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Showing words for DIARY using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Diary

dairy, diary, yaird

4 Letter Words for Diary

adry, airy, arid, dari, dray, iyar, raid, yair, yard, yird

3 Letter Words for Diary

ady, aid, air, ard, ary, ayr, dar, day, dia, dir, dry, ida, ira, rad, rai, ray, ria, rid, rya, yad, yar, yid

Definitions for Diary

[1] a daily record, usually private, especially of the writer's own experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, etc.
[2] a book for keeping such a record.
[3] a book or pad containing pages marked and arranged in calendar order, in which to note appointments and the like.
[4] a personal record of daily events, appointments, observations, etc
[5] a book for keeping such a record

Words related to Diary

journal, notebook, account, log, record, daybook, minutes, agenda, chronicle

Words nearby Diary

diarthric, diarthrodial cartilage, diarthrodial joint, diarthrosis, diarticular, diary, dias, diaschisis, diascope, diaspora, diaspore

Origin of Diary

1575–85; < Latin diārium daily allowance, journal, equivalent to di(ēs ) day + -ārium -ary

Words that may be confused with Diary

dairy, diary

Word origin for Diary

C16: from Latin diārium daily allocation of food or money, journal, from diēs day

Synonyms for Diary

account, journal, log, notebook, agenda, chronicle, daybook, minutes, record, appointment book, daily record, engagement book