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Showing words for DIKE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Dike
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Definitions for Dike
[1] an embankment for controlling or holding back the waters of the sea or a river: They built a temporary dike of sandbags to keep the river from flooding the town.
[2] a ditch.
[3] a bank of earth formed of material being excavated.
[4] a causeway.
[5] British Dialect . a low wall or fence, especially of earth or stone, for dividing or enclosing land.
[6] an obstacle; barrier.
[7] Geology . a long, narrow, cross-cutting mass of igneous rock intruded into a fissure in older rock. a similar mass of rock composed of other kinds of material, as sandstone.
[8] Australian Slang . a urinal.
[9] to furnish or drain with a dike.
[10] to enclose, restrain, or protect by a dike: to dike a tract of land.
[11] dyke2.
[12] a contemptuous term used to refer to a lesbian.
[13] a variant spelling of dyke 1
[14] Greg (ory ). born 1947, British television executive; director-general of the BBC (2000–04)
[15] an embankment constructed to prevent flooding, keep out the sea, etc
[16] a ditch or watercourse
[17] a bank made of earth excavated for and placed alongside a ditch
[18] Scot a wall, esp a dry-stone wall
[19] a barrier or obstruction
[20] a vertical or near-vertical wall-like body of igneous rock intruded into cracks in older rock
[21] Australian and NZ informal a lavatory (as modifier ) a dyke roll
[22] civil engineering an embankment or wall built to confine a river to a particular course
[23] (tr) to protect, enclose, or drain (land) with a dyke
[24] slang a lesbian
Words related to Dike
barrier, ditch, levee, dyke, watercourse, bank, channel, causeway
Words nearby Dike
diiodomethane, diisobutyl phthalate, dijon, dijon mustard, dik-dik, dike, diketone, diketopiperazine, dikkop, diktat, dil
Origin of Dike
yke21940–45; earlier in form bulldike (with a variant bulldagger ); of obscure origin; claimed to be a shortening of morphodyke (variant of morphodite, a reshaping of hermaphrodite), though morphodyke is more likely a blend of morphodite and a pre-existing dyke; other hypothesized connections, such as with diked out or dike “ditch,” are dubious on semantic grounds
Other words from Dike
dik·er , noun
un·diked , adjective
dik·ey , adjective, dik·i·er, dik·i·est.
dyk·ey , adjective, dyk·i·er, dyk·i·est.
Word origin for Dike
ykeC20: of unknown origin
Synonyms for Dike
barrier, ditch, dyke, levee, bank, causeway, channel, watercourse