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Showing words for DIFFICULT using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Difficult
7 Letter Words for Difficult
6 Letter Words for Difficult
5 Letter Words for Difficult
4 Letter Words for Difficult
3 Letter Words for Difficult
Definitions for Difficult
[1] not easily or readily done; requiring much labor, skill, or planning to be performed successfully; hard: a difficult job.
[2] hard to understand or solve: a difficult problem.
[3] hard to deal with or get on with: a difficult pupil.
[4] hard to please or satisfy: a difficult employer.
[5] hard to persuade or induce; stubborn: a difficult old man.
[6] disadvantageous; trying; hampering: The operation was performed under the most difficult conditions.
[7] fraught with hardship, especially financial hardship: We saw some difficult times during the depression years.
[8] not easy to do; requiring effort a difficult job
[9] not easy to understand or solve; intricate a difficult problem
[10] hard to deal with; troublesome a difficult child
[11] not easily convinced, pleased, or satisfied a difficult audience
[12] full of hardships or trials difficult times ahead
Words related to Difficult
troublesome, crucial, tough, problematic, arduous, onerous, demanding, severe, strenuous, ambitious, burdensome, laborious, painful, challenging, complex, delicate, confusing, grim, intractable, gargantuan
Words nearby Difficult
differential windlass, differentiate, differentiation, differentiator, difficile, difficult, difficulty, diffidence, diffident, diffluence, diffluent
Origin of Difficult
1350–1400; Middle English, back formation from difficulty
Other words from Difficult
dif·fi·cult·ly , adverb
non·dif·fi·cult , adjective
qua·si-dif·fi·cult , adjective
qua·si-dif·fi·cult·ly , adverb
su·per·dif·fi·cult , adjective
su·per·dif·fi·cult·ly , adverb
un·dif·fi·cult , adjective
un·dif·fi·cult·ly , adverb
Word origin for Difficult
C14: back formation from difficulty
Synonyms for Difficult
ambitious, arduous, burdensome, challenging, crucial, demanding, laborious, onerous, painful, problematic, severe, strenuous, tough, troublesome, backbreaker, bothersome, difficile, easier said than done, effortful, exacting, formidable, galling, gargantuan, hard-won, heavy, herculean, immense, intricate, irritating, labored, no picnic, not easy, operose, problem, prohibitive, rigid, stiff, titanic, toilsome, trying, unyielding, uphill, upstream, wearisome