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Showing words for DIFFICULTY using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Difficulty
9 Letter Words for Difficulty
8 Letter Words for Difficulty
7 Letter Words for Difficulty
6 Letter Words for Difficulty
5 Letter Words for Difficulty
4 Letter Words for Difficulty
3 Letter Words for Difficulty
Definitions for Difficulty
[1] the fact or condition of being difficult.
[2] Often difficul·ties. an embarrassing situation, especially of financial affairs.
[3] a trouble or struggle.
[4] a cause of trouble, struggle, or embarrassment.
[5] a disagreement or dispute.
[6] reluctance; unwillingness.
[7] a demur; objection.
[8] something that is hard to do, understand, or surmount; an impediment or obstacle.
[9] the state or quality of being difficult
[10] a task, problem, etc, that is hard to deal with
[11] (often plural) a troublesome or embarrassing situation, esp a financial one
[12] a dispute or disagreement
[13] (often plural) an objection or obstacle he always makes difficulties
[14] a trouble or source of trouble; worry
[15] lack of ease; awkwardness he could run only with difficulty
Words related to Difficulty
predicament, complication, dilemma, hardship, hazard, snag, obstacle, struggle, frustration, pain, trouble, deadlock, crisis, adversity, stress, anxiety, embarrassment, inconvenience, setback, strife
Words nearby Difficulty
differentiate, differentiation, differentiator, difficile, difficult, difficulty, diffidence, diffident, diffluence, diffluent, difflugia
Origin of Difficulty
1350–1400; Middle English difficulte (< Anglo-French ) < Latin difficultās, equivalent to difficil(is ) difficile + -tās -ty2
Other words from Difficulty
pre·dif·fi·cul·ty , noun, plural pre·dif·fi·cul·ties.
Word origin for Difficulty
C14: from Latin difficultās, from difficilis difficult, from dis- not + facilis easy, facile
Synonyms for Difficulty
adversity, complication, crisis, deadlock, dilemma, frustration, hardship, hazard, obstacle, pain, predicament, snag, struggle, trouble, arduousness, awkwardness, barricade, check, crux, distress, emergency, exigency, fix, hindrance, hitch, impasse, knot, labor, laboriousness, mess, misfortune, muddle, obstruction, painfulness, paradox, perplexity, pickle, quagmire, quandary, scrape, stew, strain, strait, strenuousness, tribulation, dead end, deep water, hot water, stumbling block