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Showing words for DIGNITY using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Dignity
6 Letter Words for Dignity
5 Letter Words for Dignity
4 Letter Words for Dignity
3 Letter Words for Dignity
Definitions for Dignity
[1] bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation.
[2] nobility or elevation of character; worthiness: dignity of sentiments.
[3] elevated rank, office, station, etc.
[4] relative standing; rank.
[5] a sign or token of respect: an impertinent question unworthy of the dignity of an answer.
[6] Archaic . person of high rank or title. such persons collectively.
[7] a formal, stately, or grave bearing he entered with dignity
[8] the state or quality of being worthy of honour the dignity of manual labour
[9] relative importance; rank he is next in dignity to the mayor
[10] sense of self-importance (often in the phrases stand (or be ) on one's dignity, beneath one's dignity )
[11] high rank, esp in government or the church
[12] a person of high rank or such persons collectively
Words related to Dignity
status, self-respect, respectability, decorum, greatness, poise, grace, virtue, decency, stature, prestige, quality, honor, grandeur, morality, etiquette, majesty, merit, culture, renown
Words nearby Dignity
diglycol, diglycolic acid, dignified, dignify, dignitary, dignity, digonal, digoneutic, digoxin, digram, digraph
Origin of Dignity
1175–1225; Middle English dignite < Anglo-French, Old French < Latin dignitās worthiness, equivalent to dign(us ) worthy + -itās -ity
Word origin for Dignity
C13: from Old French dignite, from Latin dignitās merit, from dignus worthy
Synonyms for Dignity
decency, decorum, grace, grandeur, greatness, honor, morality, poise, prestige, quality, respectability, self-respect, stature, status, virtue, address, cachet, character, consequence, courtliness, culture, distinction, elevation, eminence, ethics, etiquette, glory, gravity, hauteur, importance, loftiness, majesty, merit, nobleness, perfection, propriety, rank, regard, renown, seemliness, significance, solemnity, splendor, standing, state, stateliness, station, sublimity, worth, worthiness