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Showing words for DERMATOPHYTOSIS using the English dictionary

15 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis


13 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

hysteroptosia, pyodermatosis

12 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

amyotrophies, hypodermosis, hypsometrist, metaphorists, mythopoeists, orthopedists, petromastoid, sismotherapy

11 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

dioptometry, dystrophias, dystrophies, epitomatory, hepatostomy, homeostatis, iodotherapy, masterhoods, metaphorist, metroptosia, metroptosis, mythopoeias, mythopoesis, orthoepists, orthopedias, orthopedist, osmotherapy, photoresist, photosystem, phytotomies, postethmoid, postmastoid, priesthoods, prosethmoid, prostomiate, semaphorist, smoothpates, somatophyte, somatotyped, somatotyper, somatotypes, stasimorphy, stromateoid, torpedoists

10 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

aphorismos, aphrodites, apotheosis, aristotype, astrodomes, asymptotes, athyreosis, depositary, depositors, depository, dermatopsy, dermatosis, dermopathy, desmopathy, desmotropy, diastrophe, diastrophy, diorthoses, doomsayers, dyspathies, dysphorias, dystrophia, epitomator, erotopathy, esotropias, estimators, harmosties, hemoptysis, hemosporid, hepatotomy, hesitators, hesitatory, homotypies, hospitator, hydropsies, hydrosomes, hydrostats, hydrostome, hyperosmia, hypodermas, hypodermis, hypostomes, masterhood, mastership, mayorships, meditators, metaphysis, metatrophy, methodists, metropathy, misosopher, misphrased, misstarted, mistrysted, moderatist, mooseyards, motorships, myoparesis, myopathies, myoproteid, mythopeist, mythopoeia, mythopoets, orthoepist, orthopedia, osteopaths, osteopathy, osteophyma, parethmoid, parostotis, pastorised, patriotess, periostoma, petrohyoid, photometry, phototimer, phymatosis, physometra, physostome, posostemad, posthetomy, postmaster, prettyisms, priesthood, proatheism, proatheist, prostatism, rhapsodies, rhapsodism, rhapsodist, rhytidomes, saporosity, shampooers, shipmaster, siderostat, sisterhood, smoothpate, somatotype, soothsayer, spermatids, spermatist, spermatoid, spritehood, statehoods, staterooms, statospore, strathspey, strepitoso, stromateid, strophoids, sympathies, sympathist, sympatries, therapists, therapsids, thermopsis, torpedoist, trematoids

9 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

admissory, admitters, adroitest, amethysts, amorettos, amorosity, aphorisms, aphorists, aphrodite, aportoise, apothesis, apterisms, artistdom, asteroids, astrodome, asymptote, asymtotes, athetoids, athetosis, athyrosis, atrophied, atrophies, atropisms, deathroot, demissory, demotists, demyships, depositor, despotats, despotism, despotist, diaphyses, diaspores, diasystem, diathermy, dioptases, dioptrate, diospyros, disperato, doomsayer, doomsters, doorsteps, dosimetry, dramshops, droopiest, dropshots, dyotheism, dysmetria, dysphemia, dysphoria, dysprosia, dysthesia, dystopias, empyrosis, epistroma, erotopath, esophoria, esotropia, estimator, estradiot, hampsters, headrooms, heatdrops, heatspots, hematoids, hematosis, hemitropy, hemostats, hesitator, histotome, histotomy, hodometry, homeports, homestays, homoptera, homotypes, hoopsters, hospitate, hospodars, hydrastis, hydremias, hydropses, hydrosoma, hydrosome, hydrostat, hypoderma, hypoderms, hypostase, hypostoma, hypostome, hysterias, hysteroid, impostors, iodometry, isomorphs, isophotes, isotherms, marshiest, mateships, mayorship, mediators, mediatory, meditator, mesopodia, metaphors, metatroph, methodist, midrashot, misadrest, misdepart, miserhood, misosophy, misparsed, misparted, misphrase, misshaped, misshaper, missorted, misstated, misstater, misthread, mistreats, moderatos, mooseyard, mootstead, morphiate, morphoses, morphosis, motorists, motorship, mydriases, myriadths, myriapods, myriopods, myristate, mythopoet, operosity, opheodrys, opsimaths, opsimathy, optimates, optometry, orthopedy, orthosite, orthotype, osteopath, ostomates, ostomatid, oysterish, parodists, parotises, parotoids, partyisms, pastosity, pastromis, pathetism, patooties, peristoma, peyotisms, peyotists, photosets, phrasiest, phymatoid, phytomera, podometry, poetastry, poissarde, poortiths, porthoses, portoises, postdates, posteriad, posterish, posterist, posterity, posthaste, postheats, posthorse, posthyoid, postmedia, potashery, potshards, potshares, potsherds, preadmits, predatism, presmooth, prettyish, prettyism, priestdom, prosodies, prosodist, prostades, prostates, prostomia, prothesis, pyodermas, pyodermia, pyramides, pyramises, pyrosomes, pyrostats, redtapism, resmooths, rhapsodes, rhapsodie, rheostats, rhytidome, roomstead, rootsiest, ropesmith, samphires, semihardy, semipasty, semishady, semisopor, semisport, semistory, septotomy, seraphims, seraphism, shampooed, shampooer, shipmates, shipyards, shortsome, shortstop, sidepaths, sideshoot, siphosome, smasheroo, smoothers, smoothest, smoothies, sodomites, soothsaid, sophister, sophistry, spermatid, spheroids, sporadism, sporidesm, sportiest, sportsome, sprayiest, spymaster, stairstep, stampedos, starshoot, statehood, stateroom, stateship, steadyish, steamship, stomatode, stomatose, storeship, storiated, stormiest, stormtide, stradiots, strophoid, symitares, symphrase, systemoid, tapissery, taprooted, tarsipeds, tarsotomy, tasimetry, temporist, tephrosia, tephrosis, teraphims, teratisms, teratosis, tetraiodo, tetrapods, tetrapody, tetrasomy, theorists, therapist, therapsid, theropoda, theropods, thiotepas, thoriated, thyreoids, thyreosis, thyroidea, thyrotome, toadyisms, toadyship, topsiders, tortoises, tosaphist, tramphood, trampoose, trapshoot, trashiest, trematoid, typhoemia, yahooisms

8 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

adiposes, admitter, adopters, airposts, airsheds, airshots, airstops, aistopod, amethyst, amitoses, amoretti, amoretto, amorists, amosites, apehoods, aphetism, aphorism, aphorist, apodoses, apodosis, apothems, apterism, apteroid, arthemis, artistes, artotype, artsiest, asperity, asported, assorted, assotted, asterids, asterism, asteroid, asthores, astroids, astroite, asymtote, atheisms, atheists, athetoid, athyroid, atishoos, atomists, atropism, atrypoid, dampiest, dashiest, dashpots, dayrooms, daytimes, demotist, demyship, deposita, deposito, deposits, despairs, despotat, destroys, dhooties, diaphote, diaspore, diastems, diasters, dimorphs, dioptase, diopters, diosmose, diphaser, dipteras, dipteros, dirempts, disaster, disheart, dishomes, dishorse, disomaty, disparts, dispathy, dispermy, disports, disposer, disrates, disroost, disroots, disstate, distaste, distater, distomes, distorts, distream, distrest, doomiest, doomster, doormats, doorstep, dortiest, dramshop, dreamish, dropshot, dropsies, dystopia, earshots, eastmost, emissary, emissory, emphasis, emptysis, epistasy, epistoma, eriosoma, erotisms, eryopsid, espartos, etatisms, ethmoids, hadromes, haemopis, hairsted, hampster, hamsters, hardiest, hardtops, harmosts, harmosty, harosets, harpists, hastiest, hayrides, headmost, headpost, headroom, heatdrop, heatspot, heirdoms, hematoid, hemipods, hemostat, hepatoid, heroisms, hidroses, hipsters, hoariest, hoarsest, hoisters, homaroid, homeosis, homeport, homestay, homopter, homotype, hoodiest, hoopster, hoosiers, hootiest, hoptoads, horatiye, horsedom, horsiest, horsyism, hospodar, hostries, hotpress, hydrases, hydrates, hydremia, hydropot, hypoderm, hyposmia, hysteria, imparted, impasted, impastes, impastos, imported, imposers, imposted, impostor, impresas, impressa, imprests, ipomoeas, isodrome, isohyets, isometry, isomorph, isopathy, isophote, isoptera, isospore, isospory, isotherm, isotopes, isotrope, isotropy, isotypes, maestoso, maestros, mahoitre, maisters, mardiest, marishes, marshite, mashiest, mastiest, mastoids, matehood, mateship, mathesis, mattoids, mattress, mayoress, maysters, mediator, meharist, meropias, messidor, metaphor, metaphys, methysis, metrists, midstory, midyears, misdates, misdoers, misheard, mishears, misparse, misparts, misrated, misrates, misreads, missayer, misshape, misshood, misstart, misstate, mistaste, mistreat, mistryst, mistyped, mistypes, moderato, modistes, modistry, moidores, moistest, moithers, moodiest, mooriest, mopheads, morosest, morosity, morphias, mortised, mortises, mosshead, motatory, mothiest, motorist, myophore, myoporad, myosotes, myosotis, myotasis, myriadth, myriapod, myriopod, mythiest, mythists, odometry, oestroid, omitters, oompahed, oophytes, oosperms, opsimath, optimate, ordosite, oropesas, orphisms, orthoepy, orthoses, orthosis, osmiates, osophies, ossypite, osteoids, osteomas, ostomate, ostomies, ostraite, ostreoid, otherdom, otherism, otherist, otopathy, parished, parishes, parodies, parodist, parotids, parotoid, partyism, partyist, pastiest, pastimer, pastimes, pastored, pastries, pastromi, pathoses, pathosis, patootie, patriots, peatmoss, pediatry, peridots, periosts, perisoma, perissad, peritomy, petitory, peyotism, peyotist, phaeisms, pharoses, phasmids, phasmoid, phimosed, phimoses, phorates, phoresis, photisms, photoist, photoset, phymatid, physidae, phytomer, phytoses, phytosis, piasters, piratess, pisshead, pitheads, pithoses, pithsome, podestas, podiatry, pomatoes, pomeroys, poortith, porodite, porosity, portases, portiest, portmote, portoise, portside, possodie, postdate, postheat, postriot, postyard, potashed, potashes, potatoes, potatory, potestas, potheads, pothoses, potshard, potshare, potsherd, potshots, preadmit, predooms, pressdom, primates, prohaste, promised, promises, promoted, promotes, prosaism, prosaist, proseity, prosiest, prosomas, prosstoa, prostate, prosties, protases, protasis, proteids, protests, prothmia, protista, protists, pyoderma, pyometra, pyramids, pyramoid, pyrosome, pyrostat, radishes, ramessid, ramosity, raphides, rapidest, raspiest, readmits, readopts, reposits, reshoots, resmooth, restamps, rhapsode, rhapsody, rheostat, rhodesia, rhymists, ridottos, rimshots, riposted, ripostes, risottos, rispetto, risposta, roomiest, roopiest, rootiest, rosehips, rossetti, rothesay, samoyeds, samphire, sampires, sarodist, satyrids, satyrism, seaports, searooms, semihard, semipoor, semipros, semitars, sempstry, sephardi, serosity, serphoid, sesamoid, shadiest, shamoyed, shampoos, shamroot, shapiest, sharpest, sharpies, sharpite, shatters, shattery, sheriats, sheroots, shipmast, shipmate, shiprade, shipyard, shmattes, shmoosed, shooters, shootist, shopmaid, shopmate, shopster, shortest, shortias, shorties, shortite, shotstar, shrimped, sidearms, sidepath, sideroma, sitemaps, smartest, smarties, smartish, smashery, smatters, smattery, smithers, smithery, smooshed, smoothed, smoother, smoothie, smothers, smothery, smytries, soapiest, sodomies, sodomist, sodomite, somatist, somedays, somepart, soothers, soothest, soothsay, sootiest, sopherim, sophoria, soporate, sparoids, sparsity, sparthes, spathose, spatters, spermist, spheroid, spirated, spithame, spitters, sporades, sposhier, spotters, spottier, spratted, spritted, staidest, staithes, stampedo, stampers, stampery, stardoms, starosti, starosty, starship, starshot, starspot, startish, stathmoi, stathmos, stayship, stempost, steroids, stimpart, stimpert, stoiters, stomapod, stomates, stomodea, stompers, stompies, stoopers, stooshie, storiate, stormish, stradiot, straited, stramped, stratose, striated, striates, stroamed, strophes, symitare, symitars, sympodia, syrphids, tapestry, tapidero, tapisser, taprooms, taproots, tapsters, tardiest, tarsiped, tearooms, teashops, teraohms, teraphim, teratism, teratoid, tetrapod, theorism, theorist, thermits, theropod, thiasote, thiotepa, thirsted, thoriate, thorites, threapit, thrimsas, thripses, thristed, throated, thrymsas, thymiest, thyreoid, thyroids, thyrosis, thyrsoid, tipsters, toadship, toadyish, toadyism, toasters, toastier, toasties, todayish, toheroas, tomatoes, tomatoey, toothier, tootsies, topdress, toperdom, topmasts, topsider, topsides, torosity, torsades, tortoise, toshiest, tostados, toyshops, traipsed, traipses, trampess, trampets, trampish, tramposo, triphase, triposes, tripsome, trisomes, trispast, tritomas, tropesis, trophema, trophesy, trophied, trophies, trophism, tropisms, tropists, trypetid, trypiate, tryptase, tsarship, typhemia, typhoids, typhosis, yahooism, yapsters

7 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

adipose, admires, admitty, adopter, adpress, adsmith, airpost, airshed, airshot, airsome, airstop, airthed, amorets, amorist, amorite, amorphi, amorphy, amosite, amphide, amphore, amyroot, aorists, aortism, apedoms, apehood, apeshit, aphesis, aphides, aphrite, aporose, apostem, apothem, apotome, apsides, aptotes, ardoise, aridest, ariosos, arishes, aristos, armhoop, armpits, arsoite, artemis, artiest, artiste, artists, artsies, asherim, ashiest, aspired, aspires, asports, asteism, asterid, asterts, asthore, astride, astroid, astrose, atheism, atheist, athirst, athyrid, atiptoe, atishoo, atomies, atomist, atomity, atopies, atopite, atrepsy, atrophy, atropos, attired, attires, dahomey, daimyos, dampers, dampest, dampier, dampish, damsite, dashers, dashier, dashpot, dayhops, dayroom, daytime, dearths, dehorts, demasts, demists, departs, deports, deposit, derhams, despair, despots, destroy, detorts, detroit, deyship, dhooras, dhootie, dhootis, dhoties, diapers, diapery, diasper, diastem, diaster, diasyrm, diatoms, dietary, dimorph, diomate, diopter, dioptra, dioptry, dipetto, diphase, diptera, diptote, dirempt, dirhams, dirhems, disarms, diseasy, dishmop, dishome, dismast, dismays, dispart, disport, dispose, dispost, disrate, disrest, disroot, disseat, dissert, distoma, distome, distort, dithers, dithery, dittamy, dittays, doaters, doatish, dometts, domiest, doomier, doormat, dopiest, dopster, dorothy, dossety, dossier, dotarie, dotiest, dotters, dottier, drapets, dreamsy, droomes, dyaster, dystome, dystopi, earshot, editors, emparts, empathy, empodia, emptory, ephraim, epimyth, erotism, eryopid, esparto, esprits, estadio, estrado, estrays, etatism, ethiops, ethmoid, hadrome, hairdos, hairsts, hampers, hamster, hardest, hardies, hardset, hardtop, harmoot, harmost, haroset, harpies, harpist, hartite, hastier, hatreds, hatress, hatters, hattery, hayride, haytime, heirdom, hemapod, hematid, hemipod, hemodia, hemopod, heptads, heriots, hermits, heroism, hetairy, hipster, history, hitters, hoasted, hoisted, hoister, homeoid, homerid, homiest, hoodier, hoodies, hoopers, hoosier, hooters, hootier, hoptoad, hopyard, hormist, horstes, hortite, hosiers, hosiery, hospita, hotpots, hotrods, hotters, hottery, hotties, hydrase, hydrate, hydriae, hydrias, hydrome, hydrops, hyoides, hypates, hyporit, imarets, imparts, impasse, impaste, impasto, impedor, imports, imposed, imposer, imposes, imposts, impresa, impress, imprest, iodates, iratest, isodoma, isodose, isohyet, isomers, isomery, isopoda, isopods, isopyre, isoster, isotome, isotope, isotopy, isotype, madship, maestro, mahsirs, maister, maistry, maitres, maoists, mardies, marishy, marotte, marshes, martite, mashers, mashier, mashies, massier, masters, mastery, mastier, mastoid, matiest, matisse, matroid, matross, matster, matters, mattery, matties, mattoid, mattoir, mayster, maythes, maytide, mediary, meharis, meropia, messiah, methods, metrist, mideast, midrash, midyear, misdate, misdoer, misdoes, miseats, mishaps, mishapt, mishear, mispart, misrate, misread, missary, misseat, misshod, missort, misstay, misstep, misstop, misters, mistery, mistype, mithers, mithras, mitoses, mitrate, modesty, modiste, modists, mohairs, moiders, moidore, moisers, moisted, moister, moither, moodier, moodies, moodish, mooress, moorish, mooters, mootest, mophead, mopiest, mopsies, morassy, moreish, morosis, morphea, morphed, morphia, morphos, mortise, mosaist, moshers, mossery, mossier, mostest, mothers, mothery, mothier, motiest, motored, motsers, mottier, mottoed, mottoes, myiases, myopias, myopies, myopses, myosote, myriads, mysidae, mythier, mythist, oariest, odorate, oestrid, omertas, omitted, omitter, oometry, oompahs, oophyte, ooriest, oosiest, oosperm, ophites, opiated, opiates, optimes, ormosia, oroides, oropesa, orphism, orthite, orthose, oryssid, osmates, osmiate, osmosed, ospreys, ostemia, osteoid, osteoma, osteria, ostiary, ostiate, otaries, otiatry, ottroye, oysters, padesoy, pardesi, paresis, parises, parodoi, parodos, parotid, parotis, partied, parties, partite, pashims, passero, pasters, pastier, pasties, pastime, pastors, pastose, patriot, patrist, patsies, patters, patties, peotomy, peridot, periods, periost, permiss, permits, perosis, persist, pertish, peshito, pessary, pessima, petards, petasos, petitor, petrosa, petsais, pettish, phaeism, phasemy, phasers, phasmid, phatter, phooeys, phorate, phoresy, photism, photoed, photoma, phrased, phrasem, phrases, phrasey, physeds, physios, phytase, phytate, phytoid, phytoma, phytome, piaster, pietoso, pirated, pirates, pithead, pittard, pitters, podesta, podetia, podites, poetdom, poetito, poisers, poishas, poister, pomades, pomeria, pomeroy, pomroys, pomster, poorest, poorish, pooters, poother, poriest, porisms, poromas, poroses, porosis, portass, portate, portato, portess, porthos, poshest, posiest, posited, positor, posters, posties, potator, pothead, pothers, pothery, potshot, potsies, pottaro, potters, pottery, pottier, potties, praised, praises, prasoid, praties, pratted, predoom, preomit, presaid, presidy, prestos, priests, primate, primost, prismed, prissed, proetid, proheim, promise, promiss, promoed, promote, prosish, prosist, prosits, prosode, prosody, prosoma, prossie, prostas, prostie, prostoa, protead, proteas, proteid, protest, protide, protist, protoma, protome, psoroid, pteroid, pterois, pteroma, pyemias, pyramid, pyramis, pyrites, pyroses, pyrosis, pythiad, pythias, radomes, ramhood, rampish, raphide, rapists, raptest, rashest, raspish, raspite, rathest, rathite, ratites, ratshit, rattish, readmit, readopt, redhoop, redtops, rehoist, repasts, reposit, reposts, reships, reshoot, respots, resshot, restamp, restiad, retoast, retooth, rhodies, rhodite, rhymist, ridotto, rimayes, rimshot, riposte, risotto, roadeos, roadies, roadite, roasted, roisted, rompish, roomies, roomthy, roosted, rooties, ropiest, rosated, rosehip, rosetty, rosidae, rosiest, rosited, rossite, rotated, rotates, roysted, saidest, sairest, saithes, samiest, samites, samoyed, sampire, samshoo, sapotes, sarodes, sashery, satiety, satires, satoris, satyrid, seamost, seaport, seapost, searoom, sedarim, semidry, semihot, semipro, semitar, seorita, sephira, sepiary, sepiost, seraphs, serapis, serioso, seriphs, serphid, sesotho, sestiad, setarid, settima, settimo, shaders, shadier, shairds, shamers, shamois, shamoys, shampoo, shapers, shapier, sharped, sharpie, shaster, shastri, shatter, shepard, sherias, sheriat, sheroot, sherpas, shimose, shimper, shirted, shitted, shmatte, shmears, shmoose, shoader, shoders, shooter, shorted, shortia, shotted, shotter, shottes, shrimps, shrimpy, shyster, sidearm, simpers, sitemap, sitreps, sittars, sitters, smarted, smartie, smashed, smasher, smatter, smeaths, smiters, smithed, smither, smitted, smitter, smoored, smooted, smoothe, smooths, smother, smotter, smytrie, soapers, soapery, soapier, soapies, soiraes, someday, somites, soothed, soother, soothes, sootied, sootier, sootish, sophies, sophism, sophist, sophora, sopited, sopites, soredia, sorites, sortied, sorties, sortita, sosatie, sospiro, sottery, sottise, sottish, spaders, spadish, spadoes, spaedom, sparest, sparids, sparoid, sparsim, sparthe, sparths, spasmed, spathed, spathes, spatted, spatter, sperity, sphaers, sphears, spiders, spidery, spirate, spireas, spirems, spitted, spitter, spoomed, spoored, sporoid, sported, spotted, spotter, spraith, spratty, sprayed, spreads, spready, spreath, spretty, spriest, sprites, spritty, spyeria, staider, staired, staithe, staiths, stamped, stamper, stardom, starets, starost, started, startsy, stashed, stashie, staters, statism, statohm, stators, stayers, stayres, steroid, stipate, stirpes, stoater, stoited, stoiter, stomate, stomode, stomped, stomper, stompie, stooped, stooper, stoopes, stoorey, stooter, stopers, storied, stories, stormed, straits, stramps, straths, strayed, streams, streamy, striate, strides, striped, stripes, stripey, stroams, stromed, strophe, stroyed, stymied, stymies, symitar, sympode, syphers, syriasm, syrphid, taishes, tamises, tampers, taoists, tapetis, tapiser, tapises, tapists, tapmost, taproom, taproot, tapster, tapstry, tardies, tardity, tarhood, tarsome, tartish, tashmit, tasters, tastier, teadish, teapots, teapoys, tearoom, tearpit, teashop, tempora, tephras, teraohm, tertias, tetrads, thairms, theatry, theisms, theists, theoria, therapy, thermit, thermos, theroid, thiasos, thirams, thirsts, thirsty, thomist, thomite, thorias, thorite, thorpes, threads, thready, threaps, threats, thrimsa, thrists, thristy, throats, throaty, thrymsa, thymate, thymier, thyroid, thyrses, tierods, timetrp, timothy, tiphead, tipmost, tipster, tiptoed, tiptoes, tirades, tirasse, tiredom, tithers, titmose, toadery, toadess, toadier, toadies, toadish, toasted, toaster, toastie, toheroa, tomosis, tooarts, toomest, toories, tooshie, tooters, toothed, toother, tootsed, tootses, tootsie, topiary, topmast, topmost, topside, toroids, torpedo, torpids, torsade, torsoes, tortays, toryism, toshers, toshery, toshier, tossier, tosspot, tostado, tothers, toyotas, toyshop, toysome, tradite, traipse, tramped, trampet, trampot, trapish, trashed, trashes, traship, triodes, trioses, tripods, tripody, tripses, trisome, trisomy, tritaph, tritoma, troades, troated, tromped, trompes, trooped, tropate, tropism, tropist, trothed, trysted, trystes, tsooris, typhoid, typhose, typiest, typists, typtoed, tyromas, tysties, yapster, yashiro, yatters, yttrias

6 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

adempt, adepts, adesmy, adhort, adipsy, admire, admits, adoors, adopts, adores, adroit, adroop, ahmedi, ahorse, aiders, aimers, airest, airted, airths, amides, amises, amoret, amorph, ampery, amphid, amrits, amyris, aorist, apedom, aphids, aphodi, apiose, apisms, apodes, apoise, aptest, aptote, ardish, ardito, areito, aretts, ariose, arioso, arised, arises, ariste, aristo, armets, armied, armies, armpit, aroids, arties, artist, artois, aseity, ashery, ashets, ashier, ashore, ashpit, asides, aspers, aspide, aspire, aspish, asport, assert, asseth, assith, assort, assott, assyth, asters, astert, astite, astoop, astore, athort, atresy, attery, attire, attomy, ayries, daimyo, daises, damier, damper, daoism, dartos, dasher, dashes, dashis, dassie, daters, dattos, dayhop, daypro, deairs, dearth, deaths, deathy, dehair, dehors, dehort, deisms, deists, demast, demiss, demist, demits, depair, depart, depass, deport, depots, depths, derats, derays, derham, dermas, dermis, derths, desist, despot, desray, destry, detort, detray, dhoora, dhooti, dhotie, dhotis, diaper, diatom, dimers, dimpsy, diotas, dipsas, dipsey, dipsos, dipter, dipyre, direst, dirham, dirhem, disarm, disert, disher, dishes, dismay, dismes, disomy, dispar, disray, dister, dither, dittay, dittos, doater, dohter, dohyos, domett, domier, domite, doomer, dopers, dopier, dories, dorism, dormie, dorses, dosehs, dosers, doshes, dosser, dotate, doters, dother, dotier, dotish, dotter, drapes, drapet, drapey, dreams, dreamy, dressy, driest, drimys, droits, dromes, dromoi, dromos, droome, droops, droopt, droopy, dropsy, drossy, dryish, drypis, dsomos, eadios, eadish, earths, earthy, editor, emdash, empair, empart, empiry, empory, emptio, emptor, eoiths, ephods, ephori, ephors, ephyra, epirot, epitra, epoist, eproms, eprosy, esprit, essart, estado, estamp, estats, estops, estray, ethiop, hadrom, hairdo, haired, hairse, hairst, hamite, hamose, hamper, haoris, haptor, hardie, hardim, harems, harims, harmed, harped, hasped, hasted, haster, hastes, haters, hatred, hatted, hatter, hayers, heards, hearst, hearsy, hearts, hearty, heasts, heists, hemoid, hepars, heptad, heriot, hermai, hermit, heroid, hestia, heyrat, hiders, hieros, hirmos, hissed, hisser, histed, hister, hitter, hoards, hoared, hoarse, hoasts, hoised, hoises, hoists, homard, homers, homeys, homier, homrai, hoodie, hooeys, hooped, hooper, hooray, hoords, hootay, hooted, hooter, hopers, hordes, hormes, hormos, horsed, horses, horsey, horste, horsts, hosers, hoseys, hosier, hostas, hosted, hoster, hostie, hostry, hotpot, hotrod, hotted, hotter, hottie, hyades, hydras, hydria, hydroa, hydros, hyoids, hypate, hypers, hypoed, hypoid, hyrate, hyssop, ihrams, imaret, impart, impers, impery, impest, impoor, import, impose, impost, impots, iodate, ipomea, irades, irtysh, ishtar, isomer, isopod, isopor, madres, madrih, mahoes, mahsir, maises, maists, maitre, maoist, maoris, marids, maries, mariet, marish, marist, marses, marshs, marshy, marted, martes, masers, mashed, masher, mashes, mashie, massed, masser, massoy, masted, master, maters, mateys, mather, mathes, matier, maties, matipo, matris, matted, matter, mattes, mattie, mayest, mayors, maythe, meaths, medias, mehari, mehtar, meiths, meriah, merida, merist, merits, merops, meryta, mesiad, mesost, messor, metaph, methid, method, methos, metoos, metria, metros, mettar, midsts, midtap, mioses, mirate, mirdha, mirths, misate, miseat, misers, misery, mishap, mispay, missay, missed, misset, misted, mister, mistry, miters, mither, mithra, moated, moders, modest, modish, modist, mohair, mohria, moider, moiest, moiety, moirae, moires, moiser, moists, moisty, mooder, moodir, mooped, moored, moosey, mooted, mooter, mopeds, mopers, mopery, mopier, mopish, mopsey, morass, morate, morats, morays, morias, morish, morose, morpho, morphs, morses, mortis, moseys, moshed, mosher, moshes, mossed, mosser, mossie, mostra, motets, mothed, mother, motier, motors, motory, motser, mottes, moyite, mprets, myases, myasis, myopes, myopia, myoses, myosis, myotis, myriad, mysids, mysoid, mysost, mystes, mythoi, mythos, oaters, oathed, odessa, odisms, odists, omerta, omrahs, oompah, oomphs, oopses, oosier, ootids, ootype, operas, ophite, ophrys, opiate, optate, opters, optima, optime, orated, orates, oreads, orissa, orites, oroide, orthid, orthos, osiers, osiery, osmate, osmite, osmose, osophy, osperm, ospore, osprey, ostomy, ostrea, ostrya, others, otides, otiose, otosis, ottars, otters, oyster, padres, paired, paires, pardie, pareos, paries, pariet, parish, parity, parode, parodi, parody, parsed, parses, parted, partes, partie, partim, partis, paseos, pashed, pashes, pashim, pashms, pashto, passed, passer, passim, passir, pasted, paster, pastes, pastie, pastis, pastor, pastry, patesi, pathed, pathos, patios, patise, patois, patted, patter, pattes, pattoo, payers, payess, payors, pearst, pedary, pedros, perais, perdit, period, perish, permit, persia, persio, persis, pestis, pestos, petard, petars, petary, petits, petsai, pettah, pettis, phares, pharos, phased, phaser, phases, phasis, phasor, phooey, phoria, phorid, phosis, phossy, photom, photos, phrase, phrasy, phymas, physed, physes, physid, physio, physis, piedra, pierst, pietas, pioted, piotty, pioyes, pirate, piraty, piroot, pished, pishes, pisote, pissed, pisser, pistes, pithed, pithes, pithos, pittas, pitted, pitter, podite, podtia, poesis, poetry, poised, poiser, poises, poisha, pomade, pomard, pomary, pomate, pomato, pomeys, pomroy, pooder, poohed, pooris, poorts, pooted, pooter, porett, porism, porite, poroma, porose, portas, ported, portia, portio, posers, poshed, posher, poshes, posied, posier, posies, posits, possed, posser, posset, possie, postea, posted, poster, postie, potash, potass, potate, potato, potdar, pother, pothos, potsie, pottah, potted, potter, pottos, poysed, poyses, praise, praiss, prases, prated, prates, pratey, pratie, pratts, pratty, prayed, preday, premia, premio, premit, presay, presto, prests, pretty, prides, priest, primas, primed, primes, primos, prisms, prismy, prissy, proems, promit, promos, proode, prosed, proses, prosit, prosos, prossy, protea, protei, protid, prysed, pryses, psetta, psoras, pteria, pteris, ptooey, ptoses, ptosis, pyemia, pyoses, pyosis, pyrite, pyroid, pythia, radios, radish, radome, raised, raises, raited, ramets, ramies, ramist, ramose, ramped, raphes, raphis, rapide, rapido, rapids, rapist, rashed, rashes, rasped, raspis, rathed, ratios, ratite, ratoos, ratted, reasts, reasty, redias, redips, redipt, redoom, redtop, rehood, rehoop, reists, reisty, remaps, remass, remast, remiss, remits, reomit, repaid, repass, repast, repays, repost, repots, resaid, resays, reship, reshod, reshot, resids, resist, resits, resoap, resods, respot, restis, retoss, rhapis, rhedas, rhesis, rhimed, rhimes, rhodes, rhodie, rhymed, rhymes, rhytta, rimate, rimaye, rimose, rioted, ripest, risped, rissom, ritted, riyadh, roadeo, roadie, roamed, roasts, roated, roates, rodeos, rodham, roists, romeos, romish, romped, roomed, roomie, roomth, rooped, roopit, roosas, roosed, rooses, roosts, roosty, rooted, rootsy, ropish, rosets, rosety, roshis, rosied, rosies, rosita, rosits, rosted, rostis, rotate, rotted, rottes, roysts, sadhes, sadism, sadist, saidst, saired, saithe, saiths, samier, samite, samory, sampis, saphie, sapors, sapote, sarode, sarods, sashed, satire, satori, satsop, sattie, satyrs, sayeds, sayers, sayest, sayids, sdeath, seimas, seisor, semita, semois, sepads, sepias, sepoys, sepsid, serais, seraph, seriph, seroot, serosa, sestia, settos, shader, shades, shaird, shamed, shamer, shames, shamir, shamos, shamoy, shaped, shaper, shapes, shapoo, shards, shardy, shared, shares, sharps, shayed, sheard, shears, shedim, sheria, sherpa, shiers, shiest, shires, shirts, shirty, shited, shitty, shmear, shmoes, shoats, shoder, shoers, shooed, shoots, shorea, shored, shores, shorts, shorty, shotes, shotte, shotts, shotty, shrame, shrape, shreds, shride, shrimp, shrite, shtoom, shyers, shyest, shypoo, siders, sidest, sidhas, siesta, sieths, simars, simper, sipers, sirpea, sisham, sisted, sister, sistra, sitars, sithed, sithes, sitrep, sittar, sitter, smarts, smarty, smears, smeary, smeath, smiter, smites, smiths, smithy, smoors, smoosh, smooth, smoots, smored, smores, soaped, soaper, soapie, soared, soares, sodoms, sodomy, soirae, somers, somite, sompay, somrai, soomed, sooped, sooper, soorma, sooted, sooter, sootes, soothe, sooths, sopher, sophia, sophis, sophta, sopite, sopors, sordes, sorema, sorest, sorite, sorose, sorted, sortes, sortie, soshed, sothis, sotted, sotter, sottie, soyate, spader, spades, spados, spaers, spahis, spaits, spared, spares, sparid, sparse, sparth, sparts, spated, spates, spathe, spatio, spayds, spayed, spears, speary, speats, speirs, sperma, sperms, spermy, sperst, sphaer, sphear, sphery, spider, spiers, spirae, spirea, spired, spirem, spires, spited, spites, spodes, spooms, spoors, spoots, spored, spores, sporid, sports, sporty, sposhy, spotty, spraid, sprats, sprays, spread, spreds, spried, sprite, sprits, sproat, sprods, sprose, sproty, spydom, spyism, spyred, spyres, stader, stades, stadie, stairs, stairy, staith, stamps, stapes, staphs, stared, stares, starts, starty, stated, stater, states, statim, stator, stayed, stayer, stayre, steads, steady, steams, steamy, steard, stears, sterad, sterid, stethy, stimed, stimes, stipas, stiped, stipes, stipos, stired, stires, stirps, stithe, stithy, stoats, stoeps, stoits, stomas, stomps, stoope, stoops, stoors, stoory, stooth, stoped, stoper, stopes, storay, stored, stores, storms, stormy, storys, stoter, strade, strads, straes, strait, stramp, straps, strate, strath, strati, strays, stream, streit, streps, striae, stride, strids, stripe, strips, stripy, stroam, strode, stroma, strome, stroot, strops, stroth, stroys, strype, stymed, stymes, stymie, styred, styres, styted, stytes, stythe, symars, sypher, syrahs, syrtes, syrtis, system, sythes, tamers, tamest, tamise, tamped, tamper, tampoe, tampoy, taoism, taoist, tapers, tapery, tapeti, tapets, tapirs, tapism, tapist, tarish, tarots, tarpot, tarted, tasers, tashed, tashes, tashie, tasser, tasset, tassie, tassoo, tasted, taster, tastes, taters, tathed, taties, tatoos, teaish, teaism, teapot, teapoy, tempos, tempra, tempts, tepary, tephra, tepoys, terais, teraph, terass, tertia, tertio, testao, testar, testas, testis, testor, tetard, tethys, tetrad, tetrao, tetras, thairm, thames, thapes, tharms, theirs, theism, theist, themas, themis, theody, theory, therap, thermo, therms, thesis, thetas, thetis, thiram, thirds, thirst, thirty, thomas, thooid, thoria, thorpe, thorps, thraep, thraso, thrast, thread, threat, threip, thrids, thrimp, thrips, thrist, throat, throed, throes, thrope, thyiad, thymes, thyrse, thyrsi, tierod, timers, tiptoe, tirade, tiroes, titers, tithed, tither, tithes, tmesis, toader, toasts, toasty, todays, todies, toised, toises, toited, tomato, tomish, tooart, toomed, toomer, toorie, toosie, tooted, tooter, tooths, toothy, tootsy, topass, topato, topers, tophes, tophet, tormae, toroid, torose, toroth, torpid, torses, torsos, tortes, tortie, tortis, toshed, tosher, toshes, tossed, tosser, tostao, totems, totemy, toters, totery, tother, totora, toydom, toyers, toyish, toyota, trades, traist, traits, tramps, trampy, traped, trapes, trashy, treads, treats, treaty, tremas, trepid, tresis, tressy, trests, tretis, triads, triode, triops, triose, tripes, tripey, tripod, tripos, tripot, trisha, triste, trites, troade, troads, troats, trodes, trompe, tromps, troops, troped, tropes, trophi, trophy, tropia, troths, trpset, tryste, trysts, tsades, tsadis, tsores, tsoris, tsotsi, typhia, typier, typist, typtos, tyroid, tyroma, tystie, tythed, tythes, yahoos, yairds, yaoort, yardie, yarest, yartos, yatter, yeards, yearth, yeasts, yessir, yirths, yomped, yttria

5 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

adeps, adept, adios, adits, admit, adopt, adore, adret, adrip, adrop, aesir, ahems, ahoys, aider, aides, aidos, aiery, aimed, aimer, aired, airth, airts, amess, amide, amido, amids, amies, amire, amish, amiss, amity, amort, amped, amper, amphi, amrit, apers, apert, apery, aphid, aphis, apios, apish, apism, apode, apods, aport, apres, apses, apsid, apsis, apted, apter, arest, arets, arett, aries, ariot, arise, arish, arist, arite, arith, armed, armet, armit, aroid, aroph, arose, arsed, arsis, artsd, artsy, ashed, asher, ashes, ashet, ashir, ashot, aside, asper, aspis, assed, asset, assot, aster, astir, astor, astre, atimy, atmid, atmos, atoms, atomy, atopy, atrip, atter, attid, attry, ayres, ayrie, dahms, dairt, dairy, daisy, dames, damie, damps, dampy, dares, daris, daroo, darst, darts, dashi, dasht, dashy, dassy, dater, dates, datos, datto, deair, dears, deary, deash, death, deism, deist, deity, demit, demos, demot, dempt, deota, depas, depit, depoh, depot, depth, derah, derat, deray, derma, derms, derth, desma, dessa, desto, detar, detat, dheri, dhoti, dhoty, diary, diets, diety, dimer, dimes, dimps, diose, diota, dipso, dipsy, dirts, dirty, disas, dishy, disme, distr, disty, ditas, diter, dites, ditsy, ditto, ditts, ditty, doats, doaty, doers, doest, doeth, dohyo, doits, domer, domes, dompt, dooms, doomy, doors, dopas, doper, dopes, dopey, doray, dorey, doria, doris, dorms, dormy, dorps, dorsa, dorse, dorsi, dorts, dorty, doseh, doser, doses, dosis, dossy, doter, dotes, dotty, doyst, drame, drams, drape, draps, drate, drats, drays, dream, dress, drest, dreys, drias, dries, drips, dript, droit, drome, droop, drops, dropt, dross, dryas, dryth, dsomo, dtset, dyers, eards, earsh, earst, earth, easts, edith, edits, eidos, emirs, emits, emory, empty, emyds, eoith, ephas, ephod, ephoi, ephor, epist, epris, eprom, epsom, erato, ermit, essay, estop, estro, ethid, ethos, etiam, etyma, eyass, eyots, eyras, hades, hadit, hadst, haems, haire, hairs, hairy, hamed, hames, haori, hards, hardy, hared, harem, hares, harim, harms, haros, harps, harpy, harst, harts, hasid, hasps, haste, hasty, hated, hater, hates, hatte, hatti, hatty, hayed, hayer, hayes, hayti, heads, heady, heaps, heapy, heard, hears, heart, heast, heats, heids, heirs, heist, hemad, hemps, hempy, hepar, herds, herma, hermi, herms, herod, hesps, hests, hiate, hider, hides, hiems, hiera, hiper, hired, hires, hirse, hirst, hissy, hists, hiyas, hoaed, hoard, hoars, hoary, hoast, hoder, hoers, hoise, hoist, homed, homer, homes, homey, homos, hoods, hoody, hooey, hoops, hoord, hoose, hoots, hooty, hooye, hoped, hoper, hopes, hopis, horas, horde, horme, horse, horst, hosea, hosed, hoser, hoses, hosey, hosta, hosts, hotei, hoyas, hoyed, hydra, hydro, hyoid, hyped, hyper, hypes, hypos, hyrse, hyrst, idaho, ideas, idems, idest, ideta, idose, ihram, impar, imped, imper, impot, imshy, iotas, irade, irate, ireos, ishes, isort, isthm, items, itemy, iters, ither, madre, mahdi, mahoe, maids, maidy, maire, mairs, maise, maist, maori, mardi, mardy, mares, marid, marie, maris, maros, marse, marsh, marts, marys, mased, maser, mases, mashi, mashy, masse, massy, masts, masty, mated, mater, mates, matey, mathe, matie, matis, matte, matti, mayed, mayor, mayos, mayst, meads, meath, meats, meaty, media, medio, meith, meris, merit, merop, meros, mesad, mesas, meshy, messy, mesto, metad, metas, metho, meths, metis, metoo, metra, metro, midas, midst, mired, mires, mirth, misdo, miser, mises, misos, missa, missy, mists, misty, miter, mites, mitra, mitts, mitty, moats, moder, modes, mohar, mohos, mohrs, moier, moira, moire, moise, moist, moits, moity, moods, moody, mooed, moops, moore, moors, moory, moosa, moose, moost, mooth, moots, moped, moper, mopes, mopey, mopsy, morae, moras, morat, moray, mores, moria, morph, morse, morta, morth, morts, mosed, moses, mosey, mosso, mossy, moste, mosts, moted, moter, motes, motet, motey, moths, mothy, motor, motte, motto, motts, motty, moyas, mpret, mster, mtier, myoid, myope, myops, mysid, mysis, mythi, myths, oared, oases, oasis, oasts, oater, oaths, odahs, odism, odist, odors, odsos, ohare, ohias, omers, omits, omrah, oohed, oomph, ooped, oorie, ooses, ootid, opahs, opera, ophir, opted, opter, orate, ordos, oread, oriya, orpit, ortet, ortho, oshea, oside, osier, ossea, osset, ossia, ostia, otary, otate, other, ottar, otter, ottos, oyers, padis, padre, padri, pahmi, pahos, paire, pairs, pairt, paise, pamhy, parde, pardi, pardo, pards, pardy, pared, pareo, pares, paris, parse, parsi, parte, parti, parto, parts, party, paseo, pases, pashm, pasis, pasmo, passe, passo, paste, pasto, pasts, pasty, pated, pates, paths, pathy, patio, patsy, patte, patty, payed, payer, payor, paysd, pears, peart, peasy, peats, peaty, pedro, perai, perdy, peris, perit, perms, perst, perth, perts, perty, pesah, pesos, pesto, pests, pesty, petar, petas, petit, petos, petri, petro, petti, petto, petty, phaet, phare, pharm, pharo, phase, phasm, phies, phose, phoss, photo, phots, phyma, physa, piers, piert, piest, pieta, piets, piety, pimas, pioye, pioys, pirot, pisay, pismo, pisos, piste, pitas, piths, pithy, pitta, podos, poems, poesy, poets, poire, poise, pomes, pomey, pomos, poods, pooed, poohs, poori, poort, poots, pooty, pored, pores, poret, poria, poros, porta, porte, porto, ports, porty, posed, poser, poses, posey, posho, posit, posse, possy, posts, poted, poter, potes, potos, potsy, potti, potto, potts, potty, poyse, prado, prads, prahm, prams, praos, prase, prate, prats, pratt, praty, prays, premy, presa, press, preta, preys, priam, pride, pridy, pried, pries, prima, prime, primo, prims, primy, prism, priss, proas, prods, proem, promo, proms, proos, prose, proso, pross, prost, prosy, prote, proto, pryse, psoae, psoai, psoas, psora, ptyas, pyats, pyets, pyoid, pyots, pyres, pyros, radio, rahed, raids, raise, raits, ramed, ramet, ramie, ramis, ramps, raped, rapes, raphe, rapid, rasps, raspy, rasse, rasty, rated, rates, rathe, raths, ratio, ratoo, ratos, ratti, ratty, rayed, reads, ready, reais, reams, reamy, reaps, reast, reasy, redia, redip, redos, rehid, reist, remap, remit, remop, repad, repas, repay, repos, repot, resat, resay, resid, resit, resod, rests, resty, retia, retip, rheas, rheda, rhema, rhies, rhime, rhody, rhyme, rhyta, rides, riems, rimae, rimas, rimed, rimes, riots, riped, ripes, rises, risps, rissa, rites, rithe, ritts, roads, roady, roams, roast, roate, rodeo, rodes, roist, romas, romeo, romps, rompy, roods, rooms, roomy, roops, roopy, roosa, roose, roost, rooti, roots, rooty, roped, ropes, rosed, roses, roset, roshi, rosit, rosti, rosts, rotas, roted, rotes, rotis, rotos, rotta, rotte, royet, royst, ryots, sades, sadhe, sadis, sahme, saids, saims, saimy, sairs, sairy, saist, saith, sames, samey, sampi, samps, sapid, sapir, sapit, sapor, sards, sared, sarip, saris, sarod, saros, sarpo, sated, satem, sates, satis, satyr, sayed, sayer, sayid, sayst, seams, seamy, sears, seary, seats, seirs, seism, seity, semih, semis, seora, sepad, sepia, sepoy, septa, septs, serai, serio, sermo, serta, sesma, sesti, setts, shade, shado, shads, shady, shame, shams, shape, shaps, shapy, shard, share, sharp, shays, shear, sheas, sheat, sheds, shema, shets, shide, shied, shier, shies, shims, ships, shipt, shire, shirs, shirt, shist, shita, shits, shoad, shoat, shode, shoes, shood, shooi, shoop, shoor, shoos, shoot, shope, shops, shore, short, shote, shots, shott, shoya, shram, shrap, shred, shrip, shris, shyer, sidas, sider, sides, sidha, sidhe, sidth, siest, sieth, simar, simas, simps, siped, siper, sipes, sired, sires, sirop, siros, sitao, sitar, sited, sites, sithe, sitta, smart, smash, smear, smeth, smirs, smite, smith, smits, smoor, smoot, smore, smote, smyth, soapi, soaps, soapy, soare, soars, soary, sodas, sodio, sodom, somas, somet, sooey, sooms, soops, soord, soote, sooth, soots, sooty, sophi, sophs, sophy, sopor, sopra, soras, sorda, sordo, sords, sored, sores, sorta, sorts, sorty, sosie, sotho, soths, sotie, spade, spado, spaed, spaer, spaes, spahi, spaid, spair, spait, spams, spard, spare, sparm, spars, spart, spary, spasm, spate, spath, spats, spayd, spays, spear, speat, speir, speos, sperm, spets, spide, spied, spier, spies, spira, spire, spiro, spiry, spise, spite, spits, spode, spods, spoom, spoor, spoot, spore, sport, sposh, spots, sprad, sprat, spray, spred, spret, sprit, sprod, sprot, spyer, ssort, sstor, stade, staid, staio, stair, stamp, staph, staps, stare, stars, start, stary, stash, state, stats, stays, stead, steam, stear, steds, steid, stema, stems, steps, stept, steri, stero, stert, stets, stied, sties, stime, stipa, stipe, stipo, stire, stirp, stirs, stite, stith, stoae, stoai, stoas, stoat, stoep, stoit, stoma, stomp, stood, stoop, stoot, stopa, stope, stops, stopt, store, storm, story, stosh, stots, strad, strae, stram, strap, stray, strep, strey, stria, strid, strip, strit, strom, strop, stroy, styme, styre, styte, symar, syped, sypes, syphs, syrah, syria, syrma, sysop, sythe, tahrs, taipo, taise, taish, taits, tamed, tamer, tames, tamis, tamps, taped, taper, tapes, tapet, tapir, tapis, tapit, tarde, tardo, tardy, tared, tares, tarie, taros, tarot, tarps, tarse, tarsi, tarte, tarts, tarty, taser, tasse, taste, tasty, tater, tates, taths, tatie, tatoo, tayer, tayir, teads, teams, tears, teart, teary, teasy, teats, teaty, tehrs, tempo, temps, tempt, tepas, tepid, tepor, tepoy, terai, terap, teras, terma, terms, terts, testa, tests, testy, teths, tetra, tetri, thaim, tharm, thars, thatd, thats, theat, theia, their, thema, theor, theos, therm, theta, theyd, third, thirt, thoom, thore, thoro, thorp, thort, those, thrae, thram, thrap, thrid, thrip, throe, thyme, thyms, tiars, tides, tiers, timar, timed, timer, times, timet, timor, timps, tipsy, tired, tires, tirma, tisar, titar, titer, tithe, toads, toady, toast, today, todea, toeas, toher, tohos, toise, toist, toits, toity, tomes, tomia, tooms, toosh, tooth, toots, topas, toped, toper, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topia, topoi, topos, topsy, tored, tores, toret, torma, toros, torot, torse, torso, torta, torte, torts, tosas, tosed, toses, toshy, tossy, toted, totem, toter, totes, toyed, toyer, toyos, trade, trads, trady, trait, trame, tramp, trams, trape, traps, trapt, trash, trass, trasy, trats, trays, tread, treas, treat, tress, trest, treys, triad, trias, tride, tried, tries, trims, trios, tripe, trips, tript, tripy, trist, trite, troad, troat, trode, trods, trois, tromp, troop, troot, trope, troth, trots, troys, tryma, tryms, trypa, tryps, tryst, tsade, tsadi, tydie, tyers, tymps, typed, typer, types, typha, typos, typto, tyros, tyste, tythe, yadim, yahoo, yaird, yamph, yards, yarth, yarto, yates, yeads, yeahs, yeard, years, yeast, yeats, yerds, yerth, yesso, yests, yetis, yetts, yipes, yirds, yirth, yites, ympes, yodhs, yomer, yomps, yoops, yores, ypres, yrapt, ysame, ytost, ytter

4 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

adet, adit, admi, ador, ados, adps, adry, aero, ahed, ahem, ahey, ahoy, aide, aids, aims, aire, airs, airt, airy, aith, aits, amdt, amid, amie, amis, amit, amor, amos, amoy, amps, aped, aper, apes, apio, apis, apod, apse, apts, ards, ared, ares, aret, arid, aris, arms, army, arte, arts, arty, asem, ashy, asio, asop, asor, asps, aspy, asse, assi, asst, astr, ated, ates, atip, atis, atmo, atom, atop, atry, atte, atty, ayes, ayme, ayre, daer, daes, dahs, dais, dame, damp, dams, daps, dare, dari, dart, dase, dash, dasi, dast, date, dato, days, dear, deas, deia, deis, demi, demo, demy, depa, depr, dept, derm, dero, desi, dess, deti, deys, dhai, diam, dias, diem, dier, dies, diet, dime, dims, dips, dipt, dire, dirt, disa, dish, disp, dist, dita, dite, dits, ditt, doat, doer, does, doha, doit, dome, doms, domy, doom, door, doos, dopa, dope, dops, dora, dore, dorm, dorp, dors, dort, dory, dosa, dose, dosh, doss, dost, dote, doth, dots, doty, dram, drap, drat, dray, drey, drie, drip, droh, drop, drys, dsos, dsri, dyas, dyer, dyes, eadi, eard, ears, east, easy, eath, eats, edam, edhs, edit, eira, eiry, emda, emir, emit, emos, empt, emyd, emys, epha, epit, epos, eras, erat, eria, eris, eros, ersh, erst, erth, esop, espy, ests, etas, etat, eths, etym, eyah, eyas, eyot, eyra, hade, hads, haes, hair, hait, hame, hami, hams, haps, hard, hare, harm, haro, harp, hart, hasp, hast, hate, hats, hatt, haye, hays, head, heap, hear, heat, heid, heir, hemp, hems, heps, hept, hera, herd, herm, hero, herp, hers, hert, hery, hesp, hest, hets, heys, hide, hidy, hied, hies, himp, hims, hipe, hips, hipt, hire, hiro, hiss, hist, hits, hiya, hoar, hoas, hodr, hods, hoed, hoer, hoes, hoey, hoit, home, homo, hood, hoom, hoop, hoos, hoot, hope, hopi, hops, hora, hore, hors, hort, hory, hose, hosp, hoss, host, hote, hoti, hots, hoya, hoys, http, hyde, hyed, hyes, hype, hypo, hyps, hypt, hyte, iare, idea, idem, ideo, ides, imps, impy, iode, iodo, iota, ipse, ipso, ired, ires, irpe, ised, isms, ismy, isos, isth, itas, item, iter, itmo, itsy, iyar, made, mado, mads, maed, maes, maid, mair, maoi, mapo, maps, mard, mare, mari, maro, mars, mart, mary, mase, mash, mass, mast, mate, math, mats, maty, mayo, mays, mdse, mead, mear, meas, meat, meds, meio, merd, meri, mero, mesa, mesh, meso, mess, mest, meta, meth, mets, mhos, miae, mias, mide, mids, mips, mird, mire, miro, mirs, miry, miso, miss, mist, misy, mite, mitt, mity, moas, moat, mode, modi, modo, mods, mody, moed, moes, moet, moha, moho, mohr, moid, moio, moir, moit, mood, mooi, moop, moor, moos, moot, mope, moph, mops, mora, mord, more, moro, mors, mort, mose, mosh, moss, most, mota, mote, moth, mots, mott, moya, moyo, moys, myrt, myst, myth, oars, oary, oast, oath, oats, oaty, odah, odas, odea, oder, odes, odor, odso, ohed, ohia, ohio, ohms, ohos, ohoy, oime, omao, omer, omit, oohs, ooid, ooms, oops, oord, oory, oose, oosy, oots, opah, opai, oped, opes, opsy, opts, orad, orae, oras, ordo, ords, ored, oreo, ores, orth, orts, osar, oses, osha, ossa, osse, otis, otoe, otto, oyer, oyes, padi, pads, pahi, paho, pahs, paid, pair, pais, pams, pard, pare, pari, pars, part, pase, pash, pasi, paso, pass, past, patd, pate, path, pato, pats, patt, paty, paye, pays, payt, peai, pear, peas, peat, peda, peds, peho, pehs, perh, peri, perm, pers, pert, pesa, peso, pess, pest, peta, peto, pets, phar, phat, phis, phit, phoo, phos, phot, phys, pias, pied, pier, pies, piet, pima, pioy, pirs, pisa, pise, pish, piso, piss, pist, pita, pith, pits, pity, poas, pods, poem, poet, poha, pohs, pois, pome, pomo, poms, pooa, pood, pooh, poor, poos, poot, pore, port, pory, pose, posh, poss, post, posy, pote, poti, pots, pott, prad, pram, prao, prat, pray, pred, prem, pres, pret, prey, prie, prim, prio, proa, prod, prom, proo, pros, prys, psha, psia, psid, psis, psst, psts, ptah, ptsd, ptts, pyas, pyat, pyes, pyet, pyot, pyre, pyro, rade, rads, rahs, raid, rais, rait, rame, rami, ramp, rams, rape, raps, rapt, rash, rasp, rast, rate, rath, rato, rats, rays, read, ream, reap, redo, reds, rehs, reim, reit, rems, repo, reps, rept, resp, rest, retd, rets, rhea, rheo, rhet, rhos, rias, ride, rids, riem, ries, rima, rime, rims, rimy, riot, ripa, ripe, rips, ript, rise, risp, rist, rita, rite, rits, ritt, road, roam, rode, rods, roed, roes, roey, roid, roit, roma, rome, romp, roms, rood, room, roop, roos, root, rope, ropy, rosa, rose, ross, rost, rosy, rota, rote, roti, roto, rots, royt, ryas, ryes, ryme, ryot, rype, sade, sadh, sadi, sado, sadr, said, saim, saip, sair, sais, same, samh, sami, samp, sapo, saps, sard, sare, sari, sars, sart, sash, satd, sate, sati, says, seah, seam, sear, seas, seat, seir, seis, seit, semi, seor, sepd, seps, sept, sero, sers, sert, seta, seth, sets, sett, seys, shad, sham, shap, shay, shea, shed, shem, sher, shes, shet, shia, shim, ship, shir, shit, shmo, shod, shoe, shoo, shop, shor, shot, shpt, shri, siam, sida, side, sidh, sids, sidy, sier, sima, sime, simp, sims, sipe, sips, sire, sirs, sise, sish, sist, sita, site, sith, sits, smir, soam, soap, soar, soda, sods, sody, soho, soir, soma, some, soms, soom, soop, soot, sope, soph, sops, sora, sord, sore, sori, sort, sory, sosh, soso, soth, sots, soys, spad, spae, spam, spar, spas, spat, spay, sped, spet, spie, spit, spod, spor, spot, spry, sris, ssed, stad, stam, stap, star, stat, stay, sted, stem, step, ster, stet, stey, stid, stie, stim, stir, stoa, stod, stop, stor, stot, stra, stre, syed, syes, sype, syph, syre, syrt, syst, tade, tads, taed, tahr, tais, tait, tame, tamp, tams, taos, tape, taps, tare, tari, taro, tarp, tars, tart, tash, tass, tate, tath, tats, tays, tead, team, teap, tear, teas, teat, teds, tedy, tehr, temp, tems, tepa, tera, term, terp, test, teth, tets, thae, thai, thar, that, thea, thed, them, they, thio, thir, this, thoo, thor, thos, thro, tiao, tiar, tide, tids, tidy, tied, tier, ties, time, tipe, tips, tipt, tire, tite, tits, toad, toat, toda, tode, tods, tody, toea, toed, toes, toey, toho, toit, tome, toms, toom, toop, toot, tope, toph, topi, topo, tops, tore, tori, toro, tors, tort, tosa, tose, tosh, toss, tosy, tote, toto, tots, toty, toyo, toys, trad, trah, tram, trap, trat, tray, tres, tret, trey, trid, trie, trim, trio, trip, trit, trod, trop, trot, troy, trye, tryp, tryt, tshi, tsia, tyde, tyed, tyer, tyes, tymp, type, typo, tyro, tyte, tyto, yade, yahi, yahs, yair, yamp, yams, yaps, yard, yare, yarm, yate, yati, yead, yeah, year, yeas, yeat, yedo, yeom, yeps, yerd, yeso, yest, yeta, yeth, yeti, yett, yids, yipe, yips, yird, yirm, yite, ymir, ympe, ympt, yode, yodh, yods, yoho, yomp, yoop, yore, yote

3 Letter Words for Dermatophytosis

ade, adh, adm, ado, adp, ads, ady, aer, aes, ahi, aho, ahs, aid, aim, air, ais, ait, ame, ami, amp, amt, amy, aor, ape, aph, apr, apt, ard, are, arm, ars, art, ary, ase, ash, asp, ass, ast, ate, atm, atp, att, aye, ayr, ays, dae, dah, dam, dao, dap, dar, das, dat, day, dea, dei, dem, dep, der, des, det, dey, dha, dia, die, dim, dip, dir, dis, dit, doa, doe, dom, doo, dop, dor, dos, dot, dph, dpi, dpt, dry, dso, dsp, dsr, dye, dys, ead, eam, ear, eas, eat, edh, edo, edp, eds, ehs, eir, emo, emp, ems, eom, eos, epa, epi, era, erd, ers, ert, esd, esm, esp, esr, ess, est, eta, eth, ety, eyr, had, hae, ham, hao, hap, has, hat, hay, hed, hei, hem, heo, hep, her, hes, het, hey, hia, hid, hie, him, hip, hir, his, hit, hmo, hoa, hod, hoe, hoi, hom, hoo, hop, hor, hos, hot, hoy, hrs, hts, hyd, hye, hyp, iao, ida, ide, ido, idp, ids, ihp, ihs, imo, imp, ios, iph, ipm, ipo, ipr, ips, ira, ire, irs, ise, ish, ism, iso, ist, ita, itd, its, iyo, mad, mae, mao, map, mar, mas, mat, may, mea, med, meh, mei, mer, mes, met, mho, mia, mid, mir, mis, mit, moa, mod, moe, moi, moo, mop, mor, mos, mot, moy, mph, mrd, mri, mrs, msh, mss, mst, mtd, mts, mya, mys, oad, oam, oar, oas, oat, oda, ode, ods, oer, oes, ohm, oho, ohs, oie, ois, oms, ooh, oom, oop, oor, oos, oot, opa, ope, ops, opt, ora, ord, ore, ors, ort, ory, ose, osi, oto, oye, oys, pad, pah, pam, par, pas, pat, pay, pea, ped, peh, per, pes, pet, phd, phi, pho, phr, pht, pia, pid, pie, pir, pis, pit, pms, pmt, poa, pod, poh, poi, pom, poo, por, pos, pot, poy, pre, pro, prs, pry, psi, pst, pta, pte, pts, ptt, pty, pya, pye, pyr, rad, rah, rai, ram, rap, ras, rat, ray, rea, red, reh, rei, rem, rep, res, rha, rhd, rhe, rho, rhy, ria, rid, rie, rim, rio, rip, rit, rms, rod, roe, roi, rom, roo, ros, rot, rpm, rps, rpt, rte, rti, rya, rye, sad, sah, sai, sam, sao, sap, sar, sat, say, sds, sea, sed, sei, sem, sep, ser, set, sey, sha, she, shi, sho, shp, shr, sht, shy, sie, sim, sip, sir, sis, sit, sma, sod, som, sop, sot, soy, spa, sps, spt, spy, sri, sse, ssh, ssp, sta, std, stm, str, sty, sye, sym, syr, tad, tai, tam, tao, tap, tar, tas, tat, tay, tdr, tdt, tea, ted, tem, ter, tes, tet, tha, thd, the, thm, tho, thy, tid, tie, tim, tip, tis, tit, tmh, toa, tod, toe, toi, tom, too, top, tor, tos, tot, toy, tpd, tph, tpi, tpm, tps, tra, tri, trm, trp, trs, trt, try, tsh, tsi, tsp, tss, tst, tty, tye, typ, tyr, tyt, yad, yah, yam, yap, yar, yas, yat, yds, yea, yed, yeh, yeo, yep, yer, yes, yet, yid, yip, yis, yod, yoe, yoi, yom, yor, yos, yot, yrs

Definitions for Dermatophytosis

[1] any fungus parasitic on the skin and causing a skin disease, as ringworm.
[2] a fungal infection of the skin, esp the feet See athlete's foot
[3] any parasitic fungus that affects the skin

Words nearby Dermatophytosis

dermatophytedermatoneurosis, dermatopathic lymphadenopathy, dermatopathology, dermatopathy, dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, dermatophyte, dermatophytid, dermatophytosis, dermatoplasty, dermatopolyneuritis, dermatosclerosis

Origin of Dermatophytosis

eFirst recorded in 1880–85; dermato- + -phyte

Other words from Dermatophytosis

der·mat·o·phyt·ic [der-mat-uh -fit -ik, dur-muh -tuh -] /dərˌmæt əˈfɪt ɪk, ˌdɜr mə tə-/ , adjective
der·mat·o·phy·to·sis , noun
der•mat′o•phyt′ ic (-fĭt′ ĭk ) adj.