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Showing words for DEVIANT using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Deviant


6 Letter Words for Deviant

adient, advent, dative, detain, devant, evanid, invade, native, navite, nidate, tienda, viande, vinted

5 Letter Words for Deviant

anted, avine, daine, daint, dante, daven, davit, denat, detin, diane, divan, divet, endia, entad, entia, idant, ident, ideta, naevi, naive, navet, nevat, teind, tenai, tenia, tinea, tined, vaned, venta, viand, vinea, vined, vinet, vinta, vitae

4 Letter Words for Deviant

aden, adet, adit, advt, aide, aine, aint, anet, ante, anti, ated, avid, avie, dain, dane, dant, date, dave, dean, deia, deni, dent, deti, detn, deva, devi, dian, diet, dine, dint, dita, dite, diva, dive, eadi, edit, etna, idea, inde, inta, invt, naid, nave, navi, neat, neti, nevi, nide, nied, tade, taed, taen, tain, tane, tave, tead, tean, tend, tide, tied, tien, tind, tine, vade, vain, vane, vant, veda, vein, vena, vend, vent, veta, vide, vied, vina, vine, vint, vita, vite

3 Letter Words for Deviant

ade, adv, aid, ain, ait, and, ane, ant, ate, ave, avn, dae, dan, dat, dea, dei, den, det, dev, dia, die, din, dit, div, dna, ead, ean, eat, end, env, eta, ida, ide, ind, int, inv, ita, itd, iva, ive, nad, nae, nat, nav, nea, ned, nei, net, nid, nie, nit, tad, tai, tan, tav, tea, ted, ten, tid, tie, tin, vae, van, vat, vei, vet, via, vid, vie, vin

Definitions for Deviant

[1] deviating or departing from the norm; characterized by deviation: deviant social behavior.
[2] a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.
[3] deviating, as from what is considered acceptable behaviour
[4] a person whose behaviour, esp sexual behaviour, deviates from what is considered to be acceptable

Words related to Deviant

bent, irregular, variant, queer, weird, wandering, aberrant, anomalous, atypical, devious, divergent, heretical, kinky, off-key, perverse, perverted, preternatural, twisted, unorthodox, untypical

Words nearby Deviant

devereux, devers, devest, devi, deviance, deviant, deviate, deviation, deviationism, devic's disease, device

Origin of Deviant

1350–1400; Middle English < Late Latin dēviant- (stem of dēviāns, present participle of dēviāre to deviate), equivalent to Latin dē- de- + vi(a ) road, way + -ant- -ant

Words that may be confused with Deviant

deviant, deviate

Other words from Deviant

non·de·vi·ant , adjective, noun
de′ vi•ance null n.

Synonyms for Deviant

aberrant, bent, irregular, queer, variant, wandering, weird, anomalous, atypical, devious, divergent, freaky, heretical, heteroclite, kinky, off-key, perverse, perverted, preternatural, twisted, unorthodox, unrepresentative, untypical, varying, wayward