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Showing words for DETAIN using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Detain
5 Letter Words for Detain
4 Letter Words for Detain
3 Letter Words for Detain
Definitions for Detain
[1] to keep from proceeding; keep waiting; delay.
[2] to keep under restraint or in custody.
[3] Obsolete . to keep back or withhold, as from a person.
[4] to delay; hold back; stop
[5] to confine or hold in custody; restrain
[6] archaic to retain or withhold
Words related to Detain
apprehend, delay, confine, jail, decelerate, hinder, retard, nab, pinch, inhibit, bust, withhold, intern, restrain, ice, mire, impede, constrain, check, reserve
Words nearby Detain
detail, detail drawing, detailed, detailer, detailing, detain, detainee, detainer, detect, detection, detective
Origin of Detain
1480–90; detainen < Anglo-French, Old French detenir < Vulgar Latin *dētenīre, for Latin dētinēre, equivalent to dē- de- + -tinēre, combining form of tenēre to hold
Other words from Detain
de·tain·a·ble , adjective
de·tain·ment , noun
pre·de·tain , verb (used with object)
un·de·tain·a·ble , adjective
un·de·tained , adjective
Word origin for Detain
C15: from Old French detenir, from Latin dētinēre to hold off, keep back, from de- + tenēre to hold
Synonyms for Detain
apprehend, confine, delay, jail, bust, buttonhole, check, constrain, decelerate, hinder, ice, impede, inhibit, intern, mire, nab, pinch, reserve, restrain, retard, withhold, bog down, hang up, hold up, pick up, pull in, put away, run in, send up, set back, slow down, slow up