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Showing words for DEVOUR using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Devour
5 Letter Words for Devour
4 Letter Words for Devour
3 Letter Words for Devour
Definitions for Devour
[1] to swallow or eat up hungrily, voraciously, or ravenously.
[2] to consume destructively, recklessly, or wantonly: Fire devoured the old museum.
[3] to engulf or swallow up.
[4] to take in greedily with the senses or intellect: to devour the works of Freud.
[5] to absorb or engross wholly: a mind devoured by fears.
[6] to swallow or eat up greedily or voraciously
[7] to waste or destroy; consume the flames devoured the curtains
[8] to consume greedily or avidly with the senses or mind he devoured the manuscripts
[9] to engulf or absorb the flood devoured the land
Words related to Devour
inhale, exhaust, absorb, ravage, ingest, gobble, destroy, eat, enjoy, annihilate, imbibe, appreciate, dispatch, spend, gulp, stuff, wolf, bolt, cram, guzzle
Words nearby Devour
devote, devoted, devotee, devotion, devotional, devour, devout, devoy, dew, dew cell, dew line
Origin of Devour
1275–1325; Middle English devouren < Anglo-French, Old French devourer < Latin dēvorāre to swallow down, equivalent to dē- de- + vorāre to eat up
Other words from Devour
de·vour·er , noun
de·vour·ing·ly , adverb
de·vour·ing·ness , noun
in·ter·de·vour , verb (used with object)
pre·de·vour , verb (used with object)
re·de·vour , verb (used with object)
self-de·vour·ing , adjective
un·de·voured , adjective
Word origin for Devour
C14: from Old French devourer, from Latin dēvorāre to gulp down, from de- + vorāre to consume greedily; see voracious
Synonyms for Devour
absorb, destroy, eat, exhaust, feed on, go through, gobble, ingest, inhale, ravage, use up, wipe out, Hoover, annihilate, appreciate, bolt, cram, dispatch, enjoy, gorge, gulp, guzzle, imbibe, relish, spend, stuff, take, waste, wolf, be engrossed by, be preoccupied, bolt down, chow down, delight in, do compulsively, do voraciously, drink in, feast on, gloat over, partake of, pig out, polish off, rejoice in, revel in, scarf down, take in, wolf down