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Showing words for DETAIL using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Detail

detail, dietal, dilate, edital, tailed

5 Letter Words for Detail

adlet, ailed, aliet, alite, dalet, datil, dealt, delit, delta, dital, eliad, ideal, ideta, laeti, lated, lited, taled, telia, tidal, tilde, tiled

4 Letter Words for Detail

adet, adit, aide, aiel, aile, ated, atle, atli, dail, dale, dali, dalt, date, deal, deia, deil, deli, delt, deti, dial, diel, diet, dita, dite, eadi, edit, eila, eild, idea, idle, ilea, ital, itel, lade, laet, laid, lait, late, lati, lead, leat, leda, lied, lite, tade, taed, tael, tail, tald, tale, tali, tead, teal, teil, tela, teld, teli, tide, tied, tile

3 Letter Words for Detail

ade, aid, ail, ait, ald, ale, alt, ate, dae, dal, dat, dea, dei, del, det, dia, die, dil, dit, dle, ead, eat, ela, eld, eli, elt, eta, ida, ide, ile, ita, itd, lad, lai, lat, lea, led, lei, let, lid, lie, lit, ltd, tad, tai, tal, tea, ted, tel, tid, tie, til

Definitions for Detail

[1] an individual or minute part; an item or particular.
[2] particulars collectively; minutiae.
[3] attention to or treatment of a subject in individual or minute parts: to postpone detail and concentrate on a subject as a whole.
[4] intricate, finely wrought decoration.
[5] Engineering . detail drawing.
[6] any small section of a larger structure or whole, considered as a unit.
[7] Military . an appointment or assignment, as of a small group or an officer, for a special task. the party or person so selected: the kitchen detail. a particular assignment of duty.
[8] the property of an image or of a method of image production to make small, closely spaced image elements individually distinguishable.
[9] to relate or report with complete particulars; tell fully and distinctly.
[10] to mention one by one; specify; list: He detailed the events leading up to the robbery.
[11] Military . to appoint or assign for some particular duty: We were detailed to patrol the border.
[12] to provide with intricate, finely wrought decoration: lingerie detailed with lace and embroidery.
[13] to thoroughly clean (a vehicle or part of a vehicle) and do minor repairs to improve its appearance: We detail the wheels and chrome to remove the rust.
[14] in detail , item by item; with particulars: The résumé stated his qualifications in detail.
[15] an item or smaller part that is considered separately; particular
[16] an item or circumstance that is insignificant or unimportant passengers' comfort was regarded as a detail
[17] treatment of or attention to items or particulars this essay includes too much detail
[18] items collectively; particulars
[19] a small or accessory section or element in a painting, building, statue, etc, esp when considered in isolation
[20] military the act of assigning personnel for a specific duty, esp a fatigue the personnel selected the duty or assignment
[21] go into detail to include all or most particulars
[22] in detail including all or most particulars or items thoroughly
[23] to list or relate fully
[24] military to select (personnel) for a specific duty
[25] to decorate or elaborate (carving, etc) with fine delicate drawing or designs

Words related to Detail

schedule, structure, element, thing, part, design, plan, article, fact, portray, reveal, depict, delineate, relate, describe, stipulate, enumerate, uncover, recount, summarize

Words nearby Detail

detach, detached, detached retina, detachment, detachment of retina, detail, detail drawing, detailed, detailer, detailing, detain

Origin of Detail

1595–1605; < French détail, Old French, noun derivative of detailler ‘to cut in pieces’, equivalent to de- dis-1 + tailler ‘to cut’ < Vulgar Latin *taliāre; see tailor1

Other words from Detail

pre·de·tail , verb (used with object)

Word origin for Detail

C17: from French détail, from Old French detailler to cut in pieces, from de- dis- 1 + tailler to cut; see tailor

Synonyms for Detail

article, design, element, fact, part, plan, schedule, structure, thing, ABCs, accessory, component, count, cue, dope, factor, fraction, item, minutia, nicety, nitty-gritty, particular, peculiarity, point, portion, respect, singularity, specialty, specification, technicality, trait, trivia, triviality, brass tacks, chapter and verse, circumstantiality, fine point, meat and potatoes, minor point, nuts and bolts