11 Letter Words for Dichotomous
9 Letter Words for Dichotomous
8 Letter Words for Dichotomous
dochmius, mistouch, scoutdom
7 Letter Words for Dichotomous
cosmoid, dhootis, dimouts, docious, doocots, dotcoms, mochudi, moodish, moustoc, mucoids, muscoid, osmotic, schtoom, sodomic, tomcods
6 Letter Words for Dichotomous
chooms, chouts, codist, cohost, coitus, comodo, comoid, comous, cosmid, couths, custom, dhooti, dhotis, dhutis, dichts, dicots, dictum, dimout, doctus, doocot, dotcom, dotish, duomos, iodoso, iodous, miscut, modish, modist, modius, mootch, mostic, mouths, mucoid, muscid, muscot, musico, octoid, odious, odiums, omotic, ootids, ostium, ouchts, outish, schout, schuit, scouth, shtoom, sitcom, smitch, smooch, smooth, smouch, smutch, sodium, sothic, studio, thooid, timous, tomcod, tomish, tsouic, tuchis
5 Letter Words for Dichotomous
chimo, chios, chits, choom, chous, chout, chums, chuts, cohos, coits, comdt, comus, cooms, coost, cooth, coots, cosmo, coths, couth, ctimo, cuish, cuits, cutis, dhoti, dhuti, dicht, dicot, dicts, disco, ditch, docht, doits, domic, domus, dooms, doucs, doums, douts, dsomo, ducts, duits, duomi, duomo, dusio, dutch, hocus, hoist, homos, hoods, hoots, houts, humic, humid, humit, ictus, isthm, micht, micos, midst, misdo, mitch, mochs, modus, mohos, moist, moits, mooch, moods, moost, mooth, moots, moths, motus, mouch, moust, mouth, mucho, mucid, muids, muist, musci, music, musit, musth, mutch, mutic, mutis, odism, odist, odium, odoom, ohmic, omits, ootid, osmic, otium, oucht, outdo, schmo, scoot, scout, scudi, scudo, shood, shooi, shoot, shout, shtum, sicht, sidth, sitch, smich, smith, smoot, smout, socht, sodic, sodio, sodom, sooth, sotho, souct, south, stchi, stich, stoic, stood, suomi, thoom, thous, thuds, thuoc, tocos, todus, tohos, tooms, toosh, touch, tuism, tumid, umist
4 Letter Words for Dichotomous
chis, chit, chou, chum, chut, cids, cist, cito, cits, codo, cods, coho, coit, comd, coms, coom, coos, coot, cosh, cost, coth, coto, cots, coud, cuds, cuit, cums, cush, cust, cuts, dich, dict, dims, dioc, disc, dish, dist, dits, dmus, docs, doit, doms, doom, doos, dosh, dost, doth, dots, douc, doum, dout, duci, ducs, duct, duim, duit, duos, dush, dust, hics, hims, hist, hits, hods, hoit, homo, hood, hoom, hoos, hoot, host, hoti, hots, hout, huic, huis, hums, huso, hust, huts, icho, ichs, ichu, icod, iocs, iodo, isth, itch, itmo, iuds, mhos, mico, mics, mids, misc, miso, mist, moch, moco, mocs, modi, modo, mods, moho, moid, moio, moit, mood, mooi, moos, moot, mosh, most, moth, mots, motu, moud, mous, mout, much, muds, muid, musd, mush, muso, must, muth, muti, muts, ochs, ocht, odic, odso, odum, ohio, ohms, ohos, omit, oohs, ooid, ooms, oots, otic, otis, otus, ouch, ouds, oust, outs, scho, scot, sctd, scud, scum, scut, shim, shit, shmo, shod, shoo, shot, shou, shut, sich, sidh, sith, situ, sium, smut, soco, soho, soom, soot, soth, soud, soum, sout, stid, stim, stod, stud, stum, such, suci, suid, suit, sumi, sumo, tchu, thio, this, thoo, thos, thou, thud, thus, tich, tics, tids, toch, toco, tocs, tods, toho, toms, toom, tosh, tshi, tuis, tums, tush, udom, udos, utch, utis
3 Letter Words for Dichotomous
chi, chm, cho, chs, cid, cis, cit, cmd, cod, com, coo, cos, cot, csi, cst, cto, cts, cud, cum, cut, dhu, dim, dis, dit, doc, dom, doo, dos, dot, dso, duc, duh, dui, dum, duo, hic, hid, him, his, hit, hmo, hoc, hod, hoi, hom, hoo, hos, hot, hts, hud, hui, hum, hut, ich, ido, ids, ihs, imo, imu, ios, iou, ish, ism, iso, ist, itd, its, iud, mho, mic, mid, mis, mit, moc, mod, moi, moo, mos, mot, mou, msh, mst, mtd, mts, mud, mus, mut, och, oct, ods, ohm, oho, ohs, ois, oms, ooh, oom, oos, oot, osi, otc, oto, oud, oui, ous, out, scd, sch, sci, sct, shi, sho, sht, sic, sim, sit, soc, sod, som, sot, sou, std, stm, sud, sui, sum, tch, thd, thm, tho, tic, tid, tim, tis, tiu, tmh, toc, tod, toi, tom, too, tos, tou, tsh, tsi, tui, tum, udo, uds, uhs, uit, ums, ush, ust, utc, uti, uts
Definitions for Dichotomous
[1] divided or dividing into two parts.
[2] of or relating to dichotomy.
Words related to Dichotomous
binary, amphibian, diploid, bifurcate, divided, zigzag, split, branching, tined, angled, bifurcated, branched, furcate, divaricate, bilateral, dual, amphibious, bicameral, bigeminal, binal
Words nearby Dichotomous
dichondra, dichoptic, dichorial, dichotic, dichotomize, dichotomous, dichotomous key, dichotomous question, dichotomy, dichroic, dichroic filter
Origin of Dichotomous
1680–90; < Late Latin dichotomos < Greek dichótomos. See dicho-, -tome, -ous
Other words from Dichotomous
di·chot·o·mous·ly , adverb
di·chot·o·mous·ness , noun
non·di·chot·o·mous , adjective
non·di·chot·o·mous·ly , adverb
un·di·chot·o·mous , adjective
un·di·chot·o·mous·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Dichotomous
amphibian, binary, diploid, amphibious, bicameral, bifurcate, bigeminal, bilateral, binal, bipartisan, bipartite, bisected, dichotomic, distichous, dual, dualistic, dyadic