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Showing words for DIFFERENCE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Difference
9 Letter Words for Difference
8 Letter Words for Difference
7 Letter Words for Difference
6 Letter Words for Difference
5 Letter Words for Difference
4 Letter Words for Difference
3 Letter Words for Difference
Definitions for Difference
[1] the state or relation of being different; dissimilarity: There is a great difference between the two.
[2] an instance or point of unlikeness or dissimilarity: What accounts for the differences in their behavior?
[3] a significant change in or effect on a situation: His tact makes a difference in the way people accept his suggestions.
[4] a distinguishing characteristic; distinctive quality, feature, etc.: The difference in the two products is quality.
[5] the degree to which one person or thing differs from another.
[6] the act of distinguishing; discrimination; distinction.
[7] a disagreement in opinion.
[8] a dispute or quarrel.
[9] Also called finite distance. Mathematics . the amount by which one quantity is greater or less than another. relative complement. (of a function f ) an expression of the form f (x + h ) − f (x ).
[10] a differentia.
[11] to cause or constitute a difference in or between; make different.
[12] to perceive the difference in or between; discriminate.
[13] split the difference , to compromise, especially to make equal concessions. to divide the remainder equally: Let's take half of the cake and let the three of them split the difference.
[14] the state or quality of being unlike
[15] a specific instance of being unlike
[16] a distinguishing mark or feature
[17] a significant change in a situation the difference in her is amazing
[18] a disagreement or argument he had a difference with his wife
[19] a degree of distinctness, as between two people or things
[20] the result of the subtraction of one number, quantity, etc, from another the single number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend; remainder
[21] logic another name for differentia
[22] maths (of two sets) the set of members of the first that are not members of the second Symbol: A – B symmetric difference the set of members of one but not both of the given sets Often symbolized: A + B
[23] heraldry an addition to the arms of a family to represent a younger branch
[24] make a difference to have an effect to treat differently
[25] split the difference to settle a dispute by a compromise to divide a remainder equally
[26] with a difference with some peculiarly distinguishing quality, good or bad
[27] rare to distinguish
[28] heraldry to add a charge to (arms) to differentiate a branch of a family
Words related to Difference
diversity, characteristic, divergence, variation, contrast, disparity, inequality, discrepancy, distinction, change, clash, discord, disagreement, argument, controversy, quarrel, debate, conflict, dispute, digression
Words nearby Difference
dif-, dif., diff., diffeomorphism, differ, difference, difference threshold, different, different as night and day, different strokes for different folks, differentia
Origin of Difference
1300–50; Middle English (< Anglo-French ) < Latin differentia, equivalent to different- carrying different ways (see different) + -ia -ia; see -ence
Synonyms for Difference
change, characteristic, contrast, discrepancy, disparity, distinction, divergence, diversity, inequality, variation, aberration, alteration, anomaly, antithesis, asymmetry, contrariety, contrariness, departure, deviation, digression, exception, heterogeneity, idiosyncrasy, irregularity, nonconformity, opposition, particularity, peculiarity, separateness, separation, singularity, unlikeness, variance, variety, discongruity, dissemblance, unconformity, unorthodoxness