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Showing words for DIEM using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Diem
3 Letter Words for Diem
Definitions for Diem
[1] 1901–1963, South Vietnamese statesman: president of the Republic of South Vietnam 1956–63.
[2] by the day; for each day.
[3] paid by the day.
[4] a daily allowance, usually for living expenses while traveling in connection with one's work or being employed at a distance from one's home: a per diem for lawmakers while the legislature is in session.
[5] Latin . seize the day; enjoy the present, as opposed to placing all hope in the future.
[6] enjoy the pleasures of the moment, without concern for the future
[7] every day or by the day
[8] an allowance for daily expenses, usually those incurred while working (as modifier ) a per-diem allowance
Origin of Diem
per diemBorrowed into English from Latin around 1510–20
Words that may be confused with Diem
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, per, diemper, annum, per, capita, per, diem
Word origin for Diem
per diemfrom Latin