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Showing words for DEXTROROTATION using the English dictionary

14 Letter Words for Dextrorotation


12 Letter Words for Dextrorotation


11 Letter Words for Dextrorotation


10 Letter Words for Dextrorotation

denitrator, orientator, tetranitro, tetraodont, tetraxonid, tetrotoxin, trottoired

9 Letter Words for Dextrorotation

detonator, detortion, exodontia, exoration, extortion, inodorate, interroad, orationer, ordinator, rattooned, retortion, tetartoid, tetraiodo, tetraonid, tetrodont, toxotidae, trattorie

8 Letter Words for Dextrorotation

adroiter, andorite, anterior, antidote, arointed, attorned, attrited, deration, dotation, exortion, inroader, inrooted, intorted, iterator, nadorite, nextdoor, nitrated, nitrator, odorator, oradexon, oratorio, ordainer, ordinate, oreodont, oxidator, rationed, ratooned, ratooner, rattinet, rattoner, reordain, retation, retirant, retraitt, retraxit, ritratto, rodentia, rotation, tandoori, tattooed, tattooer, taxodont, tentoria, teratoid, tetanoid, tetraxon, tetrodon, tetroxid, titrated, titrator, toadroot, toreador, toxodont, traditor, triander, tronador, troodont, trottoir

7 Letter Words for Dextrorotation

adonite, adorner, andrite, aneroid, antired, arenoid, arnotto, arrondi, arterin, attired, attirer, attrite, darrein, detrain, detroit, dextran, dextrin, diantre, diatron, diaxone, dioxane, donatio, donator, dortier, dotarie, dottier, drainer, dronier, exordia, exradio, extrait, intrado, intrate, iterant, nattier, nerodia, nitrate, notated, notator, notoire, odonate, odorant, odorate, ontario, orarion, oration, oratrix, ordinar, oreodon, ornater, ornoite, otarine, oxidant, oxidate, radient, randier, randori, rattier, rattoon, readorn, redroot, retrain, retrait, rettorn, ridotto, roadite, rootier, rotated, rotator, rotonda, rotonde, tainted, taintor, tandoor, tardier, tarried, tartier, tartine, tattied, tattier, tendoor, terrain, tertian, tetrant, tetrdra, titrant, titrate, toadier, tordion, tornade, tornado, tornote, toronto, torrent, torrone, tortoni, tortrix, totient, tottier, toxodon, toxotae, tradite, trained, trainer, traitor, tranted, tranter, treator, triaxon, tridarn, trident, trinode, tritone, troated, trotted, trotter, trottie

6 Letter Words for Dextrorotation

adient, adorer, adorno, adreno, adrent, adroit, airned, airted, anotto, anteri, antido, ardent, ardito, areito, arider, aroint, arrent, arride, arrode, artier, atoned, atoner, attend, attent, attern, atterr, attire, attone, attorn, attrit, daoine, darner, darnex, darnix, darter, dartre, dation, denari, denaro, dertra, detain, detant, detort, dextro, diaxon, dinero, dioxan, dirten, ditone, ditton, doater, donate, dorian, dorter, dotant, dotate, dotier, dotter, draine, dreint, droner, dronet, dronte, editor, endart, enroot, entria, errand, errant, exodoi, extant, extort, indart, indear, indoor, inroad, intext, intoed, intort, introd, iodate, ionate, irater, ironed, ironer, irrate, nardoo, natrix, natter, nerita, nidate, nitred, nitter, norard, norate, norite, norito, notate, nritta, oarier, ointed, oneida, oorier, orante, orated, orator, ordain, orenda, orexin, orient, ornate, oroide, otiant, ototoi, oxtant, radion, raider, rained, rainer, raited, rander, randie, randir, ranted, ranter, ratero, ratine, ration, ratite, ratoon, ratted, ratten, ratter, ratton, redarn, redart, renoir, reroot, retain, retard, retina, retint, retira, retorn, retort, retrad, retrod, retrot, rident, rioted, rioter, ritard, ritted, ritter, roadeo, roader, roadie, roared, roarie, roated, rodent, roined, ronier, rooted, rooter, rorted, rotate, rottan, rotted, rotten, rotter, tainte, tanier, tantie, tarred, tarrie, tarted, tarten, tarter, tartro, tatted, tatter, tattie, tattoo, taxied, taxine, taxite, tentor, ternar, terran, territ, terron, tertia, tertio, terton, tetard, tetrad, tetrao, tettix, tienda, tienta, tiento, tierod, tinder, tinted, tinter, tirade, tirred, tirret, titano, titted, titter, toader, toited, tonier, tonite, tooart, toonie, toorie, tooted, tooter, torero, torino, toroid, torret, torrid, torten, tortie, tortor, totora, totted, totten, totter, tottie, toxine, toxoid, toxone, trader, tridra, trined, triode, triter, triton, tritor, troade, troner

5 Letter Words for Dextrorotation

adion, adnex, adore, adorn, adret, aeron, aider, aired, airer, andor, andre, anode, anted, antre, arder, ardor, ardri, arend, arent, arett, ariot, arite, aroid, aroon, arret, arrie, arter, atone, atren, atter, attid, axine, axion, axite, axoid, axone, daine, daint, dairt, danio, dante, darer, daroo, darre, dater, datto, deair, dearn, denar, denat, deota, derat, derri, detar, detat, detax, detin, detox, diane, dinar, diner, dioon, diota, direr, direx, diter, ditto, doina, donar, donat, donax, donet, donor, doona, doorn, doria, doter, doxie, drain, drant, drate, drear, drent, drier, droit, drona, drone, endia, entad, entia, erato, erron, ettin, exion, extra, idant, ident, ideta, index, indra, inert, inter, intra, intro, iortn, irade, irate, irena, irone, irred, ixora, nadir, nardo, narre, nidor, niota, niter, nitro, nitta, nixed, nixer, noire, noria, norie, norit, noted, noter, oared, oaten, oater, odeon, oorie, ootid, orant, orate, order, oread, orion, ortet, otate, ottar, otter, oxane, oxide, oxter, radio, radix, radon, raine, raird, ranid, rared, rated, rater, ratio, ratoo, ratti, raxed, redan, redia, redon, redox, reina, reird, reran, retan, retar, retax, retia, retin, retro, riant, riden, rider, roate, rodeo, ronde, rondo, roneo, ronte, rooti, rorid, rorie, rotan, roted, roter, rotor, rotta, rotte, taino, taint, tairn, tanti, tanto, tarde, tardo, tared, tarie, tarin, tarot, tarre, tarri, tarte, tater, tatie, tatin, tatoo, taxed, taxer, taxin, taxir, taxon, taxor, teart, teind, tenai, tendo, tenia, tenio, tenor, terai, terna, terra, tetra, tetri, texan, tinea, tined, tinta, tired, tirer, titan, titar, titer, todea, tondi, tondo, toned, toner, tonto, toona, toran, tored, toret, torot, torta, torte, toted, toter, toxin, toxon, trade, train, trait, trant, tratt, tread, treat, trend, triad, tride, tried, trier, trina, trine, trior, trite, troad, troat, trode, trona, trone, troot, xenia

4 Letter Words for Dextrorotation

aden, adet, adit, adon, ador, aero, aide, aine, aint, aion, aire, airn, airt, anet, anre, ante, anti, ared, aren, aret, arid, arni, arno, arri, arte, ated, atte, attn, axed, axer, axin, axon, daer, dain, dane, dant, dare, dari, darn, darr, dart, date, dato, dean, dear, deia, deni, dent, dern, dero, deti, detn, dian, dier, diet, dine, dino, dint, dire, dirt, dita, dite, ditt, doat, doen, doer, doit, dona, done, doni, dont, doon, door, dora, dore, dorn, dorr, dort, dote, doxa, drat, drie, eadi, eard, earn, edit, eira, endo, ento, entr, eoan, erat, eria, erin, etat, etna, eton, exit, exon, exor, exta, iare, idea, ideo, inde, inro, inta, into, intr, iode, iodo, iota, iran, ired, iron, iter, naid, naio, naoi, nard, nare, narr, nato, natr, near, neat, nerd, neti, next, nide, nied, nito, nixe, node, nodi, noex, noir, noix, nore, nori, nota, note, nott, noxa, odea, oder, odin, odor, oint, oner, onto, ooid, oont, oord, orad, orae, oran, ordn, ordo, ored, oreo, orna, orra, otoe, otto, otxi, oxan, oxea, oxen, oxer, oxid, rade, raid, rain, rait, rand, rane, rant, rare, rate, rato, read, rean, rear, redo, rein, reit, rend, reno, rent, retd, ride, rier, rind, rine, riot, rita, rite, ritt, road, roan, roar, rode, roed, roer, roid, roin, roit, rond, rone, ront, rood, roon, root, rort, rota, rote, roti, roto, tade, taed, taen, tain, tait, tane, tare, tari, tarn, taro, tarr, tart, tate, tatt, taxi, tead, tean, tear, teat, tend, tent, tera, tern, terr, text, tiao, tiar, tide, tied, tien, tier, tind, tine, tint, tire, tirr, tite, toad, toat, toda, tode, toea, toed, toit, tone, toon, toot, tore, tori, torn, toro, torr, tort, tote, toto, toxa, trad, trat, tret, trid, trie, trin, trio, trit, trna, trod, tron, trot, xian, xint

3 Letter Words for Dextrorotation

ade, ado, aer, aid, ain, air, ait, aix, and, ane, ant, aor, ard, are, arn, arr, art, arx, ate, att, dae, dan, dao, dar, dat, dea, dei, den, der, det, dex, dia, die, din, dir, dit, dix, dna, doa, doe, don, doo, dor, dot, ead, ean, ear, eat, edo, eir, end, eon, era, erd, ern, err, ert, eta, exr, ext, iao, ida, ide, ido, ind, int, ion, ira, ire, ita, itd, nad, nae, nar, nat, nea, ned, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nit, nix, noa, nod, noo, nor, not, nox, oad, oar, oat, oda, ode, oer, oie, ona, one, oni, ono, ont, oon, oor, oot, ora, ord, ore, ort, oto, oxo, rad, rai, ran, rat, rax, rea, red, rei, rex, ria, rid, rie, rin, rio, rit, rix, rna, rnd, rod, roe, roi, ron, roo, rot, rox, rte, rti, tad, tai, tan, tao, tar, tat, tax, tdr, tdt, tea, ted, ten, ter, tet, tex, tid, tie, tin, tit, tnt, toa, tod, toe, toi, ton, too, tor, tot, tox, tra, tri, trt, txt, xat, xed

Definitions for Dextrorotation

[1] turning to the right, as the rotation to the right of the plane of polarization of light in certain crystals and the like. Symbol : d-
[2] a rotation to the right; clockwise rotation, esp of the plane of polarization of plane-polarized light passing through a crystal, liquid, or solution, as seen by an observer facing the oncoming light Compare laevorotation

Words nearby Dextrorotation

dextrorotatorydextrogyration, dextromanual, dextropedal, dextroposition, dextrorotation, dextrorotatory, dextrorse, dextrose, dextrosinistral, dextrotorsion, dextrotropic

Origin of Dextrorotation

oryFirst recorded in 1875–80; dextro- + rotatory

Other words from Dextrorotation

dex·tro·ro·ta·tion [dek-stroh-roh-tey -shuh  n] /ˌdɛk stroʊ roʊˈteɪ ʃən/ , noun