10 Letter Words for Descendant
adscendent, descendant
9 Letter Words for Descendant
adnescent, decadents, descanted, tendances
8 Letter Words for Descendant
ascended, canteens, decadent, decanted, enascent, scandent, tedescan, tendance, tenendas
7 Letter Words for Descendant
candent, canteen, centena, cetanes, deadens, deadest, decades, decanes, decants, dennets, densate, descant, descend, descent, edestan, enacted, encased, enneads, nascent, neatens, santene, scanned, scanted, scended, scented, sedated, senecan, standee, standen, steaded, steaned, stended, stenned, tedesca, tenaces, tenenda
6 Letter Words for Descendant
adeste, anenst, annect, ascend, ascent, cadees, cadent, cadets, canned, cannes, cannet, canted, casted, casten, ceased, cedens, cedent, censed, centas, cetane, ctenes, danced, dances, danted, deaden, deaned, decade, decads, decane, decant, decast, decate, decent, decnet, dedans, denets, denned, dennet, densen, dented, dentes, desand, easted, enacts, enates, encase, endent, ennead, ensand, ensate, enseat, nances, neaten, neednt, nenets, nested, sadden, sanded, santee, sateen, scened, seance, seaned, seated, secant, sedate, sedent, senate, sended, seneca, sennet, sented, stance, staned, steane, stedde, steded, tanned, teades, teased, teends, tenace, tended, tennes, tensed
5 Letter Words for Descendant
acned, acnes, acted, aedes, anded, andes, anend, anent, annet, anted, antes, atees, cadee, cades, cadet, caese, caned, canes, canns, canst, cants, cased, caste, cates, cease, ceded, cedes, cense, cents, cesta, ceste, cetes, csnet, ctene, daces, dance, danes, dante, dants, dasnt, dated, dates, deads, deans, decad, decan, deeds, deens, deets, denat, denda, denes, denet, dense, dents, dsect, eaned, eased, eaten, ecads, ectad, enact, enate, ended, enent, enets, entad, entea, etens, etnas, nance, nanes, nants, nates, neats, needn, needs, nenes, nenta, netes, sanct, saned, sated, scand, scant, sceat, scena, scend, scene, scent, sedan, sence, senna, sente, setae, snead, sneed, stade, stand, stane, stead, stean, stedd, stede, steed, steen, stend, taces, teade, teads, teaed, tease, teend, teens, tends, tenes, tenne, tense, tsade
4 Letter Words for Descendant
aced, aces, acne, acts, addn, adds, aden, adet, ance, ands, anes, anet, anne, anns, ante, ants, ated, ates, cade, cads, cand, cane, cann, cans, cant, case, cast, cate, cats, ceas, cede, cees, cene, cens, cent, cest, cete, dace, dade, dads, daes, dand, dane, dans, dant, dase, dast, date, dead, dean, deas, decd, deda, deed, deen, dees, deet, dene, dens, dent, desc, detd, detn, eans, ease, east, eats, ecad, edda, edea, eden, ende, ends, ened, enes, ense, esca, esne, etas, eten, etna, nace, nane, nant, nast, nats, neat, neds, need, neet, nene, nese, nest, nete, nets, nsec, sade, sand, sane, sant, satd, sate, scad, scan, scat, scet, sctd, sean, seat, sect, seed, seen, sena, send, sene, sent, seta, sned, snee, stad, sted, sten, tace, tade, tads, taed, taen, tane, tans, tead, tean, teas, teca, teds, teed, teen, tees, tend, tene, tens
3 Letter Words for Descendant
ace, act, adc, add, ade, ads, aes, anc, and, ane, ann, ans, ant, ase, ast, ate, cad, can, cat, cee, cen, cns, cst, cte, ctn, cts, dad, dae, dan, das, dat, dca, dds, ddt, dea, dec, ded, dee, den, des, det, dna, dtd, ead, ean, eas, eat, ect, edd, eds, eec, een, enc, end, ene, ens, esc, esd, ese, est, eta, etc, nad, nae, nas, nat, nea, ned, nee, net, nne, sac, sad, san, sat, scd, sct, sea, sec, sed, see, sen, set, sta, std, tad, tan, tas, tea, tec, ted, tee, ten, tes
Definitions for Descendant
[1] a person or animal that is descended from a specific ancestor; an offspring.
[2] something deriving in appearance, function, or general character from an earlier form.
[3] an adherent who follows closely the teachings, methods, practices, etc., of an earlier master, as in art, music, philosophy, etc.; disciple.
[4] Astrology . the point opposite the ascendant. the point of the ecliptic or the sign and degree of the zodiac setting below the western horizon at the time of a birth or of an event. the cusp of the seventh house.
[5] descending; descendent.
[6] a person, animal, or plant when described as descended from an individual, race, species, etc
[7] something that derives or is descended from an earlier form
[8] a variant spelling of descendent
[9] astrology the point on the ecliptic lying directly opposite the Ascendant
Words related to Descendant
heir, offspring, scion, product, brood, get, progeny, offshoot, spin-off, seed, kin, child, posterity, issue, children
Words nearby Descendant
descartes, rené, descemet's membrane, descemetitis, descemetocele, descend, descendant, descendent, descender, descendeur, descendible, descending artery of knee
Origin of Descendant
1425–75; late Middle English descendaunt (adj.) < Old French descendant, present participle of descendre. See descend, -ant
Words that may be confused with Descendant
ancestor, descendant
Synonyms for Descendant
heir, offspring, scion, brood, child, children, get, issue, kin, offshoot, posterity, product, progeny, seed, spin-off, chip off old block, progeniture