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Showing words for DICEY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Dicey
4 Letter Words for Dicey
cedi, cide, dice, dicy, dyce, iced, ycie
3 Letter Words for Dicey
cid, cie, dec, dei, dey, die, dye, ice, icy, ide, yed, yid
Definitions for Dicey
[1] unpredictable; risky; uncertain.
[2] difficult or dangerous; risky; tricky
Words related to Dicey
tricky, unpredictable, uncertain, ticklish, capricious, chancy, dangerous, difficult, erratic, iffy, incalculable, whimsical, fluctuant
Words nearby Dicey
dice are loaded, the, dice cup, dicentra, dicentric, dicephalous, dicey, dich-, dichasium, dichlamydeous, dichlobenil, dichloride
Origin of Dicey
First recorded in 1935–40; dice + -ey1
Synonyms for Dicey
ticklish, tricky, uncertain, unpredictable, capricious, chancy, dangerous, difficult, erratic, fluctuant, iffy, incalculable, whimsical