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Showing words for DIGNIFIED using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Dignified
8 Letter Words for Dignified
7 Letter Words for Dignified
6 Letter Words for Dignified
5 Letter Words for Dignified
4 Letter Words for Dignified
3 Letter Words for Dignified
Definitions for Dignified
[1] characterized or marked by dignity of aspect or manner; stately; decorous: dignified conduct.
[2] to confer honor or dignity upon; honor; ennoble.
[3] to give a high-sounding title or name to; confer unmerited distinction upon: to dignify pedantry by calling it scholarship.
[4] characterized by dignity of manner or appearance; stately
[5] to invest with honour or dignity; ennoble
[6] to add distinction to the meeting was dignified by the minister
[7] to add a semblance of dignity to, esp by the use of a pretentious name or title she dignifies every plant with its Latin name
Words related to Dignified
noble, stately, solemn, magnificent, somber, courtly, grand, distinguished, formal, respected, refined, reserved, grave, aristocratic, august, decorous, eminent, great, highbrow, imperial
Words nearby Dignified
diglossia, diglot, diglyceride, diglycol, diglycolic acid, dignified, dignify, dignitary, dignity, digonal, digoneutic
Origin of Dignified
y1375–1425; late Middle English dignifien < Old French dignefier < Medieval Latin dignificāre, equivalent to Latin dign(us ) worthy + -ificāre -ify
Other words from Dignified
dig·ni·fied·ly [dig -nuh -fahyd-lee, -fahy-id-] /ˈdɪg nəˌfaɪd li, -ˌfaɪ ɪd-/ , adverb
dig·ni·fied·ness , noun
qua·si-dig·ni·fied , adjective
un·dig·ni·fied , adjective
un·dig·ni·fied·ly , adverb
o·ver·dig·ni·fy , verb (used with object), o·ver·dig·ni·fied, o·ver·dig·ni·fy·ing.
qua·si-dig·ni·fy·ing , adjective
Word origin for Dignified
yC15: from Old French dignifier, from Late Latin dignificāre, from Latin dignus worthy + facere to make
Synonyms for Dignified
courtly, distinguished, formal, grand, magnificent, noble, solemn, somber, stately, grave, refined, reserved, respected, aristocratic, august, decorous, distingué, eminent, great, highbrow, highfalutin', imperial, imperious, lofty, magisterial, nifty, proud, regal, superior, upright