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Showing words for DESCENT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Descent
6 Letter Words for Descent
5 Letter Words for Descent
4 Letter Words for Descent
3 Letter Words for Descent
Definitions for Descent
[1] the act, process, or fact of moving from a higher to a lower position.
[2] a downward inclination or slope.
[3] a passage or stairway leading down.
[4] derivation from an ancestor; lineage; extraction.
[5] any passing from higher to lower in degree or state; decline.
[6] a sudden raid or hostile attack.
[7] Law . transmission of real property by intestate succession.
[8] the act of descending
[9] a downward slope or inclination
[10] a passage, path, or way leading downwards
[11] derivation from an ancestor or ancestral group; lineage
[12] (in genealogy) a generation in a particular lineage
[13] a decline or degeneration
[14] a movement or passage in degree or state from higher to lower
[15] (often foll by on) a sudden and overwhelming arrival or attack
[16] property law (formerly) the transmission of real property to the heir on an intestacy
Words related to Descent
slide, plunge, origin, extraction, lineage, parentage, slope, declivity, tumble, grade, sag, header, slip, settlement, decline, droop, gradient, swoop, declension, inclination
Words nearby Descent
descending node, descending scapular artery, descension, descensus, descensus testis, descent, deschamps, deschool, deschutes, descloizite, descramble
Origin of Descent
1300–50; Middle English < Anglo-French, Old French descente, derivative of descendre to descend, modeled on such pairs as vente, vendre
Words that may be confused with Descent
Other words from Descent
pre·de·scent , noun
re·de·scent , noun
Synonyms for Descent
plunge, slide, coast, crash, declension, declination, decline, declivity, dip, downgrade, droop, drop, drop-off, fall, grade, gradient, header, hill, inclination, incline, landslide, precipitation, prolapse, sag, settlement, sinking, slant, slip, slope, swoop, tailspin, tumble, cave-in, coming down, falling, plummeting, plunging, sinkage, topple