate, enacted, enceint, ennuied, enticed, eucaine, innuate, nanduti, nineted, nuanced, tannide, tenenda, tuedian, tunicae, unacted, uncaned, uncited, uneated, uneaten

6 Letter Words for Denunciate

aceite, acetin, actine, adenin, adient, aedine, ancien, anetic, anicut, annect, annite, auntie, cadent, candie, canine, canned, cannet, cannie, canted, cedent, ceinte, centai, cetane, cinene, cnidae, dacite, datenu, dautie, decane, decani, decant, decate, deceit, decent, decine, decnet, dennet, dentin, detain, detenu, detune, duenna, dunite, edenic, eident, enatic, encina, endent, endict, endite, ennead, entice, entune, eucain, ideate, idence, incant, incede, incend, incent, incute, indane, indene, indent, induce, induct, induna, ineunt, innate, intend, intune, inunct, nautic, neanic, neaten, neednt, nicene, nidate, nuance, nudate, tanned, tannic, tannid, tenace, teniae, tienda, tinean, tinned, tunica, tunned, uncate, unciae, uncite, undate, undean, undine, uniate, uniced, united, unneat, unnice, untied, untine

5 Letter Words for Denunciate

acned, acted, actin, acute, adieu, adunc, ainee, anend, anent, annet, annie, anted, antic, atune, auden, audit, cadee, cadet, cadie, caned, canid, canun, ceint, centi, centu, cetin, cited, citee, citua, cnida, ctene, cunea, cunei, cunit, cunni, cutie, cutin, daine, daint, dance, danic, dante, daunt, decan, deice, denat, denet, detin, deuce, diact, diane, dicta, diene, duant, ducat, dunce, dunne, eaned, eaten, ectad, edict, edite, educe, educt, enact, enate, encia, endia, endue, eneid, enent, eniac, ennia, ennui, entad, entea, entia, etude, eucti, idant, idcue, ident, ideta, inact, inane, incan, incut, indan, induc, inned, innet, intue, nance, nandi, nandu, naunt, necia, needn, nenta, nicad, niece, nintu, ninut, nucin, nudie, nunce, teade, teaed, teend, teind, tenai, tendu, tenia, tenne, tennu, tenue, ticed, tinca, tinea, tined, tuina, tunca, tuned, tunic, tunna, unact, uncia, undee, unden, uniat, unice, unite, unnet, untie, untin, utend, utica

4 Letter Words for Denunciate

aced, acid, acne, actu, aden, adet, adit, aide, aine, aint, ainu, aitu, ance, anet, anne, anni, ante, anti, antu, ated, aune, aunt, aute, cade, cadi, caid, cain, cand, cane, cann, cant, cate, cede, cedi, cene, cent, cete, ceti, cide, cine, cite, cuda, cued, cuit, cund, cunt, cute, dace, dain, dane, dant, danu, date, daun, daut, dean, deen, deet, deia, dene, deni, dent, deti, detn, dian, dice, dict, diet, dine, dint, dita, dite, duan, duce, duci, duct, duet, duit, dune, dunt, eadi, ecad, edea, eden, edit, educ, eide, eine, ende, ened, eten, etic, etna, etua, etui, euda, iced, idea, idee, idun, inca, inde, indn, inne, inta, nace, naid, nain, nane, nant, natu, naut, neat, need, neet, nein, nene, nete, neti, neut, nice, nide, nied, nina, nine, nuda, nude, nunc, tace, tade, taed, taen, tain, tane, taun, tead, tean, teca, teed, teen, tend, tene, tice, tide, tied, tien, tinc, tind, tine, tuan, tuna, tund, tune, unai, unca, unce, unci, unct, unda, unde, unie, unit, unta, utai

3 Letter Words for Denunciate

ace, act, adc, ade, aid, ain, ait, anc, and, ane, ann, ant, anu, ate, aud, cad, cai, can, cat, cee, cen, cia, cid, cie, cit, cte, ctn, cud, cue, cun, cut, dae, dan, dat, dau, dca, dea, dec, dee, dei, den, det, dia, die, din, dit, dna, duc, due, dui, dun, ead, ean, eat, eau, ect, ecu, eec, een, enc, end, ene, eta, etc, ice, ida, ide, inc, ind, inn, int, ita, itd, iud, nad, nae, nat, nea, ned, nee, nei, net, nid, nie, nit, nne, nun, nut, tad, tai, tan, tau, tea, tec, ted, tee, ten, tic, tid, tie, tin, tiu, tua, tue, tui, tun, uca, uit, una, unc, uni, unn, uta, utc, ute, uti

Definitions for Denunciate

[1] to denounce; condemn openly.
[2] (tr) to condemn; denounce

Words related to Denunciate

slam, roast, knock, scold, criticize, attribute, denounce, chide, charge, indict, condemn, sentence, punish, censure, decry, castigate, excoriate, chastise, blame, reprimand

Words nearby Denunciate

denucleated, denudate, denudation, denude, denumerable, denunciate, denunciation, denunciatory, denver, denver boot, deny

Origin of Denunciate

First recorded in 1585–95, denunciate is from the Latin word dēnuntiātus (past participle of dēnuntiāre to declare). See denounce, -ate1

Other words from Denunciate

de·nun·ci·a·ble , adjective
de·nun·ci·a·tor , noun
non·de·nun·ci·at·ing , adjective
un·de·nun·ci·at·ed , adjective

Word origin for Denunciate

C16: from Latin dēnuntiāre; see denounce

Synonyms for Denunciate

slam, abuse, belittle, blame, carp, cavil, censure, condemn, denounce, deprecate, disparage, lambaste, reprehend, reprobate, skin, alive, find fault, run down