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Showing words for DERIVATIVE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Derivative


9 Letter Words for Derivative

deviative, divertive, vetiveria

8 Letter Words for Derivative

avertive, derivate, evirated, ideative, redivive, taivered

7 Letter Words for Derivative

averted, deviate, dravite, evirate, iridate, revived, riveted, tardive, tavered, teiidae, verdite, vetiver, vivider

6 Letter Words for Derivative

advert, aeried, airted, arditi, atrede, avider, dative, derate, derive, dieter, divert, evader, evited, ideate, raited, reaved, redate, rediae, redive, reedit, reived, retied, revied, revive, revved, rieved, taiver, teared, tedier, tidier, tiered, tirade, trivia, vairee, varied, varved, verdea, verdet, verdit, verite, verted, vervet, vivaed

5 Letter Words for Derivative

aditi, adret, aerie, aider, aired, aiver, arede, arete, arite, avert, dairi, dairt, darii, dater, daver, davit, deair, deare, deave, derat, deriv, derve, detar, deter, diter, diver, divet, divia, drate, drave, drive, eared, eater, eaved, eaver, edite, eider, erade, evade, evert, evite, ideta, idite, irade, irate, ivied, radii, rated, raved, reate, reave, redia, reive, retia, retie, revet, revie, rieve, rived, rivet, tarde, tared, tarie, tarve, taver, teade, teaed, teave, teiid, terai, tired, tirve, tiver, trade, trave, tread, treed, triad, tride, tried, vaire, varve, vedet, verde, verdi, verve, veter, vidar, vired, virid, vitae, vitra, vivat, vivda, viver, vivid

4 Letter Words for Derivative

adet, adit, advt, aide, aire, airt, aivr, ared, aret, arid, arte, ated, aver, avid, avie, daer, dare, dari, dart, date, dave, dear, deer, deet, deev, deia, dere, derv, deti, deva, deve, devi, dier, diet, dire, dirt, dita, dite, diva, dive, divi, drat, dree, drie, eadi, eard, eave, edea, edit, eide, eira, eire, erat, ered, eria, erie, ever, evet, iare, idea, idee, ired, irid, itai, iter, rade, raid, rait, rate, rave, read, rede, reed, reet, reit, retd, rete, reve, ride, rita, rite, riva, rive, tade, taed, tare, tari, tave, tead, tear, teed, teer, tera, tiar, tide, tidi, tied, tier, tire, trad, trav, tree, trid, trie, vade, vair, vare, vari, veda, veer, vera, verd, veri, vert, veta, vide, vied, vier, vita, vite, viva, vive

3 Letter Words for Derivative

ade, adv, aer, aid, air, ait, ard, are, art, ate, ave, dae, dar, dat, dea, dee, dei, der, det, dev, dia, die, dir, dit, div, ead, ear, eat, eer, eir, era, erd, ere, ert, eta, eve, ida, ide, ira, ire, ita, itd, iva, ive, rad, rai, rat, rea, red, ree, rei, rev, ria, rid, rie, rit, riv, rte, rti, tad, tai, tar, tav, tdr, tea, ted, tee, ter, tid, tie, tra, tri, vae, var, vat, vav, vee, vei, ver, vet, via, vid, vie, vii

Definitions for Derivative

[1] derived.
[2] not original; secondary.
[3] something that has been derived.
[4] Also called derived form . Grammar . a form that has undergone derivation from another, as atomic from atom.
[5] Chemistry . a substance or compound obtained from, or regarded as derived from, another substance or compound.
[6] Also called differential quotient; especially British , differential coefficient. Mathematics . the limit of the ratio of the increment of a function to the increment of a variable in it, as the latter tends to 0; the instantaneous change of one quantity with respect to another, as velocity, which is the instantaneous change of distance with respect to time. Compare first derivative, second derivative.
[7] a financial contract whose value derives from the value of underlying stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, etc.
[8] resulting from derivation; derived
[9] based on or making use of other sources; not original or primary
[10] copied from others, esp slavishly; plagiaristic
[11] a term, idea, etc, that is based on or derived from another in the same class
[12] a word derived from another word
[13] chem a compound that is formed from, or can be regarded as formed from, a structurally related compound chloroform is a derivative of methane
[14] maths Also called: differential coefficient , first derivative the change of a function, f(x ), with respect to an infinitesimally small change in the independent variable, x ; the limit of [f(a + Δ x )–f(a )] / Δ x , at x = a , as the increment, Δ x , tends to 0. Symbols: df(x )/d x , f′(x ), Df(x ) the derivative of x n is nx n–1 the rate of change of one quantity with respect to another velocity is the derivative of distance with respect to time
[15] finance a financial instrument, such as a futures contract or option, the price of which is largely determined by the commodity, currency, share price, interest rate, etc, to which it is linked
[16] psychoanal an activity that represents the expression of hidden impulses and desires by channelling them into socially acceptable forms

Words related to Derivative

by-product, subordinate, cognate, secondary, outgrowth, offshoot, spin-off, wave, acquired, ancestral, hereditary, imitative, inferential, secondhand, unoriginal, connate, inferred, copied, caused, evolved

Words nearby Derivative

derisive, derisory, deriv., derivate, derivation, derivative, derive, derived curve, derived form, derived fossil, derived unit

Origin of Derivative

1400–50; late Middle English derivatif < Late Latin dērīvātīvus, equivalent to Latin dērīvāt(us ) (see derivation) + -īvus -ive

Other words from Derivative

de·riv·a·tive·ly , adverb
de·riv·a·tive·ness , noun
non·de·riv·a·tive , adjective, noun
non·de·riv·a·tive·ly , adverb
un·de·riv·a·tive , adjective
un·de·riv·a·tive·ly , adverb

Synonyms for Derivative

cognate, secondary, subordinate, acquired, ancestral, caused, coming from, connate, copied, evolved, hereditary, imitative, inferential, inferred, not original, obtained, plagiaristic, plagiarized, procured, rehashed, secondhand, uninventive, unoriginal