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Showing words for DETACHED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Detached
7 Letter Words for Detached
6 Letter Words for Detached
5 Letter Words for Detached
4 Letter Words for Detached
3 Letter Words for Detached
Definitions for Detached
[1] not attached; separated: a detached ticket stub.
[2] having no wall in common with another building (opposed to attached): a detached house.
[3] impartial or objective; disinterested; unbiased: a detached judgment.
[4] not involved or concerned; aloof.
[5] to unfasten and separate; disengage; disunite.
[6] Military . to send away (a regiment, ship, etc.) on a special mission.
[7] disconnected or standing apart; not attached a detached house
[8] having or showing no bias or emotional involvement; disinterested
[9] social welfare working at the clients' normal location rather than from an office; not dependent on premises for providing a service a detached youth worker Compare outreach (def. 7)
[10] ophthalmol (of the retina) separated from the choroid layer of the eyeball to which it is normally attached, resulting in loss of vision in the affected part
[11] to disengage and separate or remove, as by pulling; unfasten; disconnect
[12] military to separate (a small unit) from a larger, esp for a special assignment
Words related to Detached
removed, isolated, severed, indifferent, remote, impartial, abstract, impersonal, dispassionate, unbiased, distant, laid-back, casual, separate, divided, loose, isolate, free, loosened
Words nearby Detached
desultory, det, det., det. in dup., detach, detached, detached retina, detachment, detachment of retina, detail, detail drawing
Origin of Detached
1470–80; < Middle French détacher, Old French destachier; see dis-1, attach
Other words from Detached
de·tached·ly [dih-tach -id-lee, -tacht -lee] /dɪˈtætʃ ɪd li, -ˈtætʃt li/ , adverb
de·tach·ed·ness , noun
un·de·tached , adjective
de·tach·a·ble , adjective
de·tach·a·bil·i·ty , noun
de·tach·a·bly , adverb
de·tach·er , noun
non·de·tach·a·bil·i·ty , noun
non·de·tach·a·ble , adjective
pre·de·tach , verb (used with object)
self-de·tach·ing , adjective
un·de·tach·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Detached
C17: from Old French destachier, from des- dis- 1 + attachier to attach
Synonyms for Detached
isolated, removed, severed, disjoined, divided, emancipated, free, isolate, loose, loosened, separate, alone, apart, discrete, unaccompanied, unconnected