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Showing words for DEVIOUS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Devious
6 Letter Words for Devious
5 Letter Words for Devious
4 Letter Words for Devious
3 Letter Words for Devious
Definitions for Devious
[1] departing from the most direct way; circuitous; indirect: a devious course.
[2] without definite course; vagrant: a devious current.
[3] departing from the proper or accepted way; roundabout: a devious procedure.
[4] not straightforward; shifty or crooked: a devious scheme to acquire wealth.
[5] not sincere or candid; deceitful; underhand
[6] (of a route or course of action) rambling; indirect; roundabout
[7] going astray from a proper or accepted way; erring
Words related to Devious
fraudulent, duplicitous, wily, deceitful, sneaky, shrewd, insidious, insincere, sly, calculating, underhanded, circuitous, misleading, artful, crooked, double-dealing, errant, erring, evasive, fishy
Words nearby Devious
devils-on-horseback, deviltry, devilwood, devine, deviometer, devious, devisable, devisal, devise, devisee, devisor
Origin of Devious
1590–1600; < Latin dēvius out-of-the way, erratic, equivalent to dē- de- + -vius adj. derivative of via way; see -ous
Other words from Devious
de·vi·ous·ly , adverb
de·vi·ous·ness , noun
non·de·vi·ous , adjective
non·de·vi·ous·ly , adverb
non·de·vi·ous·ness , noun
un·de·vi·ous , adjective
un·de·vi·ous·ly , adverb
un·de·vi·ous·ness , noun
Word origin for Devious
C16: from Latin dēvius lying to one side of the road, from de- + via road
Synonyms for Devious
calculating, deceitful, duplicitous, fraudulent, insidious, insincere, shrewd, sly, sneaky, underhanded, wily, artful, crooked, double-dealing, errant, erring, evasive, faking one out, fishy, foxy, guileful, indirect, not straightforward, oblique, obliquitous, playing games, playing politics, put on, roundabout, scheming, shady, shifty, sneaking, surreptitious, treacherous, tricky