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Showing words for DIFFERENT using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Different
8 Letter Words for Different
7 Letter Words for Different
6 Letter Words for Different
5 Letter Words for Different
4 Letter Words for Different
3 Letter Words for Different
Definitions for Different
[1] not alike in character or quality; distinct in nature; dissimilar: The two brothers are very different, although they are identical twins.
[2] not identical; separate or distinct: When I asked for directions, three people gave me three different answers.
[3] various; several: Different people told me the same story.
[4] not ordinary; unusual: I know my new hat is a bit different, but I thought I'd try it out.
[5] partly or completely unlike
[6] not identical or the same; other he always wears a different tie
[7] out of the ordinary; unusual
Words related to Different
contrasting, disparate, distinct, distinctive, peculiar, offbeat, diverse, various, particular, distant, other, divergent, unusual, rare, unconventional, original, specific, extraordinary, strange, bizarre
Words nearby Different
diff., diffeomorphism, differ, difference, difference threshold, different, different as night and day, different strokes for different folks, differentia, differentiable, differentiable manifold
Origin of Different
1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French < Latin different- (stem of differēns ), present participle of differre. See differ, -ent
Other words from Different
dif·fer·ent·ly , adverb
dif·fer·ent·ness , noun
un·dif·fer·ent , adjective
un·dif·fer·ent·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Different
contrasting, disparate, distant, distinct, distinctive, divergent, diverse, offbeat, other, particular, peculiar, various, a far cry from, altered, antithetic, at odds, at variance, changed, clashing, colorful, contradistinct, contradistinctive, contrary, contrastive, deviating, differential, discrepant, divers, incommensurable, incomparable, inconsistent, individual, like night and day, mismatched, mismated, opposed, otherwise, poles apart, single, unalike, unequal, unrelated, unsimilar, variant