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Showing words for DEPICTIVE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Depictive
7 Letter Words for Depictive
6 Letter Words for Depictive
5 Letter Words for Depictive
4 Letter Words for Depictive
3 Letter Words for Depictive
Definitions for Depictive
[1] to represent by or as if by painting; portray; delineate.
[2] to represent or characterize in words; describe.
[3] to represent by or as by drawing, sculpture, painting, etc; delineate; portray
[4] to represent in words; describe
Words related to Depictive
depictdetailed, vivid, eloquent, illuminating, pictorial, expressive, definitive, revealing, rep, classic, model, classical, ideal, archetypal, evocative, exemplary, illustrative, quintessential, symbolic, emblematic
Words nearby Depictive
depictdepersonalization, depersonalize, depew, dephosphorylate, dephosphorylation, depict, depiction, depicture, depigmentation, depilate, depilation
Origin of Depictive
1625–35; < Latin dēpictus (past participle of dēpingere ), equivalent to dē- de- + pic- past participle stem of pingere to paint + -tus past participle suffix
Other words from Depictive
de·pict·er , de·pic·tor , noun
de·pic·tion , noun
de·pic·tive , adjective
un·de·pict·ed , adjective
well-de·pict·ed , adjective
Word origin for Depictive
C17: from Latin dēpingere, from pingere to paint
Synonyms for Depictive
classic, classical, ideal, model, rep, adumbrative, archetypal, delineative, emblematic, evocative, exemplary, illustrative, presentational, prototypal, prototypical, quintessential, symbolic, symbolical